Saturday, August 18, 2018

We Tried 1950's Beauty Tips

- This is what they would do after they cried because the meatloaf wasn't great. (50S pop music) - Today we are trying 1950s beauty tips. - Help. - I don't know anything about the 50s, I know diners, I know milkshakes, I know Grease.

- I know it was an age of conformity. - I think I have some 50s beauty icons I like. - Whenever I see images of the 1950s it's always like, women looking very put together, their hair is coifed, like, it doesn't look like something that was like, an extremely quick process. - I think you were expected to be a housewife who's job was to tend to their husband and have children and like, that's it.

(Rockabilly music) ^- Pond's cold cream, my mama had this. ^She still uses this. ^- That was very 1950s of me. - Wow, this is really working.

- Lipstick came off in just one wipe. 'Cause I hate those things that you have to like, wash your face like, over and over again, like, I'm so lazy I can't do that. - See my problem any time I used this growing up was like, I'd really smear it all, I feel like you'd smear it all over your face. - Tomorrow, I'mma have a pimple.

- I am a little worried about what this is gonna do to my overall skin, like I have combination skin so it's a little dry and a little oily and in all the dry places, I feel like, ahh. (Rockabilly music) ^Time to go under. ^- I'm so excited about this. ^- Me too.

^- [Girl Under Pink Blanket] It's so hot. ^I like it though, it's like a spa. My pores feel scared. - [Girl Under Red Blanket] This is so comforting, I feel like we should have a room like this that we can just go into.

- [Girl Under Pink Blanket] Yes. - Wow. - I feel like a new person. - I do feel like, nice and soft.

- I feel like it opened up my sinuses. - I feel like that combined with the Pond's cold cream it feels like I just did like, a moisturizing face mask. - Was that supposed to like, open our pores? - Yeah so then I guess we're clean after. (Doo-wop music) ^- It's kinda like harm-y, like it's kinda like, abusive.

- I'm already worried 'cause I feel like this to me ^just feels like it's like tantamount to bleach. ^Like, it feels like a very raw soap ^and I feel like my skin is gonna be in shock. ^- When I get facials, the first thing they tell me ^is to not wash your face with the soap you use ^for your body, so this can't be good. - Ow.

My skin on my face gets hot, it will be like (beep). - Exfoliating, I love exfoliating. I love it, it's like, nice and rough. - Going into this, I expected this to feel like sandpaper and I wanted to hate it, but I actually kind of love it.

It seems like, to me, like, a good zero waste exfoliant. (Doo-wop music) ^- So this is like the cucumber of the 1950s? ^We're about to get tea-bagged. - Well it feels nice. - It does feel nice, it smells good too.

Now I want some tea. - This whole routine just makes me feel like I'm being rocked by my mother to sleep. I'm like, I just wanna go to bed now. - It feels really nice, I feel like, this is what they would do after they cried because the meatloaf wasn't great.

- That felt so good, I honestly think it did help with the bags under my eyes. (Doo-wop music) ^- If you could eat this, then I would buy into it ^'cause then it's like, you can do everything with it. ^- Okay so I'm gonna do my arm, what are you gonna shave? ^- I'm gonna shave my little pubescent mustache. - I do appreciate that about them.

They use like one product for everything which is my brand. - I feel the cream getting caught in the razor. - I feel like this is great for probably like, sensitive skin. (50S pop music) ^So this is supposed to prevent you from frowning.

^I guess it works 'cause you have like, something on your forehead so you're like, more conscious of like, what's happening. - I'm really happy that we're getting to a place where women are allowed to have feelings on their faces. - I'm like, getting extra tape 'cause this is like, my five head. - After you like, bath yourself in Pond's cream you just, throw a dash of tape on it.

- It's like Botox, I like it. - I would absolutely not try this. This makes me want to frown. (50S rock music) - It was fun, it was rigorous.

- When you think about all the things that we do to like, feel pretty and feel, I don't know, like, that we're taking care of our skin. Like, I get it, you know, but that is so much work. - It was way too much. I think some of them, I get, like, exfoliating and washing your face or whatever.

Like, I get those and I think I do those still. I think what troubles me the most is the reason why they did it. - Because you're using so few products, it's super cheap. Like, I'm like, it's minimal, good for the environment and good for your wallet.

- I'm sure like, so many of the, you know, skin care steps in beauty routines from the 50s and earlier eras definitely led to like, our routines, you know, 'cause you keep evolving things and you make them better, so thanks ladies, thanks fore mothers. (50S pop music) - If the apocalypse comes and I can't get to a Lush. Like, just bust into Walgreens, steal a crate of Pond's..

We Tried 1950's Beauty Tips

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