Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Hi sisters! James Charles here and welcome back to my youtube channel. I am so excited for this video because today We are sitting down and we are doing our next installment of the mini makeover series this series has been so much fun to film And if you have no idea what I'm talking about Make sure to click right up here to see the first two episodes of the series where I get my makeup done at Sephora and then Mac and then for today's video we're going to Ulta to get a full glam makeover Friendly reminder that at each different makeover we are asking for this look that is on this photo of Jaclyn Hill It is the perfect bronzey glittery smokey eye for this fall season and it's not too hard But also not too easy of a makeup look to recreate for these various artists after every single makeover We're going to come right back here And show you guys the finished look and then discuss it and remember the point of this is not to drag or pick apart any artists work it is simply to show you guys what I would have done differently if it were me so you guys can make an Educated decision back at home if you want to go get your makeup done for a special event and don't forget to stay tuned for the finale of this mini series where I do this makeup look on myself and my Personal style using all my favorite products And I talk to you guys about what I would really recommend overall after going to all these different makeovers and yeah alright guys with all that being said if you're from the sisterhood make sure to go give this video a big thumbs Up down below. Let's see if we can get this to 50,000 thumbs up and let's head over to Ulta to get a glam makeover So walking into Ulta today my appointment was at 2:30 I showed up at about 2:25 and was seated right away, so that was really really great They were definitely right on time and ready to start working which I. Loved I was told by the manager running the glam counter today that my artist was gonna be Darrell and he came out and introduced Himself he was so so sweet and nice and I'm gonna leave his Instagram right up in here So make sure you go check it out and show him some love So the first thing that my artist did today was apply some moisturizer, and he used the Peter Thomas Roth moisturizer I was so excited about this because you guys know that sister James loves her moisturizer I literally moisturize my skin like two or three times a day It is so so vital to have clear and healthy skin So I love a good moisturizer especially before I put on a lot of heavy cakey makeup Next Darell asked me about my skin And I told him it was combination to now getting a little bit dry because the weather changed And he looked really really closely and picked up these Smashbox pore minimizing primer to apply over top of the moisturize But under the foundation as a nice primary base.

I am definitely not proud of my pores I try to pretend like they're not there, and I wish they weren't there But I was definitely really happy today to see that my artist did recognize them and do his best to cover them up and smooth them over for a smooth foundation application after the primer was all set in place he went in and used the Anastasia Brow Definer to find her to start defining and slaying my brows I hid the brows in the mirror I really really like the shape that my artist went with I feel like they arched the way I like them the tail isn't too Long and they have a nice shape to them I do wish however they were a little bit cleaner I think the lines could be a little bit smoother especially on the top And there are few places that I would have definitely spoolie through or added a little bit more product to Just make them more even throughout But I don't think they're bad by any means next my artist primed my eyes using the tarte shape tape concealer Which we'll get to in a little bit, and then he started in with the eye shadow and for today's eyes shadow palette He chose the Anastasia Modern Renaissance eyeshadow palette Which I was so so excited for because it is one of my all-time favorite palettes He first started out by applying some orange transition shades and really blended them out very very well Looking close up the blend for the transition shades and the crease are really really nice It looks very very seamless and even leaves a lot of room for the brow bone highlight Which I love I really can't stand with eye shadow goes all the way up to the eyebrow It just is really really one of my makeup pet peeves So, I really like the way he applied the shadow today so next he went in with more tart shaped a concealer on a flat top concealer brush and Started to carve out my eyelid for a cut crease I was very excited to see him do this because you guys know a half-cut creases of my all-time favorite makeup styles and He was actually the only artist to actually define a crease with concealer before applying the gold shadow on the lid Jaclyn, I think, was definitely rocking a half cut crease in her look so I think that by him doing this by far made his look more accurate to the original for the actual gold on the lid, he used one of the gold shadows I think that this gold on this particular look. It's probably the most accurate to what Jacqueline's original color was I really really like the shade of gold I feel like it's not too orange, and it's not too yellow either It's a very very pretty in the middle shade that is perfect for this look. However looking at this actual crease close-up I feel like the shape is a little bit weird for my eyes I do wish he would have made it more rounded following my natural eye crease I feel like it is really really high up and which for some reason which doesn't exactly flatter me the most and as well I do feel like in the actual like middle crease region the line is a Little bit messy I do wish it was a little bit more defined, but it's really not that big of a deal I was just happy to see him doing a cut crease once the eye shadow was all complete He decided to skip lashes for now and come back to it later on and then we went on with the base for my foundation today He went ahead and up hide the two-faced born this way foundation which I was so excited about you guys know the born this way Is on my all-time favorites I always mix it with my George Armani luminous silk, or layer on top of my makeup forever Ultra HD stick So I was so so pumped to see him using this he applied the shade to natural beige today Which looked really really great in the store with the lighting in there But I will say looking at it now looks absolutely awful to his defense I will say that in the store lighting the shade match did look really good So I don't think this is a fair thing to bash him on at all I don't know what it is with these makeup store and having the artist do makeup and this awful ass lighting but we really need to get like ring lights or light up mirrors or something because Having this foundation look perfect in store, and then having me walk out and look like this It's really really not ok and genuinely worries me for any of you guys going to do your makeup done That's just so bad and nobody wants to have either a flashback mary situation or situation where your face looks like a completely different color That's so bad and take it from me. You will be laughed at by probably a lot of people unfortunately once again It's over to the Mac video He used one of those tiny drugstore triangular sponges to blend out the entire face And we had to come in the last video that it was really really impressive because I felt like it was but then After reading all the comments everyone was like wait This isn't even that impressive, everyone did this.

