Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Hey guys welcome back to my channel so today's video is going to be ten beauty products that I. Cannot live without. This is actually inspired by Chloe Morello tweet She put out a tweet that another youtuber had made a video not related to beauty But just ten things they couldn't live without I kind of got the idea from her so you guys haven't checked out Chloe Morello She's a babe check her out. I will link her in the description box down below Let me tell you this is not really an easy decision making process I will say that I went through every category and thought hmmm.

Do I love this product yes, could I live without it? Yeah If somebody gave me another product to work with I could so really this is more of like I need them in my life All the time don't give me something else to use Thank you so much. So the first item. I'm gonna count as one because they go together This is my shampoo and conditioner, and it is the Ouai a shampoo and conditioner I love the repair version and also the smoothing version of these and let me tell you guys I. Have somewhat of a frizzy texture.

I have a frizzy texture not somewhat There's a frizzy texture going on my hair could either dry really frizzy and separated or together if you have curly hair you may understand that a little bit more it's like your curls can be frizzy or they could have like a nice bouncy together Texture and that's what this does for me it also makes my hair just really really soft. It smells phenomenal I remember one time I had washed my hair with these and my mom came to visit and she was walking by me and she was like What is that? I wasn't wearing perfume okay, and I had no idea and then later I caught her low key sniffing my hair. She liked it that much and I was like you're weird get outta here I
had to give her a bottle even though I didn't want to cuz I'm stingy like that this stuff is just really really good I. Feel like it works for every hair type my hair is so soft feels like baby hair super silky, and I just don't want to use any other shampoo and conditioner I.

Don't well the next thing I'm gonna talk about is skincare And I feel like skincare is a little tricky because I love to try out new stuff all the time I feel like if somebody were to give me another moisturizer to work with right now another eye cream I'd be like yeah, okay. There is one product that stands out that really really changed my skin dramatically and because of the category It's in I kind of feel like I probably won't switch this out or try a new one I mean I'll try a new one But like don't take this from me. This is the Ole Henriksen toner. I've been talking about this forever I've already mentioned it in favorites and in videos here before this toner is just amazing incredible I mean, I'm sure you guys are sick of hearing me talk about it, but as far as skincare goes This is the one thing that I would want to keep using forever It just always gets rid of any redness or irritation in my skin any breakouts I haven't had crazy breakouts recently, so I'm really happy about it.

I felt like in general I didn't realize how much makeup and gunk was left over on my skin after makeup. Wipe and washing my face I thought like yeah, I'm good. I'm clean, but then after using the toner with a silk pad I realized that I still had makeup left over I'd look at the pad, and I would see makeup there, so if you don't use a toner now I feel like that might help keep your skin really really clean especially at night before you go to bed that way you're not sleeping with leftover makeup because you might not know that you are I. Had no idea for all this time, so I love this product ooh, so good so good Since we're in skincare.

Let's move right on to Nivea another product. I've been using for quite some time now makeup Shayla is the one who introduced me to this and nothing compares to Nivea - You guys know that song. This is the Essentially Enriched. It's very important Essentially enriched because they have a few different ones But this one is the best I swear any time anybody asks me.

What moisturizer. What body glow. This is just an Affordable, but also the best way to keep my skin hydrated get it at Target It's like so easy to get and accessible, and it's just never runs out I have them always with me a lot of the products in this video actually I always have a bag of must-haves when I'm traveling going on photo shoots anything that I'm doing these are the That always have to be with me no matter what and this is like don't leave your Nivea at home Do not I don't care if somebody else has lotion on the set It's not always the same because this works, so well with flash if somebody takes a flash photo of you It's like boom beam. What highlight? Are you wearing on your shoulders? It's Nivea ok the best.

I can't live without it I don't want to use another lotion as far as foundation. I'm sorry to disappoint you but You see I wanted to pick a foundation for you guys just to have something in that category, but to be honest with you I. Don't feel like there's a foundation I can't live without right now I feel like there's a few foundations that I love and so I could always rotate those You know what I mean like there's not one that I'm like oh my god. Yes I love this foundation like for example if I were to think of something right now.

It would be the new NARS foundation That I'm currently loving, but if someone took it from me I could still use some of the other foundations that I'm loving as well So we're just gonna skip right over that I'm gonna move on to another hair product this hair product I also have in my bag that goes with me everywhere. And this is Color Wow is a hair powder that you put in your hair line to fill in any sparseness Just anything honestly. I have so Many sparse areas like closer to my baby hairs that when I put my hair back It looks like I'm like losing some hair there. I don't know I'm a little concerned I'm not sure, but this stuff is such an easy on the go.

