Saturday, July 7, 2018

Testing Weird Beauty Products 2017

Hey guys welcome to my channel. I haven't fixed my hair Its literally so crazy does anyone else have baby hair issues. I know you do I know you're out there. Comment down below if this is your everyday struggle.

And I don't have my face on today either because we're gonna be testing out some weird beauty products I got some hair products to test out have some weird makeup products plus some weird skin care products, so we got the whole Shebang happening. Also don't forget to head over to my instagram at larlarlee And I am doing a massive make up give away And there's gonna be 10 winners. Your Instagram will have to be updated in order to see the giveaway album You can swipe through and see all the prizes and its super easy to enter so be sure and do that.  All the rules are listed Below the picture.

You're pretty and subscribe to my channel Before you leave. Subscribe today! I don't know what I want to do,  aww shoot. Hey Ty, Tyyyyy. Can you hand me the vibrating thing out living room and the little rolly thing out of the bathroom Yeah, it's scary, so this is an interesting item.

It is a little toil, toil? It's a tool that vibrates and it has little needles. You see those little needles Oh my god, it look so scary. Press the power button, and it makes it vibrate I'm so scared It kind of is stabby feeling. This is called a Glopro.

It's sold at Nordstrom I'm going to show you the box so you guys can see you that the before and after. I think its supposed to help build collagen and reduce wrinkles. We won't be able to see any specific results today. Skins firmness You know natural collagen, evening skin tone, younger appearance.

Suggest using it two to three times a week. It's suggested that you go Would it not like crazy all over.  Can't use on your lips. And you can't use it on your eyelids or you're not supposed to and it comes with a Travel case it comes with a bottle if you want to Spritz it with alcohol for sanitary purposes And then it comes with this serum  your supposed to put on your face right after you're done with it Just to help the benefits of the product I'm not going to apply the serum today But you're supposed to because I have so many things to test out.

You are so to go over each area 4 to 10 times with it I'm show guys like I'm super weird about putting anything pokey or too aggressive on my skin like I'm all about a little bit Natural. I mean I do use a retinol, but still did I do it and I come out like blood everywhere I'm like so scared right now. Oh my gosh! I feel it, I feel it Hear that? Oh! It kind of hurts my forehead. I don't like it on my forehead.

It makes me really nervous. You can see like the little like for a brief second you can take the little moments on my forehead little markings Oh yeah, I'm not like obsessed with this thing. It's freaking me out man So basically it is very uncomfortable in areas that don't have a lot of fat.  Like the cheek to doesn't hurt and all this because there's like a lot of fatty tissue But the forehead is like just hard and so any surface that presses against it kind of hurts And it honestly it freaks me out a little bit.

Do you see the redness coming through? Oh, I have seen a lot of Estheticians and People who really in into skincare use these. It seems a little bit gimmicky and I'm probably going to say the word gimmicky a lot in this video So let's just make a drinking game of it every time I say the word gimmicky you gotta take a drink. I mean it could work Um it's not painful enough to scare me out of using it.  You see how red my forehead is.

Yeah, it could work I kind of sort of thing. I want to keep using it for a month straight you know like two times a week from on straight and see What happens? What do you guys think how many of you guys tried this tell me tell me your thoughts Tell me if you have any results. That's the name of it Maybe you'll get rid of some of my wrinkles on the forehead. I don't know oh, it's okay I'm going to go ahead and try out the hair item next just to keep the video interesting.

I'm going to brush it Hurt so bad. What I have on deck today is the Curl Me and as you see there's like a million little Tops of hair brushes here and what you're supposed to do.  Now you may have already seen this on Instagram What your supposed to do is take the little Handle and Pop the thing in there Blow dry it in your hair, and then you leave this in your hair, and then once the hair is cool You can take it out and your supposed to have luscious beautiful curls. Oh you also put a clip around it as well.

Do you guys want my tongue clicking? My tongue clicking is a great way to explain things. You want a little view of the result since it's the end up looking like this I somehow doubt I'm going to be looking like this, but it looks like she's got two on top and two on each side We'll see if I can do this by myself I'm not that good at round brushing my hair though with a blow dryer. Oh, I don't know How good I'm going to be at doing this .  By the way it also comes with this Brush to like part your hair.

This is my fancy smancy Dyson blow dryer That is powerful. Like practicing like me if I cool got it Boom babies.  This could be the bomb diggity. What if this worked y'all? What do you think? I don't know how good I'm doing rolling these suckers up, but it feels like tight, you know What do I look like right now? Do I look like a pagent girl?  Overall review if you're not good at Round brushing your hair and really getting it tight in there you're probably going to struggle with these things right here.