Did you guys remember the tyrants(?) Where literally Those are the only sponges, and you had to use those for every makeup application. Oh my god now We have Beauty blenders kabuki brushes and everything in between, but I feel like it's impressive now because nobody no one uses them anymore But maybe I'm just crazy Definitely know what you guys think do you guys use if you do blender or a makeup sponge? I feel like at this point. It's like a necessity, but definitely leave me a comment down below Tell me what you apply foundation with because at this point I'm just curious next the foundation was all applying and by now it was time for concealer and for today He is the Tarte save tape couldn't sealer which you guys know as my all-time favorite So I was so so excited to see him pulling this out and getting ready to use he's always that literally everyone asked for it When they get their makeup done, also, which is no surprise at all and for today He used to shade a light on me Which is the same shade that I use so I was very very excited to see him using this I think it looks as usual perfect on my skin once my face is all blended out Used a big fluffy brush and went in with the it cosmetics translucent setting powder I've actually never tried this one out before so I was very very excited to try out a new product and have it on my face and see how it wore. I felt as though it did a really really good job of mattifying me and keeping my makeup in Place and I didn't really get a lot of creases either Which is amazing! We were definitely stuck in traffic for a pretty long time on the way home today So it definitely did a good job of long-wear he next butted in contour my face and nose using anastasia contour palette As with the face, I have no complaints.

I feel as though he did a really really great job He put in all the right places and didn't put too much on because you guys know that is one of my pet peeves Definitely did a really great job of mixing the color as well I'm definitely chisel, but I'm not to bronze to either so I feel like it was a really really great medium my nose contour He used the same exact contour palette which was fine, but he also used the same exact brush to contour my nose which I was a little bit spooked about I did tell him that I wanted a very very pinched nose contour to begin with just Like I told all the other artists. I'm not even kidding guys. It's probably like this side. It's like This is not a nose contouring brush literally this brush is what I use for my nose contour as you can see there's a very Very huge difference in the size here And I was very very spooked when he went in with this.