You're in the car You're like whoa what's going on here. Let me fix this really quick make it look fuller Let's straighten out the part here with a little powder give you a perfect hair, and it's just a lifesaver It just makes everything look more clean more sharp. I love this powder. I have to have it at all times I mean even my brother.

He'll be like oh do you have your color wow? So shady This next item. I'm sure so many people will say and agree that they cannot live without okay a beauty I know there's a lot of beauty sponges out there, and I said I do like other Beauty sponges But I know how to work with it. I know it's never gonna let me down. Beauty blenders are the best for me I love them.

I can't imagine going somewhere and not having my Beauty Blender. It's one of those things that I'm like Did I ever get my Beauty Blender? Oh my god like panic okay panic? This is just perfect and I love the black one and I like the nude one I know the colors some of the colors mean they do different things But for some reason the pink one is like kind of my least favorite I don't know why it's like not as squishy as these two in my opinion I may be making that out, but that's how I feel, okay. I open the drawer I see a pink one and I kind of like move it to the side and go for these two I. Don't know I don't know why but a Beauty Blender gotta have it another thing that I have to have okay Is this morphe brush randomly one day picked it up, and I just love it it's the G40 and I don't have any other brushes in my Can't live without I almost feel like there's so many dupes for so many different brushes But this one it's actually been through so much.

Do you hear that? It's tired? It needs to retire. So this one is just so great because it's the perfect size perfect density I use it on my no makeup days just to blend in my concealer. I could use it to blend in a little highlight I could literally just do like my fresh makeup look just with this one brush usually I'll use this one I spot conceal, and I don't wear foundation. I just wear concealer over in his spots and what I love about it Is that it's fluffy enough to not take off the concealer You know remove the product and it's like light enough to just blend it in while keeping the full coverage that I need Doesn't take off any product.

I just Love this so much Alright so moving on let me tell you guys I have temperamental under eyes I do they do what they want to do. They are dry as hell one day, and then the next day They'll be perfectly fine, and it drives me nuts. Certain days I can't wear Tarte shape tape. I just can't like it'll be too drying for me and in certain days I can wear it.

Like if I'm feeling good about myself I'm like let me put on some shape tape and to be honest I just put it like in the hollows I won't put it close to my under-eye, but the concealer that will never let me down the Becca aqua luminous concealer mmm I remember the name you see that this is in the shade beige And this is just a great everyday concealer if that's what you want It's not super full coverage, so if that's what you want, then maybe it's not for you But for like an everyday a lighter coverage this works for all occasions for me. I can make it work I can build it if I want a little bit more coverage It doesn't make my under eyes look dry and I love this to spot conceal - I feel like it gives the most natural skin like texture Opposed to something that as much as I love the tarte shape tape it's a very thick texture So if you want it to have like a no foundation look and just a lot of tarte shaped tape for me personally That's a little too full coverage to look as natural as Like a spot conceal of this, and I just go through this all the time. I go through so much of it Telling you Moving on we're gonna go ahead and move on to lashes you guys know I need a lash love a lash have to have a lash cannot live without an eyelash This is also a tough category for me because you know part of me was thinking Well, I could work with other lashes, but another part of me It was like what is your go-to like you bring this on every trip? No matter what you have to have it, and it was a tie between two same brand House of Lashes And it was between the Iconics or the Iconic Lites. I'm wearing the Iconic Lites right now you guys know I love me the Iconic That is like I want my eyes to stand out I'm gonna wear that but if I had to choose between the two I think I would go with Lconic Lite which is a little bit thinner of a band more fluffy.

Not as heavy Not as thick and so to me I was like well this is something I can wear with a light glam or a full glam and still feel really confident and comfortable and Just for a fact I always bring these on my trips no matter what I don't even know what look I'm gonna do but I bring the Iconic Lites and I bring the Iconics because you just don't know what kind of what kind of Trip it's about to be. Definitely picking between the two I'm gonna go with Iconic Lites must have when you want to have like a really pretty lit color where it's sparkly, and if you put a lock that's too heavy. It's almost like when you open your eyes Where did it go, but this one you can see the sparkles through the lash, which I like this next item I was gonna just feel like you guys are gonna be mad at me because It's sold out, but there's one thing that I go to always have on my lips. It is definitely the Dose of Colors Collaboration that Katy and I did Over the Top gloss okay, this is the best gloss in my opinion not because Katy and I made it but Kind of cos Katy and I made it We just obviously made something that we both loved so much and we wear it all the time So it's just my favorite, and if you got it I'm so happy that you got it, but if you didn't pick it up Then my second gloss that I always wear, which is actually what I'm wearing now And is so beautiful and that is the Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb.

