Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Hi sisters! James Charles here and welcome back to my youtube channel. I am so excited for this video because today We are sitting down and we are doing our next installment of the mini makeover series this series has been so much fun to film And if you have no idea what I'm talking about Make sure to click right up here to see the first two episodes of the series where I get my makeup done at Sephora and then Mac and then for today's video we're going to Ulta to get a full glam makeover Friendly reminder that at each different makeover we are asking for this look that is on this photo of Jaclyn Hill It is the perfect bronzey glittery smokey eye for this fall season and it's not too hard But also not too easy of a makeup look to recreate for these various artists after every single makeover We're going to come right back here And show you guys the finished look and then discuss it and remember the point of this is not to drag or pick apart any artists work it is simply to show you guys what I would have done differently if it were me so you guys can make an Educated decision back at home if you want to go get your makeup done for a special event and don't forget to stay tuned for the finale of this mini series where I do this makeup look on myself and my Personal style using all my favorite products And I talk to you guys about what I would really recommend overall after going to all these different makeovers and yeah alright guys with all that being said if you're from the sisterhood make sure to go give this video a big thumbs Up down below. Let's see if we can get this to 50,000 thumbs up and let's head over to Ulta to get a glam makeover So walking into Ulta today my appointment was at 2:30 I showed up at about 2:25 and was seated right away, so that was really really great They were definitely right on time and ready to start working which I. Loved I was told by the manager running the glam counter today that my artist was gonna be Darrell and he came out and introduced Himself he was so so sweet and nice and I'm gonna leave his Instagram right up in here So make sure you go check it out and show him some love So the first thing that my artist did today was apply some moisturizer, and he used the Peter Thomas Roth moisturizer I was so excited about this because you guys know that sister James loves her moisturizer I literally moisturize my skin like two or three times a day It is so so vital to have clear and healthy skin So I love a good moisturizer especially before I put on a lot of heavy cakey makeup Next Darell asked me about my skin And I told him it was combination to now getting a little bit dry because the weather changed And he looked really really closely and picked up these Smashbox pore minimizing primer to apply over top of the moisturize But under the foundation as a nice primary base.

I am definitely not proud of my pores I try to pretend like they're not there, and I wish they weren't there But I was definitely really happy today to see that my artist did recognize them and do his best to cover them up and smooth them over for a smooth foundation application after the primer was all set in place he went in and used the Anastasia Brow Definer to find her to start defining and slaying my brows I hid the brows in the mirror I really really like the shape that my artist went with I feel like they arched the way I like them the tail isn't too Long and they have a nice shape to them I do wish however they were a little bit cleaner I think the lines could be a little bit smoother especially on the top And there are few places that I would have definitely spoolie through or added a little bit more product to Just make them more even throughout But I don't think they're bad by any means next my artist primed my eyes using the tarte shape tape concealer Which we'll get to in a little bit, and then he started in with the eye shadow and for today's eyes shadow palette He chose the Anastasia Modern Renaissance eyeshadow palette Which I was so so excited for because it is one of my all-time favorite palettes He first started out by applying some orange transition shades and really blended them out very very well Looking close up the blend for the transition shades and the crease are really really nice It looks very very seamless and even leaves a lot of room for the brow bone highlight Which I love I really can't stand with eye shadow goes all the way up to the eyebrow It just is really really one of my makeup pet peeves So, I really like the way he applied the shadow today so next he went in with more tart shaped a concealer on a flat top concealer brush and Started to carve out my eyelid for a cut crease I was very excited to see him do this because you guys know a half-cut creases of my all-time favorite makeup styles and He was actually the only artist to actually define a crease with concealer before applying the gold shadow on the lid Jaclyn, I think, was definitely rocking a half cut crease in her look so I think that by him doing this by far made his look more accurate to the original for the actual gold on the lid, he used one of the gold shadows I think that this gold on this particular look. It's probably the most accurate to what Jacqueline's original color was I really really like the shade of gold I feel like it's not too orange, and it's not too yellow either It's a very very pretty in the middle shade that is perfect for this look. However looking at this actual crease close-up I feel like the shape is a little bit weird for my eyes I do wish he would have made it more rounded following my natural eye crease I feel like it is really really high up and which for some reason which doesn't exactly flatter me the most and as well I do feel like in the actual like middle crease region the line is a Little bit messy I do wish it was a little bit more defined, but it's really not that big of a deal I was just happy to see him doing a cut crease once the eye shadow was all complete He decided to skip lashes for now and come back to it later on and then we went on with the base for my foundation today He went ahead and up hide the two-faced born this way foundation which I was so excited about you guys know the born this way Is on my all-time favorites I always mix it with my George Armani luminous silk, or layer on top of my makeup forever Ultra HD stick So I was so so pumped to see him using this he applied the shade to natural beige today Which looked really really great in the store with the lighting in there But I will say looking at it now looks absolutely awful to his defense I will say that in the store lighting the shade match did look really good So I don't think this is a fair thing to bash him on at all I don't know what it is with these makeup store and having the artist do makeup and this awful ass lighting but we really need to get like ring lights or light up mirrors or something because Having this foundation look perfect in store, and then having me walk out and look like this It's really really not ok and genuinely worries me for any of you guys going to do your makeup done That's just so bad and nobody wants to have either a flashback mary situation or situation where your face looks like a completely different color That's so bad and take it from me. You will be laughed at by probably a lot of people unfortunately once again It's over to the Mac video He used one of those tiny drugstore triangular sponges to blend out the entire face And we had to come in the last video that it was really really impressive because I felt like it was but then After reading all the comments everyone was like wait This isn't even that impressive, everyone did this.