You guys know that a good pinch and snatched nose contour It's like my favorite element of my makeup routine, so I was a little bit disappointed in the nose crunchers today I feel like it was a little bit messy and definitely could've been blended more and also was a little bit too wide. For highlighter today he applied the shade of champagne pop from Becca which is in collaboration with Jaclyn Hill I don't think he actually knew who Jacqueline Hill was so I feel like this is a complete coincidence But obviously if you guys know this was a Jaclyn Hill look, so I was happy to see him using champagne pop That's for sure, and I do love this highlighter shade. I was very very excited to see him using it today I do feel like the application is pretty good He did use a really really big brush Which once again? I was a little bit spooked about I don't know why He did I usually use a very very tiny one like this one the m5 the one from morphe But I feel like he blended it out really really well, and it doesn't look bad at all, so highlighter is good Next was time for the lashes My artist asked me what style I wanted for this particular look and I showed him the picture of Jaclyn again And so that I want something just like these wispy and definitely lashes that get a little bit longer on the ends He brought over four different pairs for me to choose from and I ended up picking the Ardell studio effect demi wispies before applying The lashes I told you all that I have small eyes and always have to cut my lashes So they're comfortable to wear and he decided to do that today the lashes which I very much appreciated He glued them on he's in the classic duo lash glue and once they were on they were comfortable to wear and I could not feel them which is it great and then the next step was gonna be of course the lips While he went to grab the lashes my artist actually handed me a bin of different liquid lipsticks that I could pick out from for Today's look so this makeover in general. I would say was definitely a lot more hands-on than the other ones He was asking me a lot of questions, which I definitely appreciated but also asked me to pick a lot of things as well which a little bit defeats the point of the video being that I.

Wanted the true artist interpretation but I picked out a lipstick that I thought was pretty close so I ended up picking the Anastasi liquid lipstick in the shade of trust before we actually went and started the lip application He asked me how I like my lips drawn and I did tell him that I like them a little bit overdone on the top Lip you guys know that this is a big thing in the last video where my artist actually underlined them a little bit But my lips are a little bit uneven so I really really love over lining them to even them out and make them a little Bit more plump on the top lip I really really love how the top lip turned out I feel like he did a really really great and clean job overlining the top Lip it looked very very nice and very similar to how I would do it and the bottom lip looked pretty nice, too Although it was a little bit messy on the very very bottom right below like the center arc point I do wish it was a little bit cleaned up, but it's not that big of a deal And then as the color obviously was perfect, but then again. I picked it not the artist last, but certainly not least finish I'll just look by spritzing my face using the Urban Decay all nighter setting spray You guys know how to use this all the time? And then he even grabbed a palette and used that to Kind of a fan and help it dry which I love by Fanning the settings But you're really helping everything melt together and really get a smooth application so that is something alternative techniques alright guys And this is the final look from the Ulta makeover today Look at myself in the mirror and thinking about my total experience today at Ulta I would rate this makeover overall a 7 out of 10. I think my Ulta artist today Definitely used a lot of different products and techniques that I would normally use in my own makeup routine which I was super super excited about such as Too Faced Born This Way Foundation and a Tarte shape tape But there are a few things on the stuff that I don't exactly love being the shape of this crease the lip shape the foundation shade and just Overall attention to detail like I said the whole point of this series is to have different artists showcase their work and their very own Techniques and how they differ from my own all right guys that is all I have for this video today Definitely leave a comment down below and tell me what you think of this makeover. Have you gotten your makeup done at Ulta Before did you love my makeup.

Did you love your makeup? Do you hate it? Definitely let me know I can't wait to read all of your sisters comments. If you enjoyed this video Please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up down below and Subscribe if you have not already lick that little bell icon, so you can be notified every time I upload a new video I've had so much fun doing this series do not forget to check out the last two videos so I got makeup done at Sephora and Mac this one is Ulta and then stay tuned for the next video the grand finale of this little mini series Where I'm gonna do this exact look on myself using all my own techniques And then we'll compare all the different Makeovers and talk about which one I would recommend to you guys if you need to get your glam done for a very very special Event if you'd like to follow me on a makeup journey, you can follow me on Instagram and Twitter. They're both Just jams Charles and my snapchat for more behind the scenes type stuff is James Charles the next to ask after Charles this week's shout-out goes to his sister daragh.. Thank you so much girl for always smiling.

It's important You know I love you so so so much And if you would like to be at next week's sister shout out make sure to always share my video links when they go live alright sisters Thank you so much for watching make sure you stay tuned for the finale coming up next I love you guys so much I will see you in the next one.


