Friday, June 1, 2018

Sims 4 - Ugly To Beauty Challenge CAS

Hey guys welcome back to the channel. My name is cupcake and today We are playing some more Sims 4 and we're gonna be doing another challenge I've been having a lot of fun doing the random genetics challenge, and I thought today I was gonna do another challenge that you guys suggested More specifically my friends sandy who does cute nail polish? She has a gaming channel now called cute plays I'll put a link in the description if you guys want to check her out but she suggested that I try the ugly to beauty challenge in the sims , so Just want to say that's the name of the challenge Just like Sandy had mentioned in her video. I don't like the name of this challenge either Which is why I was kind of avoiding doing it because it just seems so shallow But I watched her video, and I thought it was just a lot of fun, and I really wanted to try it out myself So just know that I didn't come up with this name, and I think all of us are beautiful and unique in our own ways so the name of this challenge we're Gonna go to, The gallery and what we're gonna do is we're going to search for an ugly sim ok so I think um We're just supposed to choose that ugly oh My God this one is hilarious xD.   These are so funny okay So I gotta choose one of my favorite uglies to start with a base And I I don't know this one to me is just hilarious.

Oh my gosh Let's see. Oh my gosh. It looks like a clown I can this looks so hilarious What is that face? Oh my gosh? I think I want to choose this one It's just look at the face. It's genowefa idea   Let's help this poor girl out Alright, let's just go ahead and open Can we open Geno Geno Genowefa Genowefa? Oh poor genowefa Poor girl what? I've got my work cut out for me, okay So the rules of this challenge is you are able to adjust the way that their features look.

But the only thing you can't do is you can't choose like specific noses Or specific eyes you all have to do it you have to do it all manually, so that's the only the only thing So I think what I'm gonna do with Genowefa first is this nose girl Let's go into detailed edit mode this nose is not Not serving you well, how do you even how do you there? We go? Okay? It's looking a little better Let's try to just adjust it here. We go. Can we shrink the whole nose. How do I get rid of this big? How do I get rid of it? :D lmaooo Here we go.

Oh my gosh. It's starting to look a little normal okay Alright, let's let's fix the chin and the mouth is just a little low Alright, genowefa. I got you girl. Don't worry Don't be sad Okay, let's fix for eyebrows a little bit Move your eyes down.

I think that's what looks weird. Is that you know maybe we should change this What this looks so weird okay? Okay? Wait a minute. I think I fixed it Let's go back in here and edit this see if I can get rid of the hook here. We go.

Oh my goodness I thought I was in trouble. I thought I was in trouble there I thought I wasn't gonna be able to fix it, but I guess anything is possible, okay? So let's move her eyes out a little bit. They were just a little too in And get rid of this, lip right here Here we go. Genowefa okay, so I think I need to get rid of these eyebrows But let's make these eyes smaller.

Let's make the pupils a little bit larger because it'll make her a little bit cuter and the Cheekbones are a little bit much ummm what do i do with this? Right here. I still don't know! If I could completely fix this We will have to see Genowefa. I have a challenge cut out for me Oh, let's just fix this right here. This is just Genowefa Your Voice! I'm going in full edit mode here.

Can we go into full edit mode for Her body there we go, okay. Those were just you know they were gonna break your back. They were just a little bit too big give you a little bit of Meat on them bones And you know what let's just take this take this Let's just take it off You have teeny teeny tiny little feet So sad, let's give you a booty -3- All right, Genowefa your arms. Look like popeye It's okay We're all different All right, so I'm gonna give her a little bigger of a neck Her face still does her body looks a little normal now so she looks okay her feet hurt a little big tho Did I make them too big? I think I did okay? All right? That's normal okay back to the face Your eyebrows have got to go the eyebrows have got to go, so I'm pretty sure I can change these type of features like the eyebrows ummmmmm I just can't Adjust you know other facial features like certain eye types so with that being said let's fix her brows Let us take her hair off okay.

Let's uh of course she had big ears under there I gotch you. I gotch you let's fix that okay all right, eyebrows in dire need of some good looking eyebrows, so Let's look you up with me these type. I'm gonna have to go in and rejust these There we go there. There We go.

All right. I like those thick eyebrows genowefa now Let's see you're starting to look like a normal human being but your nose still like tilted down And I don't know what to do about that. I really don't know what to do about that And your lips are really big okay? We can adjust the nose that way I can adjust the Chin can I. Pull you in there.

We go there we go that's what I needed it was just like way out there, and then we need you to have a smaller little chin and AND Ummmmm More a more defined jaw line please. I don't know where you got your name, but it sounds exotic Okay, alright We're getting somewhere um I don't know what to do. Oh here. We go yay.

Oh my gosh! :D. I was so scared. I wasn't gonna be able to figure out how to fix her nose Okay, Genowefa there you go you have a cute little button nose now, and I can make it a little bit bigger and let's see if I can I don't know gotta lower your look, so Let's make them a little smaller The eyes. I'm not sure if I can oh here we go, ooh OOOOOOOOH.

