Wednesday, September 5, 2018

We Tried The Huda Beauty Speed Makeup Challenge

- I hope she laughs, at least. Then our job is done here. - Huda Kattan of Huda Beauty is one of the biggest beauty
vloggers in the world. - So, we're gonna try and
recreate the look that she's doing in the tutorial that lasts 35 seconds.

- But the things is, when
she posts it on Instagram, videos are only like
30 seconds to a minute. So, we're only gonna have
30 seconds to a minute to complete this full face look. - I think I'm gonna do
absolutely horrible. - Miss Huda Kattan herself is going to be receiving our videos and judging them to pick a winner.

- I just hope I have enough
time to even try it out. What if I only get through the foundation? - I'm gonna try really
hard because I'm a trier before I'm a quitter. - I'll watch the video now. - Oh, god.

Oh, she's going so fast. Oh, god, that's three. Oh my gosh, and then... She did four and then she did mascara? - I think I spoke too big of a game because now I'm like
wait, I'm overwhelmed.

(Crickets chirping) - No one goes this fast. This is nobody's pace. - God, she... Okay, this is...

How, wait, I'm stressed out. - She has some next
level technique on here. It's gonna take me 30 seconds to even digest what she's doing. - I am a firm believer in
a lip completing the look.

My goal is just to get this onto my lips. - I'm trying to unpack as
many things as possible. - I 100% am not gonna win, we know this. It's like peewee soccer.

I'm gonna play the game anyway,
and maybe I'll get a prize. - We got foundation all over the face and then concealer here,
here, here, and here, okay, at the cardinal directions
on the face, got it. - Momma is stressed. - Alright, I'm ready to go, let's do this.

(Clock ticking)
(intense music) - I wish I had washed my hands first. I'm gonna break out. - Oh my God, this primer is very thick. - What? What? - Wait, what do I do next? - Oh, (bleep).

(Laughs) I'm so sorry this looks so bad. I'm trying so hard. (Laughing) - Gotta get a lip, gotta get a lip. Oh my God, this is...

- What? - Are you kidding me? - No, no, no. (Laughing) (buzzer noise) (yelling)
(buzzer noise) (laughing) - Aw, I got it all on my arm. - It's even on my teeth
too, I managed that. Can a tooth give me an extra point? - Yeah, that was not fun.

Actually, it was really
fun, but do I look fun? Yes, I look incredibly fun. - I made it to the foundation. I could've seen a world where I just did eyeshadow the whole time. I could see a world in
which I would've done that, and I didn't do that.

I made it one step
further, so that was cool. - Well, we all know doing a
makeup tutorial in real time is not possible, but I didn't
realize how impossible it was. Look, I think she looks so beautiful, and I look like a McDonald's. - I truly did think I had an advantage.

It was one of those things
where I was like okay, I think I'm secretly actually
gonna do pretty well at this. Cut to (record scratching). - I'm fine, it's fine. Huda, I tried my best.

- I love you so much. Please give me a good rating. - If this is the SAT, I did
put my name on the test. So, I do get 400 points automatically, and my name is on this.

- Hey, everyone. I'm Huda from Huda Beauty. Today, I'm taking part of the Buzzfeed LadyLike Makeup Challenge. Where basically, I'm in Dubai, we have some beautiful
ladies in California who are actually watching a
makeup tutorial that I did.

This is gonna get real good. - Hey, Freddie, you cute. - ... Huda's products before.

- You can do it, Freddie,
I believe in you. Oh, oh. Oh. Come on, you gotta hurry up.

Oh my God, you can't spend
that much time on eyes. She's cute, I don't know
about the makeup though. Jen, I believe in you. Ouch, why is she hitting herself so hard? You're not supposed to
slap yourself in the face.

Too much time on eyes! Oh, that was so bad, but I still love you. That could be a trend. The whole brow things could be a trend. Come on, Kristen.

We love triers (laughs). Let's do this. I feel like she's gonna win. Oh, yeah, she's not spending
too much time on the details.

Oh, she went too heavy handed. She did too much. We know that type, you gotta do less. Less is more, you don't have time.

You guys are all beautiful. (Laughing) Come on, Chantel. If she does that, she's gonna win. Less is more.

She's got the right idea. Come on, Chantel, come on. Come on, oh, I think you might win. - Oh my God, this primer is...
- Wait, wait.

Wait, why are you doing the color, though? Why are you doing the eyes? Oh, no, this was supposed to
start off good, it's like... Oh, no! Oh, honey, no! The lips, don't forget the lips. This was hilarious to watch. First of all, I don't think
it's actually realistic to ask anyone to do their
makeup in 60 seconds.

Freddie was adorable. What I liked about her
is she didn't go crazy with all the colors on the eyeshadows, and I think that really helped her because then blending wasn't an issue. She basically took the
foundation and was like hitting herself in the face, which was an interesting technique. I kinda feel like it might work sometimes.

I don't know, try it out. Jen was super creative. I loved the whole metallic brow. I thought it was beautiful
the way she did it and the way it kinda came in, but I think she did a good job.

I know it was a lot of
pressure with the timing. Kristen was such a cutie as well. I loved her energy. She was really funny, watching
her as well, she's hilarious.

She just had a really good
personality, good approach to it, which I think mad it really fun. Chantel was really great. I think she started out, in the beginning, I thought she was gonna
win because she said she was just gonna focus on the lip, but then she went for the crazy pigments in the eyeshadows and it was
a little hard to blend, so... This was hilarious to watch.

I kinda wanna try this
challenge myself on myself because 60 seconds is really
insane to ask anbody that. Overall, I definitely
think that Freddie won because she just went a
little more light-handed, and I think if you don't have
a lot of time, less is more. So, go with the lip, you can do that whole slapping technique. I think that will work too,
and then you're good to go.

Thank you, Buzzfeed, so much for letting me be a part of this. This was so great to watch, and
I'll see you guys next time. Bye, guys. (Upbeat music).

We Tried The Huda Beauty Speed Makeup Challenge

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