Thursday, January 25, 2018


Hi sisters James Charles here and welcome back to my youtube channel. For today's video I have something super super fun planned that I'm actually Very excited to do I don't know if a lot of you guys know this but before I actually was a beauty guru I was doing makeup on myself as a full-time job I actually was doing makeup on a bunch of my friends from school Back home in my little salon in my basement made by my dad And I really really missed doing client work so so much and for me from having to do my own makeup all the time I really Don't get the feeling or pleasure of being on the other end of the brush getting my glam done and getting to enjoy the work Of other artists. I definitely have a very distinct style of makeup that I always do on myself I blend eye shadows a certain way I contour my face a certain way I face tune certain way as well And I was definitely bringing something about different ways that I can get glamed by other people! And I came to the conclusion that the perfect way to do it will be to get some awesome transformations.! So I booked appointments with that the three most popular spots that people go to get their makeup done for different events being Mac, Sephora, and Ulta, and I went and I got my makeup done at all three And I'm gonna show YOU guys the full transformation. I wanted to make this into a little bit of a challenge or a mini-series So this is gonna be the first video like I said of a bunch of different transformation videos.

For each different transformation, I'm gonna give each artist the same exact photo. I picked out this one of Jacqueline Hill I figured this like warm tone bronzy smokey eye is the perfect look for this upcoming fall If features like smoked out shadow which is definitely not the easiest technique in the world Gold glitter as well as a lot of highlighter definite. Full coverage skin as well as a dark vampy lip I think that this look is a really great challenge for artists because it's definitely not the easiest thing in the world But it's definitely not too hard as well I'm gonna give the same exact picture to each artist and they're gonna do their best job to recreate it on me using the products sold at that particular store and after each transformation We're gonna come right back here And I'm gonna show you guys the finished look obviously. Then we're gonna talk about my experience as a whole how the actual look turned out how close the look was to the original Photo and finally what I recommend you to go there to get your makeup done Like I said for today's the first makeover I booked an appointment at Sephora and Hollywood So let's head over there right now But before this video starts make sure to go give it a big thumbs up down below if you're excited alright guys without further ado Let's hop in an uber and get over to Sephora So immediately walking into somewhere I was greated by a sales associate which was really really awesome And she asked me if I needed anything I told her I was there to get my glam makeover done that I was scheduled under a different name for three o'clock and of course she knew who I was instantly which kind of blew my cover which I was definitely a little bit annoyed about I wanted to do this definitely on the DL and incognito But so many of you sisters kept coming up to me asking for photos as well Which I was so fine, then because I love meeting you guys anyway you guys blew my cover, but it's okay Just as the little point before I get started I think that the workers knowing who I am definitely may have made my experience a little bit better than the average customer obviously I.

Cannot speak for every sephora employee or every Sephora store because everyone's gonna have a different experience But at my particular visit they were super super kind and accommodating and my actual artist didn't know who I was so that was great She treated me as a normal everyday customer which is amazing But that being said at the average Sephora makeover is 45 minutes, and I was there for almost two hours So like I said definitely pobably got a little bit of a better treatment I can't speak for everybody but my experience overall it was good. To get started on my makeover the absolute first thing I did was show my artist a picture of the look that I wanted being that Jacqueline Hill smokey Eye, and she said okay great Let's do it so that was awesome. She was not intimidated, she was not scared She didn't try to talk me into something else which was amazing because I know a lot of times artists do try to do that To do something easier, I was like girl, we're doing this look and she was like okay sister I got you. The first thing that she did was asked me for my skin type And I told her that it was combination and she pulled a bunch of different skin care products to prep me for my makeup.

