Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Trying Clickbait Beauty Hacks From Facebook

Nope I'm not sure Hello friends and welcome to another video Today I'm gonna be testing out Questionable beauty hacks from Facebook videos. So recently I was scrolling on my Facebook feed and I came across This video, it was a DIY makeup hack video in which the hacker cut up fake Eyelashes and dumped them into clear eyebrow gel And that was it. That was the hack. Much to the ire of the commenters below.

This led me down a rabbit hole of more of these Facebook Beauty hack videos, of which Many seem to share the theme of why, and is that even a hack? It seems like they often just do random things Just to have a sensational thumbnail or title. So it's not really the kind of clickbait where they lie to you because they usually Show you what's in the thumbnail within the video, with some exceptions But often times they seem to just invent something Ridiculous just to get a reaction. And they almost never talk in the videos So they don't really have to explain themselves. To be fair it can be kind of entertaining, like hey You've got a fork on your face.

How about that? But I wouldn't really call them hacks. That said maybe I've got it all wrong Maybe these hacks aren't ridiculous, and they're actually very helpful, so we're gonna put them to the test today and find out. Okay! So first up is this pretty mysterious hack. So this particular video was posted by a Facebook page called Brush, and the caption says "I need to try these" A little bit below that they do credit this girl Luisa Simona's Instagram But it doesn't seem like they tried these before they shared them with the world.

So basically they put some toothpaste and then some baking Soda in a cup and they mix it together oh And then straight away there was no before picture of the chin, Luisa is just brushing the toothpaste on her chin. I don't know what her motivation is, I mean we can watch it with the sound on just to be sure that Louisa's not speaking to us No, it's just just sort of jazzy, love making music. But she does make sure to put up some fish emojis just you know she's making a fish face. Then she wipes it off and We see her chin, and then after that it just goes straight into a different hack, so that's about all the context We have.

So I say let's test this thing. Okay, So she starts off by just pouring the toothpaste in there's no quantities that she gives. She just sort of puts it in It's a pretty artful swirl if I do say so myself, and then after that she puts in what looks like one Teaspoon of baking soda. Oh I spilled it I spilt it this smells really good though Maybe it's for bad breath.

On your face. So how she applies it is She just sort of takes some on her toothbrush and then puts it straight on the chin. Oh, it's cold It just missed completely, oh wow that is Pungent and powerful on the chin, she does sort of brush, it around. Oh that hurts.

I feel hacked Lemme see if Louisa herself has anything to say about this. Ah this must be it. It is supposed to remove blackheads It's supposed to remove blackheads! It's supposed to remove blackheads! Don't leave it on! Well, I've left it on. It's too late now We can't go back.

Alright So I think I should probably take it off now because I've left it on for at least five minutes. Oh boy. Oh oh, ow ow! As it's coming off it hurts more. I don't know that my chin looks like there's less blackheads on it But it does look a little bit red and raw.

So Louisa did have a little bit more instructions But Brush just chose to like completely not include those, though The comments do say a couple of helpful things, do not do the first one with whitening toothpaste. It will burn. Are these whitening? Yes, damn it Louisa! Alright. Well.

That's our first hack. Based on the pain and the lack of instructions I wouldn't recommend this one. Shall we continue? So this next hack was the sort of og hack that started off this whole process This is the clear eye brow gel. This video was posted by a page called "eyeliner addict" And yeah people in the comments are just really not having it.

Like Trishia for example says "so if I shave my legs Or vag I can just glue it on my face?" To which I say Trishia Do you. The thing is as the girl applies the gel to her eyebrows, her eyebrows Don't look bad at the end, but I'm just really Unconvinced that it has anything to do with the little hairs that are in the gel But who knows. So let me wipe my eyebrows off and put some Eyelashes on them. All right, so it looks like her first step is just Chopping off bits of these fake eyelashes.

Does she chop them all up? She must right? This is just not enough hair There's just this is too slow. Okay. This is making your life easier I kind of feel like I don't have as many as they did. They only really showed like one tray of these little eyelashes But I feel like theirs was much hairier.

It looks like a really bad Sneeze. Is that how many nose hairs come out when you sneeze? So we have the exact same eyebrow gel that they showed in their video They have some type of extra dropper though to get it out of there so I'm gonna pop open the top and I'm gonna stick this syringe in. None of these steps were included in the hack by the way. All right, and then I'm gonna syringe the clear gel into our little pot.