It just looks so nice as well and what I love about this is it's very universal as so is ours because it doesn't have this one isn't meant to have a crazy undertone You could wear it with anything or just bare, which is really how I like to wear it I'm wearing the Fenty one bare right now, and this goes with everyone's skin tone. It smells really good Mmm So these are just my go-to everyday glosses like you just want to be out the door boom boom boom Put it on really quick. You don't have to wear anything underneath I don't have to worry about a lipstick a lip liner all that stuff is just like I want to look fresh And I want my lips to look slutty So these are the two I go for the next item I'm going to talk about is a face powder This is a setting powder, and this is the Charlotte Tilbury airbrush flawless finish powder. I've been using this forever now I have not once really changed it up of course I always test product because that's my job, and I try things all the time But it's the things that I go back to you everyday that are always in my purse that I'm putting in this video right so this is the best powder because it's so finely milled you can continuously put this on our nose or anywhere you get oily throughout the day, and it doesn't cake up or look like you've been just constantly putting on your makeup all day like it somehow finds a way to still look fresh and just lightly powdered and not crazy This is such a good powder for the under eyes too if you're not into baking because I that's not for everybody you don't want To bake every day.

I mean you might III feel like sometimes I just want to really quickly this works really well under the eyes and also around the face It's just you can put it all over. There's no flashback. It's excellent. I use the shade 2 medium Just melts in the skin.

I'm just bouncing around here because I want to keep you entertained I want to keep you here . Next thing we're going to talk about is a hair tie your tie say like what how boring? No, this is the best hair device that I have ever used in my life. So this is what they call a bungee it is to put your hair up And it is the best so what you do with this is you hold your hair up And then you take one side of the hook you hook it into the base of your pony and you wrap it around tight if you want your hair snatched back, or if you have thick hair and you find that wrapping a pony around your hair It's like the fourth wrap around is too small, but the third isn't tight enough you know what I'm saying This will solve all your problems, so you wrap it around and then when you get back to the base You just hook it into your hair. It never comes out it never comes loose It is the best thing ever actually I had a hair stylist use one of these on me and my face was lifted, okay I was like I.

Couldn't blink but in the best way. If you try to do my hair in a ponytail without this I can't really trust you anymore. You know like this is just the best device ever you can order them on Amazon They have them at certain hair supply stores they're Life-changing and it's also something that I have in my bag Because just in case I want to do a snatched pony have to have this obviously you guys know I'm not gonna do a video like this without including a brow product, okay? There is one product that I feel like doesn't do the same thing that any other product does for me And that is the benefit Ka-Brow number 4 and I could definitely use just a brow pencil But I'm never gonna get the feathery hair like strokes Like I do with this Ka-Brow this one is just the one that works the best for me And I don't want to use another brow product This is the best I could live with this and what's cool about it Is that it also cuts down on one of my must-have brushes because it has a built in brow brush also It's very very water resistant I can jump in a pool I can jump in the ocean I can get rained on I mean don't wipe Obviously it stays on if you just give it a little pat. Don't ever wipe.

I just love this stuff. It's so good I mean, I can't live without it There's so many things that I could put in this video But I'm keeping it too what like really you can't live without so the next thing. I'm gonna talk about is highlight I have 2 highlight category options the first one is of course you guys already know Fuego This is a highlight that Katy and I created with Dose of Colors. And it's just the best like I love it so so much.

I also love Mirame. Which is the other highlight, but I'm a little bit less tan right now You know cuz it's colder, so this just works better for my skin tone now But they're both the same formula and just so amazing. I love the way it looks like a wet sheen Oh, it's just everything about it. This is my go-to everyday highlight.