And then as well she pulled out the Sephora IQ color tester This is basically a little machine that takes tiny pictures of different areas of your skin Which then it matches you to your foundation and different Sephora foundations that they sell in store which I thought was so so cool I think my color IQ thing was like - 27QY or something I don't remember off the top of my head but my foundation was definitely a pretty close match to what my normal foundation would be. So after my skin was all prepped with a bunch of different skin care products the first the artist went in with was the eyelid primer to start off the Eyeshadow base and for eyeshadow today She used the Sephora Pro palette Which I think was the warm palette? And then a little bit of the Anastasia Modern Renaissance Palette for more touches of red and pink even though my eyes were closed And I was not turned towards the mirror I obviously could feel what was going on And I did notice and really appreciate that she definitely spent a lot of time blending she kept going back into a bunch of different Blending brushes making sure that all of her lines are really seamlessly But it out which I definitely appreciate as an artist Obviously you guys know it is super super important to always blend your eyeshadows always go on those circular Windshield wiper motions make sure there are no harsh lines, and I definitely think she did a good job of achieving that which actually giving the eyeshadow look that I gave her to do Next the artist went in and did my brows using the Anastasia brow definer and then set all the hairs in place using the Benefit Cosmetics 24-hour brow setter. Once the brows were all slayed and in place her next step is going to be the base. And for today's foundation She used the bare minerals performance wear liquid foundation now as you guys know my holy grail are the Make Up For Ever Ultra HD.

Stick, Too Faced Born This Way and recently the Giorgio Armani luminous silk all of which are sold at Sephora and bare minerals would definitely Not! Be the first brand that I would run to when it comes to foundation But I did not say anything. I was super super careful to keep my opinions to myself the entire time I did not look at myself either I wanted a full reveal at the end and it to be the full artist work. Next for concealers She went in with the NARS radiant creamy concealer in the shade vanilla I believe, and as you guys know a shape team is not sold at Sephora So I think the NARS radiant creamy was definitely a really really great option to use on me And it is definitely one of my all-time favorite concealers as well. Then she set my face in place using the laura mercier translucent setting powder which is my all-time favorite.

I was definitely really really glad about this because y'all know flash black is my middle name So I definitely did not want to have a powder that I do not like and I was very very happy to see her using This one on me, and I think it worked. I was normal perfectly fine .Next step she went in and bronze my face using a big fluffy brush was obviously I love, and she went in with the hourglass bronzer which I was simply a little bit surprised about being that Benefit hoola bronzer is the number one best-selling bronzer in Sephora. I believe don't quote me on that, but I think. But regardless, It's my number one favorite So I was definitely little bit disappointed to see her not using that the hourglass was definitely an interesting choice I actually did not even know they even had bronzers.

I just know about their highlighters Which are really really bomb so once again? I did not say anything just let her do her thing then she went in with the highlight and at this point I definitely could tell she was a fan of beauty gurus because After I showed her the picture of Jacqueline Hill in the beginning for Highlighter she pulled out the Champagne Pop which is Jacqueline's collaboration with Becca cosmetics I was super excited to see this one being used on me It is definitely my all-time favorite highlighter shades It is beautiful and golden and she applied that using a pretty big brush! Which I was a little bit spooked about but once again I didn't get to see until the very very end. After I was glowing for the gods She actually went back into the eyes to finish the mascara and lashes and for the mascaras to use the Marc Jacobs Mascara, which I was very excited of because I've never tried it. And she actually did something with the wand that I was super super intrigued by she took the top of the mascara wand and bended it at a 90 degree angle and used that to do my lashes instead of like the typical Completely horizontal wand I thought it was a really really cool technique and definitely made it really really easy for her to do my lashes. This is definitely something that I'll be trying with all my mascara wands from now on.

I definitely learned that as a really cool trick and I can't wait to try it out for myself. For the lashes, she glued on a pair of Sephora lashes I forgot to catch the name for them, but they're really really pretty and they're more winged out on the outer corners Just like in the picture that Jacqueline had. Finally to finish off the look, She used the Kat Von D. Vampira liquid lipstick Which is actually the first ever liquid lipstick I ever purchased with my own money when I first started to do makeup so it definitely Has a very very special place in my heart She did pick it herself But I thought it was the absolute perfect shade too back to the picture of Jacqueline so I was definitely really happy when she walked Over with it, and she just put it on my lips Oh She's living!!! Yeeessssssss!!!! Love it.