Did you guys remember the tyrants(?) Where literally Those are the only sponges, and you had to use those for every makeup application. Oh my god now We have Beauty blenders kabuki brushes and everything in between, but I feel like it's impressive now because nobody no one uses them anymore But maybe I'm just crazy Definitely know what you guys think do you guys use if you do blender or a makeup sponge? I feel like at this point. It's like a necessity, but definitely leave me a comment down below Tell me what you apply foundation with because at this point I'm just curious next the foundation was all applying and by now it was time for concealer and for today He is the Tarte save tape couldn't sealer which you guys know as my all-time favorite So I was so so excited to see him pulling this out and getting ready to use he's always that literally everyone asked for it When they get their makeup done, also, which is no surprise at all and for today He used to shade a light on me Which is the same shade that I use so I was very very excited to see him using this I think it looks as usual perfect on my skin once my face is all blended out Used a big fluffy brush and went in with the it cosmetics translucent setting powder I've actually never tried this one out before so I was very very excited to try out a new product and have it on my face and see how it wore. I felt as though it did a really really good job of mattifying me and keeping my makeup in Place and I didn't really get a lot of creases either Which is amazing! We were definitely stuck in traffic for a pretty long time on the way home today So it definitely did a good job of long-wear he next butted in contour my face and nose using anastasia contour palette As with the face, I have no complaints.

I feel as though he did a really really great job He put in all the right places and didn't put too much on because you guys know that is one of my pet peeves Definitely did a really great job of mixing the color as well I'm definitely chisel, but I'm not to bronze to either so I feel like it was a really really great medium my nose contour He used the same exact contour palette which was fine, but he also used the same exact brush to contour my nose which I was a little bit spooked about I did tell him that I wanted a very very pinched nose contour to begin with just Like I told all the other artists. I'm not even kidding guys. It's probably like this side. It's like This is not a nose contouring brush literally this brush is what I use for my nose contour as you can see there's a very Very huge difference in the size here And I was very very spooked when he went in with this.