Okay,Okay, I'm seeing I'm seeing them I'm seeing a beauty emerge here, so I really like her little nose. Well like it's super cute her profile is pretty cute See if I can give her more of a pretty profile her chin looks a little big There we go beautiful Okay, so let's go into detailed mode and see if I can adjust There we go that was looking a little weird oh There I was looking a little unnatural okay Alright Guys I'm Feeling Confident In This Now umm I was picturing an Asian Beauty Because she already has the eyes for that her lips are pretty can I make our lips a little bit bigger I always love my sims to have big lips. Oh juicy baby lips So cute, and we'll give her a little smile all right, so I think Okay, this cheekbone though this cheekbone is sticking out way way way way way too much Let's put some hair on her that will help her out immensely so since she had the pink hair I'm going to keep the pink hair for her and let's just give her a little more curve here oh, I'm really liking the way she's looking now, so let's go ahead and Give her some makeup, and I'm gonna give her Change her eyes first, so I'm gonna keep them pink. I want to keep some things true.

She looks like a doll. Okay? Let's do her her lips, so I really like those pink eyes and Let's can I give her some eyelashes? Maybe we can do some eyelashes lipstick? I think this lipstick would look really pretty on her. Let's go with some natural tones because Fall is a right around the corner, and I am pretty excited for it. So I like that it accents her lips We could do that one or a gloss I? Think I'm Gonna stick with that one and Okay, her skin looks a little blotchy right now, but we're gonna fix that with the skin tone, so let's try This one's a pretty one Whoo I can make her really light skinned this one gives her a nice texture Their eyes that she does look kind of like crusty under there.

I'm not sure I like that one these So she has a little darker skin tone then I was gonna. Go for like an asian look but now I think I'm going for a blasian Because she is gonna have darker skin tone. It just looks pretty looks better With her hair so let's choose a really pretty Skin Tone here I think these ones work with this with this highlight that we have but I want to go a little bit lighter I'm liking this one So she has a little bit of texture underneath her eyes, but is okay So I'm gonna let's see if I can make her nose a little bit thinner right here the bridge there we go perfect, so for her makeup Let's check out. What we have for some eye makeup, I- ooh I like that it really smooths out her skin that looks pretty and I wish I could give her freckles, too Should I give her freckles? Okay, I'm giving her freckles because I think freckles are so beautiful, so Let's give her the freckles all right, so who make oh my gosh That's the one That's the daddy.

I love these Eyelashes, so I think I think I'm gonna have to go with this one So pretty okay and as far as your clothing goes let's hook her up with some cute clothing I do have some pretty cute outfits Like this one. Awwww, it's so cute Okay, so there's different colors We could do pink or purple She could be super colorful Or she could wear black. I like the green. I think I'm really digging the green color okay, so we're gonna choose this super cute dress and for her shoes um Let's see what we are working with here.

I could have her wear some flats Those are kind of cute. I don't normally have my sims wear flats I usually like to Give them heels. I always I always end up giving the high boots. I really really love that look This is a super cute look to you okay, I will hook her up with some pink hills just to bring back in the pink's from her hair and accessories Hmm.

I don't have too many, but I think she needs at least a bracelet Can never go wrong with tights? I love tights if we're going for fall. Maybe I should have it wear tight All right, I have a bunch of different tights. These are actually really cute. I love these ones, and then we have striped types I think those are like zebra So we have different textured types and different colors I think I'm gonna go with the brown with the little line in the back because I think it's cute and then necklaces Let's see what accessories.

She can wear so I think I want to whoa But give her some ear piercings. Let's give her a like a little edge I. Think I like this one the best, so let's see if we can adjust the color. Maybe we can do Rose gold with a black let's do that and then our our necklace so I don't know if I I.

Don't know if I should have a wear a choker or how about a little time. I look so cute with the white We could try a pink There are pink's in her dress um let's try like a red cuz there was red in her dress I. Think I like the white one. I think it's really really cute.

Oh my gosh She's adorable, okay guys. I think this is a drastic change So here is Genowefa In all of her glory and here she was before What the heck this turned out amazing? I think she came out so beautiful from ugly to Beauty I can't even she is one of my favorite sims that I've ever created. She's so Pretty, what do you guys think let me know let me know how you think I did do you like the way she came out? If you guys enjoyed this please let me know leave a like on the video It's always greatly appreciated and you guys have any other suggestions for challenges Leave a comment down below because I'm having a ton of fun with these Seriously, I can't stop if you're not subscribed be sure to hit the subscribe button and hit the little notification bell button so you can Get notified whenever I upload a video because I do it daily as always. Thank you guys so much for watching My name is Cupcake and I'll see you guys later.


Sims 4 - Ugly To Beauty Challenge CAS

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