Sunday, September 23, 2018

Women Swap Mystery Beauty Boxes

- [Narrator] The world is a
vast, weird, wonderful place. It can be hard to imagine what it's like to live in a different city
all the way across the globe. So we're going to pair two strangers from two different
countries and have them send a care package to each other full of their favorite beauty,
style, and self care items. This week, we've paired Mayumi from Japan and Chrissy from Los Angeles.

(Upbeat music) - Oh my god, okay. Hi, I'm Chrissy. I'm from BuzzFeed, that's
where you are right now, and that's maybe how you know
me if you even know me at all. Anyway, Sarah came up
to me and she was like, "dude, I'm doing this thing where you can swap a care package
filled with awesome shit with someone that you don't know." There's nothing I love more than shopping.

And shopping for my favorite
*bleep* things is like (triumphant music) The way that I would
describe my aesthetic is unapologetically custom. I will keep searching until
I find the thing that I love. Even this name plate says "nobody" on it. I think that's so *bleep* funny.

What else we got here? Ooh, we got a little furry man. Is this Pizza? Are you a beautiful man? (Upbeat music) - [Narrator] Each box can be decorated any way the sender likes. But they should contain one cosmetic item, one skin care or hair item, one snack, one fashion
item, and one wild card. That can be anything.

- So, I'm about to go shopping. We're gonna go to the mall We're gonna get some
makeup, some skin shit. I don't know what yet. (Upbeat music) - I already did a little bit of shopping, but, I was missing the most L.A.

Part of the whole package. I'm super stoked. Hope she likes them! - This is getting beautiful! (Upbeat music) Yay! Oh my god, even the box is
cute, nothing's happened yet. - Almost there.

I'm actually most
excited about the snacks. - There's little unicorn hair! And packing peanuts,
because you need those. Oh my god, they're *bleep* hearts! - For the makeup item, I had to pick the most iconic liquid matte lipstick. I wear this probably
like, four times a week.

- Heart rainbow highlighter! It says it's made by unicorns. I'm sensing a *bleep* oh my god! - Are you *bleep* kidding me? - We all know that second
day hair from washing is the best hair day you'll ever have. Put a lot of it in the roots you can really get some texture. - Looks to me like this
is some really *bleep* cool sunscreen slash moisturizer because it says SPF 50.

- Ooh, it does smell good! Smells like a baby. - I went to the bougiest
candy store in all of L.A. It's called Sugarfina. I got my favorites gummies.

Love ice cream, but also
mama loves to drink. - I *bleep* love these. I'm having one right now. - Wow that was such a treat, literally.

- I wear sunglasses, every damn day. My favorite sunglasses
brand is based in L.A. They're called Crap Eyewear. I can't imagine someone not looking like a dope ass bitch in these.

- I don't deserve whatever
this is, I can already tell. It's a bag! With a flamingo on it! Oh my god. - Summer is coming and this
is an adorable little bag. I also love a tiny ass bag.

- Since I don't know anything about her other than that her name is Mayumi, I decided to put her
name on a handkerchief. - Oh, it's a face mask! Kabuki face pack. This is like an art piece. - This is literally based
off actual performances of characters in Kabuki theater.

It's unreal the amount of
work that she put into this, and it is not going unnoticed. - I'm going to start off my skincare routine today with this. Smells delicious. So far this is very good.

- I must try this Unicorn Heart Highlighter. It's so cute. Oh shit! - Jazz, what do you think
about my highlighter? - Ooh I think it's pretty! I think it's subtle. Is that how you say it, sub-tle? - Subtle.

- I wore the moisturizer all day and it really kept me not too greasy. I mean, it's like this perfect
light mix with a huge SPF. - Okay and it... Oh, are you gonna check it out, Pizza? So it smells really fresh,
really strong actually.

That does feel really good. I feel a little weird about wearing Japanese culture on my
face when I'm not Japanese. That being said, it's a great face mask. - It's weird to think
that across the world, there is someone that I don't know that is wearing the same
face moisturizer as me possibly at this very second.

I just hope you liked my stuff. I really do. (Upbeat music).

Women Swap Mystery Beauty Boxes

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