Thursday, August 30, 2018

We Tried The Beauty Blender ChallengeBeauty Roulette

- When ya gotta blend, ya gotta blend. - Your makeup, that is. - But what if the only thing you have to blend with is an egg? - It's Ladylike and today
we're playing Beauty Roulette: Weird Beauty Blender Edition! Ah! - The rules are for
this one is that, well, we're putting our makeup
on with these things and, um, what are we doing? - Okay, so here are the rules
for this Beauty Roulette. We're gonna spin the wheel
and when you get an object you have five minutes
- Five minutes.

- To apply your foundation with the object instead of a beauty blender. - Instead of a beauty blender.
- Yeah, yeah. - Mmhmm, that's what I said. - You know, I don't really
like the smell of egg.

I don't want that on
my face, honestly, TBH. - I really want silicone bra insert, just 'cause I feel like
that's easy and sexy? - [Kristin] We haven't washed it so we've been touching it all morning. - Which one do I want the least? - [Kristin] Tennis ball! - Ooh, yeah, I think tennis ball's going to be skin-irritating. Is this a brand new tennis ball, or like a used tennis ball? - [Kristin] It might have
been chewed on a bit.

- [Devin] It was found in the
back of a truck. (Truck honks) - [Freddie] Damn it. (Laughs) - I don't want balled-up shirt, I don't want tennis ball, I
know where these have been - [Freddie] The back of the truck? - The back of the truck. (Truck honks) - [Jen] We found it in
the back of the truck.

- [Freddie] Which truck? - [Devin] No one knows. (Laughs) - The truck where we get all our props. - [All] Spin that wheel! - Whoo! - [All] Aww. (Laughing) - This is dumb! - [Kristin] Yeah yeah yeah, aww! - Oh potato! - [All] Oh! - All right, excellent,
okay, I mean, I'm not mad.

- No, no, no spoon, No spoon, spoon! - [Kristin] This is your
fault, spoon, spoon! (Dramatic music) - No, no! (Laughing)
(shouting) Balled up shirt, what? - I am going to break out. (Laughs) It's okay. Hard-boiled the egg. - Do I do it with the
skin on, or the skin off? - Skin on!
- Skin on, baby, skin on.

- Fine, you guys, fine. - All right, silicone bra insert, woo! - Ah, I hate this game! - This is my face sans foundation, I do still have eye makeup on. Gross, that's for a lucky fan. - Hey, Kristin, oh my
God, Kristin, you won! You won my gross used makeup wipe! - Yay! - Welcome to potato time with Devin.

A show that could actually
exist, if you're interested. It would just be me and a
potato, talking about my life. Probably complaining. - So I got balled-up
shirt, which was Jen's idea I feel really badly for this poor shirt.

How excited are you to
be applying your makeup with, uh, basically a boob? - It feels very fatty. It feels very, comfy. Like a little pillow. Isn't that what boobs are? Just little pillows? Pillows in the night? - We have decided after much discussion that I'm going to be
using this potato dry, I'm not going to be dipping it in, 'cause it's probably not
porous with the skin on and all of us are too lazy
to skin a potato right now.

- You guys got me used,
these are not fresh. You guys couldn't even
hard-boil any eggs for me? You had to buy me these gross-ass, like fucking formaldahyde eggs? - [Devin] Just use the other egg! - This one is just as bad! - Who wore this, whose is this? - [Kristin] We found it
in props, it was in props. - Did you find this in
the back of the truck? (Truck honks)
(both laugh) - I'm glad that we're
using a clean T-shirt. I guess we could take this tag off since we are not returning this! - [Kristin] So I know I
told you that you would have five minutes to apply your foundation - Yeah.

- [Kristin] But actually
you have 90 seconds. - Why do you hate me? - Excuse me? - A full face of foundation? - [Kristin] Yeah! - In 90 seconds? - [Kristin] Yeah! - How you just change the
rules halfway through? - We're done. - All right, well, 90 seconds 'cause Kristin wants to get this video done. (Kristin and Devin laugh) - I get 90 seconds to be a star! - [Kristin] Your time starts now! - Oh God, ooh.

- Aah... - Fuck, okay, shit. - I forgot what I do. - [Kristin] You're wasting time! - Ooh potato is hard! - The thing is because these are processed they don't smell like egg, they don't smell like fucking anything which is actually kind of disturbing, I feel like they should have a smell.

- Oh this is awful. (Laughs) The thing is that I deeply
suspect this is not working, but I have no way of knowing
because my glasses are not on. - [Kristin] It's making
a slight slapping noise. How is it blending? - Terribly! - [Kristin] How do you feel right now? - Gross, I don't feel good.

- I am the only one that got water, 'cause everyone else's
surfaces were not porous. Science. - Honestly, I think it feels better than an actual beauty blender. - [Kristin] How's it feel? - How do you think it feels, Kristin? It feels like I'm knocking
on a door with my face! - I got yolk.

I'm gonna get the other egg. The other egg is wet though. - Kinda feels like a wet T-shirt contest is punching me in the face. You got about 30 seconds left.

- Okay. Whoo, I feel the blood
vessels in my neck popping. - Honestly, I think it feels better than an actual beauty blender. - The problem is the T-shirt
is eating up all the product.

Have you thought about trying
the inside of the potato? - I did but it's just wet and slimy. And also it's hard to
get into the corners. - I'm still, I keep getting yolk! - I hate you, shirt! This is not working at all. - I'm not about to give up on this potato.

- I think it's blending
really well actually. - [Kristin] Okay so you're
actually, this is easy. (Phone chimes) - Shit! Fuck, I, doesn't matter,
I've gotta keep going. Fucking slippery as hell.