Oh, yeah, that looks good. All right well
I think it's time to mix our gel up and Put it on my eyebrows. The thing is like maybe if you have sparse eyebrows you want to fill them in with things that look Legitimately like hair, but I just don't think that these really look like eyebrow hairs They're curly and wiry and... Pubie I know that there's hairs on my brush, but I don't think that they're coming off onto my eyebrow I will admit that my eyebrows are not like the most sparse but at least they match the color of the Eyelashes.

Because I feel like if you had lighter eyebrows this might look ridiculous. Ll right, so I think I've done both brows I don't think that they look like particularly bad You can't even really see the little hairs at all, and if you can they're just kind of like sticking out awkwardly It's possible that they may have thought this was a good hack But I also Think that they may have just thought it looked kind of gross and thought that they could get a bunch of Facebook comments about it And they were right. Kay, so this next hack is for eyeshadow, and I'm gonna be honest I feel like it might work But when I saw this I was just like Why?O this is a video Posted by this page called five minute crafts, its caption is op secret beauty hacks for the perfect image winky face You know what I'm talking about the perfect image. Lright so right in the beginning this person has Covered her face in pads.

Hat is uh not part of any of the hacks I don't think, that she's just sort of done that too artistically show you that pads are gonna Be involved in this video. So basically this woman is putting on eye shadow. She's getting fallout. It's terrible It's almost like a setup like an old-school infomercial It's like do you have a really hard time opening milk? And then now they're gonna show you the solution Which is to just put a straw in the side like joey tribianni my favorite is that she looks to the side sneakily before she pulls the pad out and then she cuts it up into pieces and sticks the pieces under her eyes.

I. Understand the idea of like putting something underneath your eyes to catch fallout, But does it have to be a pad? He people in the comments Don't seem to be loving It. Is no one gonna mention that pads are way too expensive to be using on your face everyday? The sticky adhesive That's supposed to adhere to panties should never go on your face. Listen Angie You seem like a sensible person that has no place in Facebook hack videos.

So um let's try this shall we? Alright so I'm gonna cut my pad as she does. I think my pads a little bit thicker than hers. Then I'm gonna take the Adhesive off and then stick this on the face. It's a good look I'm not sure about her pads, but my pads on my face right now only has adhesive like right in the middle of it, So I actually feel like fallout could still get underneath there.

All right. I'm going into some more vibrant colors Just to make sure we could really test the fallout caching capabilities. I don't really know what type of eye shadow look I'm going for right here. I'm just - putting colors on my face.

All right ready. I'm gonna take them off Oh, I do think that they caught some of the fallout. Cuz you can see that There's a little eye shadow specks sort of right there, so it did catch some of it - this little spot right here But as people in the comments said the expense of using pads under your eyes and also the fact that you have a pad Adhesive on your under eye skin every day makes us a pretty like not feasible hack all right So this next hack is a foundation application Hack, of which I feel like there were a lot in the last year and a half or so alright So this video is from a page called beauty hacks, and their caption is items at home that will save your   makeup routine. And the item they propose will save your Foundation is a balloon.

My biggest gripe with this hack is how they've cut it together, It seems like it doesn't work very well to begin with and then it cuts to her foundation being completely blended, So it makes me feel like she blended out her makeup with something else in between. Okay. I mean let's try it I'm gonna inflate this now Yes This is a tough balloon! Let me stretch this out a little bit Alright there we go hahah! A Beauty Blender! Alright ready? It makes a fun sound when it hits my face:) Alright clear first problem, besides the fact that the foundation isn't really soaking in, which is pretty much exactly What happened in the video, is that this balloon tip is round, And I can't really get in any crevice of my face, but this is fun. I could just do this for a while Oh, that's a good idea.

The balloon is more malleable than I had expected Alright, there seems to be a couple crevices that we just can't reach, So I don't think that her foundation was completely blended out by a balloon, But I would recommend putting a balloon on her face, because it's fun. I wouldn't call it a beauty hack, But it would be what I would call a fun evening. So this next hack is an example of what I'd call the hack gone too far. This video is called 9 hacks for perfect cat eyes, and this girl basically just takes any Item she can find with a straight edge, and puts it next to her eye.

Which seems to be okay when it's like tape are like a playing card. She then goes on to paint scissors with eyeliner and put them next to her EYE. The interesting things about these comments are that a lot of people are criticizing her eyeliner Which I actually don't find to be the problem, There are not enough people in these comments being like please don't put next to your eye. Anyway with that, Let's try it.

Which end does it look like she's using I think it's this end Yeah, it's a long pointy one so I think in spirit this hack is pretty- that just freaked me out Yeah, it just freaked me out. To me this hack is similar to like an eyeliner stamp where she actually Paints the eyeliner on the little edge, and then stamps it Stamps it on her eye to which I would say use anything else, but this. This is probably one of the Dumber things We've done on this channel. Alright Ready, I'm not ready.