You guys know that a good pinch and snatched nose contour It's like my favorite element of my makeup routine, so I was a little bit disappointed in the nose crunchers today I feel like it was a little bit messy and definitely could've been blended more and also was a little bit too wide. For highlighter today he applied the shade of champagne pop from Becca which is in collaboration with Jaclyn Hill I don't think he actually knew who Jacqueline Hill was so I feel like this is a complete coincidence But obviously if you guys know this was a Jaclyn Hill look, so I was happy to see him using champagne pop That's for sure, and I do love this highlighter shade. I was very very excited to see him using it today I do feel like the application is pretty good He did use a really really big brush Which once again? I was a little bit spooked about I don't know why He did I usually use a very very tiny one like this one the m5 the one from morphe But I feel like he blended it out really really well, and it doesn't look bad at all, so highlighter is good Next was time for the lashes My artist asked me what style I wanted for this particular look and I showed him the picture of Jaclyn again And so that I want something just like these wispy and definitely lashes that get a little bit longer on the ends He brought over four different pairs for me to choose from and I ended up picking the Ardell studio effect demi wispies before applying The lashes I told you all that I have small eyes and always have to cut my lashes So they're comfortable to wear and he decided to do that today the lashes which I very much appreciated He glued them on he's in the classic duo lash glue and once they were on they were comfortable to wear and I could not feel them which is it great and then the next step was gonna be of course the lips While he went to grab the lashes my artist actually handed me a bin of different liquid lipsticks that I could pick out from for Today's look so this makeover in general. I would say was definitely a lot more hands-on than the other ones He was asking me a lot of questions, which I definitely appreciated but also asked me to pick a lot of things as well which a little bit defeats the point of the video being that I.

Wanted the true artist interpretation but I picked out a lipstick that I thought was pretty close so I ended up picking the Anastasi liquid lipstick in the shade of trust before we actually went and started the lip application He asked me how I like my lips drawn and I did tell him that I like them a little bit overdone on the top Lip you guys know that this is a big thing in the last video where my artist actually underlined them a little bit But my lips are a little bit uneven so I really really love over lining them to even them out and make them a little Bit more plump on the top lip I really really love how the top lip turned out I feel like he did a really really great and clean job overlining the top Lip it looked very very nice and very similar to how I would do it and the bottom lip looked pretty nice, too Although it was a little bit messy on the very very bottom right below like the center arc point I do wish it was a little bit cleaned up, but it's not that big of a deal And then as the color obviously was perfect, but then again. I picked it not the artist last, but certainly not least finish I'll just look by spritzing my face using the Urban Decay all nighter setting spray You guys know how to use this all the time? And then he even grabbed a palette and used that to Kind of a fan and help it dry which I love by Fanning the settings But you're really helping everything melt together and really get a smooth application so that is something alternative techniques alright guys And this is the final look from the Ulta makeover today Look at myself in the mirror and thinking about my total experience today at Ulta I would rate this makeover overall a 7 out of 10. I think my Ulta artist today Definitely used a lot of different products and techniques that I would normally use in my own makeup routine which I was super super excited about such as Too Faced Born This Way Foundation and a Tarte shape tape But there are a few things on the stuff that I don't exactly love being the shape of this crease the lip shape the foundation shade and just Overall attention to detail like I said the whole point of this series is to have different artists showcase their work and their very own Techniques and how they differ from my own all right guys that is all I have for this video today Definitely leave a comment down below and tell me what you think of this makeover. Have you gotten your makeup done at Ulta Before did you love my makeup.

Did you love your makeup? Do you hate it? Definitely let me know I can't wait to read all of your sisters comments. If you enjoyed this video Please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up down below and Subscribe if you have not already lick that little bell icon, so you can be notified every time I upload a new video I've had so much fun doing this series do not forget to check out the last two videos so I got makeup done at Sephora and Mac this one is Ulta and then stay tuned for the next video the grand finale of this little mini series Where I'm gonna do this exact look on myself using all my own techniques And then we'll compare all the different Makeovers and talk about which one I would recommend to you guys if you need to get your glam done for a very very special Event if you'd like to follow me on a makeup journey, you can follow me on Instagram and Twitter. They're both Just jams Charles and my snapchat for more behind the scenes type stuff is James Charles the next to ask after Charles this week's shout-out goes to his sister daragh.. Thank you so much girl for always smiling.

It's important You know I love you so so so much And if you would like to be at next week's sister shout out make sure to always share my video links when they go live alright sisters Thank you so much for watching make sure you stay tuned for the finale coming up next I love you guys so much I will see you in the next one.


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