- [Kristin] You have five seconds. - I'm doing this for all
the girls who love carbs. - You know what, just, - [Kristin] And, potato down! - That's fine. - Oh, this old face? Does it look like it's full of fiber? 'Cause it is.

- [Kristin ] No, it's starch, just starch. - Oh, well fuck! - This looks like a jar of
peanut butter got murdered. There is easily four
times as much foundation on this shirt as there
has ever been on my face. - I mean that doesn't look half bad.

- [Kristin] I think that
actually looks really good. - [Jen] That looks
pretty decent, actually. That's like surprisingly decent. I went through two eggs
because neither one of them were strong enough to withstand my face.

- [Kristin] Wow, you look great! - Thanks! - [Kristin] I'm mad, you
actually got the easiest one. - [Freddie] I did get the easiest one. My widow's peak area could
use a bit more blending, but aside from that I have no complaints. - Putting foundation around the crevices, the potato did a piss-poor job, but, overall, like if you were to stand seven and a half feet back,
and squint, looks pretty good.

- [Kristin] This looks like shit. Well, look, here's the thing. For science, I helped you all figured out that you should not apply your foundation with a fucking T-shirt. The T-shirt soaks up all the product.

So, you would put it on your face, and then I would wipe it, I would basically be wiping it off. - Not bad, pretty much full coverage, so. That's disgusting. - We've done a video
where we beauty-blended with a boiled egg, which
actually wasn't as bad as I thought, but this was
easier than that, even.

Especially because it
doesn't smell like, feet-ish. - [Kristin] Are you happy
with the potato, or? - Am I happy with the potato? No, I don't recommend using
a potato as a beauty blender! (Thumping) That's what it sounded like
inside of my cheekbones. - This shirt is so
ineffective it truly messed up other parts of my makeup
that were perfectly fine before we started. - I don't mean to toot my
own horn, but uh, beep beep! - This is what, this is
CoverGirl Healthy Elixir? All right, I guess you work for me.

- [Kristin] I like how you're
giving all the credit to the foundation and none
of the credit to the egg. - The egg doesn't
deserve anything from me. The egg tasted horrible. - We finished Beauty
Roulette, and now it's time for our special guest
judge, Miss Kate Peterman! (Cheering) - Oh, thank you, thank you! - I thought it would be Shinzo
Abe, prime minister of Japan.

- He couldn't make it. (Techno music) - [Jen] Okay. - Yeah. - So he sent me in his place.

How am I going to grade this? Believe it or not, I am a makeup expert. Look at how all of my
acne scars shine through, that's highlighter, baby, so. - So first up is Freddie.
- What do you think? - Oh, you already did it. - [Kristin] Yes.

- Oh. (Laughs) I have to guess what you used? - [Freddie] Yeah. - I see a little not blended
in-between your eyebrows. I'd go so far as to either
say it was a hard-boiled egg or a silicone bra insert.

And I think I'm going to
pick, a silicone bra insert. (Chiming) (cheering) - [Devin] You got it! - [Kristin] Wow. - That's an A. 'Cause I also thought it
was a hard-boiled egg.

And that is a certified
beauty blender, right? - [Freddie] Yeah. - [Devin] So says the internet. - [Kate] Devin now! - [Freddie] Devin's turn! - [Jen] Devin the girl. - So it is in fact a les splotchy.

There are just little clumps, which means it's not something that
was good at spreading, which means it was either
absorbent, or, weird. - Yeah, the competition was fierce. - God, I'm going to say tennis ball. - No.

- A potato. - Yes. - (Laughs) I knew it! - Expert! - So with a potato... - Mmhmm, I just want to
remind you, it's, it's firm.

It's like a rock. - Yeah, it's still pretty bad. (Laughing) I'm on the cusp of a C+ or a B-. - Both of those are passing, so I'm happy.

- Yeah, Jen's turn! The edges don't look too
rough, unless you did that so it could be a tennis
ball, if you do it like this, but I'm going to say tomato. - No. - What was it? - It was an egg. - I did not know, dang.

- Yeah, applied evenly, A+. - From Jen, she's going to grade herself! - There you have it. I'd have said B. - So it's an A+! Thank you, Kate.

- No problem, buddy. - Got an A+. - [Kate] All right, Kristin! - My turn! - You said you had the worst one. - Well, the worst is subjective.

- Yeah, so it's either a
T-shirt or a tennis ball. - Not that subjective. - T-shirt? - Yes. - Ding ding ding! - Yeah! - I did in fact have a T-shirt.

It was in fact the worst
thing you could possibly put makeup on with. - Yeah? - Because it absorbed all the makeup. - Yeah. I'm going to be honest with ya.

That is an A- if I've ever seen one. - What? I did not deserve that but I'll take it. - Simply because I think we
have to take into account how hard it was to put the makeup on. - Right, mine was really hard.

- Mine was also very hard. - Yeah!
- Freddie wins. - Freddie won, and as her prize,
she gets to go home at six. - Yay! - That's the right end of the day! - Yeah, I feel like I
win Miss Congeniality because I have the crappiest
one and I still got an A.

Good job me! - Go Kristin! - Yeah, it's always a
sincere round of applause when you have to start it yourself. For yourself. - I feel like Jen and I got
the participation award, 'cause we participated. - Oh, I did, I did that.

- Beauty roulette, wacky
beauty blender edition. - Lady blended. - Lady ended. - Freddie won, bye.

It's Friday. - [All] We've got merch! - Click here to buy it! - Spoons!
- Spoons! - Spoons!
- Spoons. - Spoons!
- Spoons? - Spoons!
- Spoon. - Spoon.
- Spoon..

We Tried The Beauty Blender ChallengeBeauty Roulette

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