Love this! All right guys so now I am back home And this is the finished look all complete jus a little heads-up to you guys I didn't have the entire portion of this video Filmed as soon as I got home with the full makeup on and I film the outro with the makeup on as well it was super super cute, and then of course I went to edit it and the audio was completely wonky and broken my Microphone had actually died so I had to go get a new end which was very very annoying But the make cover was obviously complete and I already filmed the entire thing and I definitely did not want to lose this video because I was super excited to do the rest of the series. So! I am sitting back down after the fact I obviously do not have the makeup on anymore But I am referencing the pictures from earlier on and I'm still gonna talk about how I felt So obviously the audio is not gonna match up with what's going on in the video? But just please try to pay attention to what I am saying and just Use the video as like a reference point to what I'm really talking about. Before we get into the actual makeup my first want to Talk about my experience at this particular Sephora and like I said beforehand It was really really good now obviously I cannot speak for every Sephora employee or store And I definitely do have a name in the makeup world so the treatment may have been a little bit biased But I've also been very very poorly treated at a lot of Sephora's that I've been to as well. So I do think this particular Sephora did a really really great job of customer service.

Like I said when I walked and they were Very very helpful They wanted to get me help as soon as possible to give me what I needed and they sat me right down for my appointment, My girl was on time, and she was ready to slay my face. All that being said a Sephora makeover It's supposed to take only 45 minutes and mine did take almost up to 2 hours But there was not many other people in the store getting their makeup done so that might be a reason why and also I'm sure that the artist was making sure that she did a really really great job, which I very much appreciated. Let's go ahead and pull a mirror and super super close and actually talk about the makeup So let's go in with the same order that she applied and starting off with the eyes I think after looking at everything the eyes are probably my favorite part of this entire look like I said beforehand She definitely spend a lot of time on the eyeshadow Probably the most time out of anything in this makeup look and she kept going back into the different blending brushes to make sure that Everything was seamlessly blended together, which I'm very much appreciated And I think that the shadow is pretty accurate to the original picture that Jacqueline Hill Posted. Also the liner is applying a very very evenly the line is nice and straight and even throughout which I love there's nothing worse Than a wonky liner and the lashes are glued on very very comfortably I cannot feel them, Which is the best! If there's one thing that I would change about this look if I was doing it on myself I wish she would have used a different shade of gold for the actual lid I feel like the shade that Jacqueline used on her original picture was a lot more glittery and much more Champagne-y toned Whereas this gold shadow was definitely little bit more yellow and more a satin shade I wish she would have used one like the Stila Liquid Metal like you guys know I love or an actual gold glitter on top.

But! She did just use the palette and I think it still turned out equally as beautiful The next stop being the brows I actually really liked the way she did them They looked nice and light and fluffy which I love a good feather brow moment I like the color she used in the Anastasia Brow Definer, if anything I wish she would have defined the brow tail a little bit more But I'm definitely not mad at them. The next step was obviously going to be the base which was the foundation and like I said The bare minerals foundation would definitely not be my first choice when it comes to a Sephora foundation picking But like I said i wasn't gonna say anything. After looking at it in the mirror. I don't think it's that bad I think that she definitely did a really really great job of using the foundation to its fullest potential She did a really great job making sure that it was even all throughout my skin I definitely don't see any patchiness or anything But I will say that it definitely is creasing a little bit especially around my smile lines like foundations normally do but this one is pretty bad and as well, It's definitely not the most flattering on my pores I don't think she did a bad job, but I definitely would not be choosing this foundation again Next is the concealer and like I said we use the NARS radiant creamy concealer And this is one of my all-time favorites.

I have no complaints to this I really liked how it made my under eyes look and feel. Next was bronzing and contouring And I think that this is probably my least favorite part of this look like I said she use the hourglass bronzer And I feel that this bronzer is just a little bit too orange for my skin tone in the picture that Jacqueline posted she definitely Doesn't have actually too much of a defined contour going on It's definitely a lot softer And I felt as though the bronze and contour today was definitely really really pigmented what I normally do love But it didn't really match that one with the photo and I felt as though the bronzer She uses a little bit too orangey toned I wish it was definitely a little bit more cool toned to kind of sculpt the face rather than just bronze and as well She did not contour my nose which I was really really spooked about once I looked in the mirror You guys know that my nose is probably my biggest insecurity And I really love to make it nice and  (snaps finger) snatched! So to see no contour on it was definitely a little bit spooky As for the highlight, major props to this artist for knowing different people in the makeup industry and knowing about Beauty influence or collabs. I thought it was so clever when she pulled out champagne pop after showing a picture with Jacqueline and like I said it is a beautiful highlighter shade The highlighter is applied in all the right places, being the brow bone, the inner corner, of the tip of the nose, and on the cheekbones, but it's definitely a little bit of a subtle glow There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, and it is definitely a really really beautiful look on my skintone But I do wish she would have applied a little bit more, but that's just personal preference. Last and finally not least, we finished off The look with the lips and like I said we used the Kat Von D liquid lipstick in the shade Vampira.