I use it all the damn time. Another product that I love to use for glow and I picked this one even though I do use a lot of liquid highlighters you Guys already know what liquid highlighters I'm obsessed with this is something that's very unique and that I haven't really really seen anywhere else and I feel like I can't get the effect with a lot of other products so Sephora perfect mist Nude Glow this is a Sephora product you give it a little spritz on your cheekbone. Which is a little difficult to spray. I'm not gonna lie It's like you have to get the right angle Do you see did something happen or did it just take it there let me tell you guys something about this glow It is a spray glow not super pigmented or anything But just has just enough of a sheen that oh my god If you're taking pictures if you're on a red carpet the is just gonna be like BAM if you're under lights It's gonna look amazing.

Honestly if you're getting married This is so beautiful even if you're not a huge highlight person you could just do this a light spray of this in the high points and in your Photos you're just gonna look so healthy without looking sparkly flash photography you're taking your senior portrait You're at your quinceanera game over. I don't know why more people don't talk about it. I'm telling you guys It's it's amazing the next item. I cannot live without is this mascara.

It's the Mack Extended Play mascara. This is another one of those items that I'm just kind of like don't give me any other type of mascara. I will use other mascaras the reason I mostly love this one is for my bottom lashes I don't really I could use any mascara on the top lashes, but as far as my bottom lashes I feel like I need a tiny tiny wand and I need a formula that's gonna build up my lashes so that it looks like I have more than I do and so far I found that this is the one that does out the best for me it just fakes people into thinking I have a lot more lashes, and I just feel comfortable using it I can't really speak for upper lashes with this mascara Because I don't use it for that. If I had to say upper mascara I would say like waterproof for sure But this this for my lower lashes is it for me.

So next up we have the Mac Cosmetics strobe cream, and this is in the shade Gold Lite. There's a lot of like glowy moisturizers out there a lot of things that give you a radiance There's something about this particular color that I haven't seen in another glowy radiant lotion, and this doesn't have a tint which I like It's just a strobe cream. I love it so much. I put it on the high points of my face especially on no makeup days it gives you a little life Without making you look like you are wearing makeup because you're not.

If you want to look good at the gym because you're single and you're looking to like you know meet somebody that's not me, but I'm saying if that's you and you don't want to wear makeup But you still want to look like "hey" this stuff looks so good like imagine. You're under the gym lighting which isn't that good but you just have a little strobe cream. It's like sets you apart from the rest. You know you're just mmm mmm mmm I don't even know what it's like to be single anymore I can't even like remember the days maybe I don't want to remember.

You know trainwreck Mac Fix Plus, this is tried and true. This is a staple. This is just like never fails me. It's not something that's gonna make your makeup last all night It's not like meant to be an all-night setting spray But it makes your powders melt into the skin it makes it everything look not powdery.

It makes your highlight look way more intense if that's what you want. I use this to like, amplify my eyeshadows. I use it to amplify my highlight sometimes I even use it to just like cool myself down if I'm stressed like and then I just feel like calm again. If I went somewhere I finished my makeup and I didn't have this I would be kind of like what do I do and the last item that I cannot live without is hair Extensions.

Okay hair extensions are a must for me I feel like I love to add more fullness to my hair sometimes. I want to wear my hair short, but sometimes I want long hair, and it's just so fun to change up your look, and it's an easy way to do that I've been wearing extensions since I was like 18 okay 18, so if they've been in my life that long it tells me two things. One, I love extensions. Two, stop cutting your hair.

I keep cutting my hair. Even if you have long hair say you have like long hair, but it's not as full as you want I know a lot of people who wear extension just for fullness But it is fun to play up your look change it up. You know one day, you're short one day you're long you can have a long ponytail. It's just so much fun and and so easy to do and these are the best they're from the Hair Shop.

The Hair Shop I swear just has the color that was made for me. All their extensions are like great blends There's different types of extensions These are clip ins and I like them because they're just easy you don't have to sleep in em At the end of the night you just take it all off and you can sleep comfortably These are a Skin Weft they're the thinnest thinnest thinnest material here You could see scalp through where the hair comes out of it You can lay them as flat to the top of your hairline as you need to like right there And I could still manage to hide them because they are so thin I can't even imagine a time where I would go on a trip and not bring my hair extensions I can't fathom it. No I cannot. All right so that's it.

Those are the top ten beauty products that I cannot -I cannot- live without. I'm curious to know if there's one product that you guys can't live without like just the top of your head leave it in the comments down below, and yeah, thank you guys so much for watching. I'll see you guys in the next video. Bye I've had it since I was Shh Nothing wrong with a little beverage it's past noon.

It's all good Sounds like there's What was that? Tired skiiiiin. Skiiiiiiiin. Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin. Skin..


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