That's like Key component of these things The metal on these do get super hot so do be careful so I can definitely see how it could curl your hair And they give you a lot because I still have a lot left over but if you have super long hair You'll probably have to do half your head take them out and do the other half and something I didn't realize that small ones and big ones so while these are pulling off I'm going to test out the Iris by  and this is the illuminating eye massager Younger and refreshed looking eyes.  Helps reduce puffiness, bags and dark circles. Smoothes the appearance of crows feet, fine lines, and wrinkles. Rejuvenates.

So it looks like this. It looks like a little...It looks like a sex toy. DO you hear that? Do you see that? Oh, my. You strange little creature and turned it down and you can turn it back up if you want to this one's pink.

I think they Have in different colors so sephora says eight speeds waterproof. This is really starting to sound like a sex toy. Maybe it goes on your eye like this. Does it? I'm confused all right for once I'm going to read the directions peeps all right party people I did my extensive research It's really hard to turn on it hurts my hand And you're supposed to first adjust how strong you want it, and then you just work it from inner to Outer eye.

Just like this and I read the reviews on sephora.Com And they are mixed. Some people say it did absolutely nothing and they returned it and some people say that this For you are Iris. Tool right here reduce the puffiness and it was noticeable.  It is a hundred and Forty doll hairs One hundred and forty Dollars people kind of considering using this but my god lake I pulled out all these gadgets at night and use used them.

Ain't nobody got time for that.  It doesn't hurt my eye is comfortable to do to use expensive. It seems a little bit, Gimmicky Take a drink.  My hair is done.

I'm going to take it on these I wanted to say lightly You know remove it out of these, but there we go. My hair is a little bit wavy before oh, no that came from the curler. Wow look at that ow Yeah, but like it's weird because I oh my curls are at the bottom. Can't wait to take this one out up front, its Super annoying oh Ouch ouch ouch.

That is fabulous,seriously though. He hasn't touched bottom of that one They're pretty uncomfortable, but you know that's just a part of life ow. Oh, oh There goes there goes my hair definitely has like that lift oh Yeah, I mean Yeah That worked like a lot of hair happening right now I mean look at that overall that I'm not I don't hate that I mean You know I would have to style this a little more but and I would have to get better round brushing my hair It gave you the volume it said it would give you so I say it works I just say it's a little difficult to work with now. Now let's jump into a few of the makeup products I'm actually I'm going to clip this hair out of my face.

The first odd product we have is the CoverFX. Custom blot drops.  These are blotting sheets in liquid form so their supposed to be an oil controling product. I just said oil does that make you guys happy instead of saying ole So basically says online that you can use it alone, you use it in your moisturizer You can use [it] in your foundation on top of your foundation.

It says you can use [it] however you want to use it almost like a thick whipped Consistency. Feels thicker than just an average serum I really want to do is mix this in one of my liquidy foundation.  Like see there? Mm-hmm. I'm just going to mix it together The foundation's texture is changing a little bit you see that how it's like Separating and kinda strange.

Skins like what are you doing to me today? I'm going to take my morphe Y6 brush and blend out the foundation. Oh, this is strange the foundation feels a Little weird, it almost feels a little more tacky, and this is the makeup forever And I will say just right off the bat the foundation is 100% matte. Can you tell like it almost looks like I have a powder on That's super matte. I just applied this foundation.

It's normally still wet and not only does Makeup Forever foundation doesn't have just like a flat ah Solid matte finish like this.  That is cool. It's like my foundation kind of dried way quicker and It made the foundation like super matte.  Blot some of this maybe even on a beauty blender, and it just like mattifies everything Very interesting product.

Um, I don't hate it It's on personal preference of course. I'm not mad about it alright and for my fifth its product I'm gonna be testing out this quite strange is So glossy eyes have kind of came into a bit of a trend lately and I actually Love the look.  What I have is eye vinyl these are like eye markers from Milk Makeup, and they're called eye vinyl. I have two shades.

What you're supposed to do is like color across your eyes with eyes of these and have this cool Look it has a sponge applicator, and you just crank it up and there it is. I'm a little nervous Okay, not every day I put like a black and goo substance on my eye I'm just pushing around the product oh my God There's the only time I. Dead serious I see this being like a practical thing to wear is in an editorial photo, shoot It's very even in color Its not creasing. It's not running down my face yet.

It feels just as disgusting as it looks. Next I'm going to go ahead Just because we're here. We're having a great time. We're having fun today I'm going to try the peachy one.

You see you're poking through is clear clear across the eyes party people. This is how you? Can even take your finger? I mean really and just Wow, look at that One steps glossy eye look I mean seriously Just like boom, wet eye. That's pretty if you're into the wet eye trend I mean, this is it.  This is it in a stick.

I will say my eyes little heavy, but they don't feel like they're not sticking with you touches very like. The wet eye look in general. Would you try it? Would you wear it out? Comment your thoughts on that Thank you guys for being here Watching that's it And I love you guys so much be sure to subscribe to my channel before you leave and ill see you in my next video! Bye guys! Oh that came off really easy boom gone.

Testing Weird Beauty Products 2017

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