I'm nervous mom .  Whoa That wasn't even good. It didn't come out very well. Which is a shame because I put my eyeball on the line I think I'm gonna have to try it again And maybe try and paint more of the scissor blade, thing is my scissor has a flat end right here, and so does hers It's not even like a point.

Yeah. I don't think that looks very good I'm just gonna do the other side just for good measure. Well. I mean that's better, but it's still terrible! Yeah, I wouldn't recommend this hack I don't think either eye is ideal and also putting a scissor next to your eye is not ideal So I would say in general don't do this one Okay, so this next hack is also from the Facebook page Brush And it is called four emergency makeup hacks Everyone needs to know.

So this one is like a few hacks in in this video And it's basically supposed to be Emergency lipstick. They put Elmer's glue and food coloring into a bowl, mix it together Then apply it to their lips, and let it sit for 10 minutes, and then peel it off. So I think basically the idea is that I would be staining my lips, which may work But I think my biggest issue with it is just like why would I have these things with me in a makeup Emergency? I feel like if you're you're in a pinch and you've got 10 minutes to spare try and see where the nearest CBS is I think that's number one on the list. Alright, and now let's put it on my lips all right Let me try and get a good coat of this on there.

I'm trying to get some butthole coverage as well I know I feel like a Barbie doll. So yeah, I'm gonna hang around for 10 minutes And then we're gonna peel it off .Alright, so it's been 10 minutes I can't really talk, but it's really solidified, and I think I hopefully I'm ready to peel it off Oh, yeah, that's a pretty good peel very snake skinny And I do think my lips look pretty pink actually. I do have a little bit of like extra Glue kind of like in the inner rim, butthole area but besides that I think that the stain did work, I just don't think that this is what one would or should do when presented with a makeup emergency. It doesn't seem like a good use of time or glue.

All right, so we've made it this far This is our very last hack This is a video from eyeliner addict And the caption is take your makeup off with shaving cream. Basically this girl rubs shaving cream all over her face And you know it sort of tries to show us that it's taking her makeup off Then she says but be careful around your eyes And then it cuts ahead to the eye makeup already being removed. So I suspect that this hack doesn't really work And they're just living off the cachet that like shaving creams a weird quirky thing to put on your face. So with that Let's try and take our makeup off.

Nope. I'm not sure. I put too much on I need help. All right.

Just give me one second I'm just gonna run to the bathroom and get rid of this extra stuff. So she basically just takes the cotton round and just swipes it down like this. I mean it looks like there's some makeup that came of.Mostly, I feel like I just took off the shaving cream You know? I'm gonna need a lot of cotton rounds for this. See I just don't see how this is helping anyone I think that the shaving cream is a little bit, itchy and it's also like weirdly drying? All right So it seems like we've reached the eyes She completely skipped this portion so um I guess just straight to the eye.

Is that working at all? I actually do think it's taking some of my eyeshadow off, but I'm not convinced It's doing anything for the eyeliner I think it's just sort of smudging it around. I would be at this for like a good 30 minutes before I was actually Makeup free. So I don't think I would call this a hack, and the fact that this is the only hack in this video is Worse, I think, it's not like a filler hack It's not like oh, we need fives like throwing in there there like this deserves a video Do you think we could cut ahead and then it would work? Ya just turn all the cameras off, I'll take my makeup off with the makeup wipe and then we'll re-roll. Okay So those were my facebook beauty hacks.

Out of all of these hacks There were definitely a couple that worked to a certain extent, But I would also say that none of them prioritized ease, convenience or common-sense over getting views shares and comments on their videos To be fair there are weird beauty hacks all over the internet But on other platforms like blog posts and YouTube videos the Creator has to at least try to explain Why they think the hack is helpful, but in these videos they're more like this is a ridiculous seeming method We're not going to explain to you Why this is happening and we're gonna bet on the fact that you're probably not gonna try it and call us out on it. Now I. Understand the plight of posting videos to Facebook They're basically trying to get people to stop scrolling on their feed and watch a video They didn't ask, for so these videos basically need to be as crazy as Possible to stand out. Which explains why these videos are pretty fun to watch and sort of out of the box But good beauty hacks they are not thank you guys so much for watching if you liked that video make sure to Shmash that like button and if you want to see more videos like this make sure to shmash that subscribe button a big shout out To Melinda mayhem for watching, thanks for watching, Melinda, and I will see you guys a next time.

Trying Clickbait Beauty Hacks From Facebook

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