As for the actual shape of the lips I think she did a really really good job My lips are actually uneven and one side is a little bit bigger So I thought she did a really really great job of making sure that the two sides were even and the lines were very very defined which I love I cannot stand a blurry and messy lip line. Even though the actual shape was great the one thing I did notice about the lips Is that the product was a little bit streaky. I really wished she would have applied a little bit more product to make the color a lot more even all throughout But it really was not that big of a deal. Overall, I think I would rate this makeover a 7 out of 10 My experience was really really great and all the employees were so beyond nice to me and my artist was really really careful to make Sure that I got exactly what I wanted She took a lot of time planning  out everything and making sure that everything was really really perfect which I really really appreciated.

It's super important you have an artist that really cares about you and your vision as a client and isn't just gonna get it done Just to get it done and to get that paycheck so major respect to her. Overall, I really liked a lot of different things that she did with my makeup today And definitely picked up on a few new techniques that I definitely will be trying, Obviously there are a few things that I would have changed if I were doing it myself But every artist has a particular way of doing things, and I don't think that the cons outweighs the pros in this situation And I would feel confident enough to wear this makeup out and not like second-guess myself Alright guys that is all I have for this videos today Definitely leave me a comment down below and tell me what you think about this transformation. Do you love it? Do you hate it? If you saw me in public would you think I looked beautiful or what do be really really shocked? I really want to hear your guys thoughts. If you enjoyed today's video Please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up down below and subscribe if you have not already.

I post three videos a week I'd love to have you join the sisterhood. If you'd like to follow me on my makeup journey You can follow me on Instagram and Twitter at they're both Just James Charles and my snapshot from or behind the scenes and stuff is James Charles And an extra *s*after Charles (JamesCharless). This week's sister shout out goes to sister Mel, Thank you so much girl for always following and supporting, you know I love you so much! And if you'd like to be next week sister setup make sure to always retweet my video links when they go live on Twitter. Alright guys thank you so much for watching.

Don't forget to check out the next upcoming videos where I go to MAC and Ulta and get the same exact make over there. Will they be the same? Will they be better or will they be absolutely horrible? You guys will have to stay tuned to find out! I love you sisters so much and I will see you in the next one. Bye (Waves lovingly)..


Monday, January 22, 2018

dermalogica Skin Care dermalogica Skin Hydrating masque review-Skincare

Hydrating A person Skin Care

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dermalogica Skin Care dermalogica Skin Hydrating masque review-Skincare-A person have possibly heard by now that our bodies are made-up in huge element of water. Water is the major component of skin cells, so it holds true that correct hydration is crucial. Moisture articles immediately effects wholesome cell maturation and growth, although enhancing circulation and delivery of nutrition. dermalogica Skin Care dermalogica Skin Hydrating masque review-Skincare.

dermalogica Skin Care dermalogica Skin Hydrating masque review-Skincare-Maintaining adeqaute ranges of bodily fluids is a should. As the medical professional says, drink a lot of fluids and steer clear of liquids high in caffeine and glucose.

dermalogica Skin Care dermalogica Skin Hydrating masque review-Skincare

Caffeine is a diuretic that acts to deplete fluids and sugars is identified to enhance metabolism, the two flushing nutrients and minimizing fluid amounts. It goes with no saying diet plan and regular exercising and stopping smoking (if You do) are greatly valuable.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Best Hydrating Skin Care products-Skin Care

Hydrating Your Skin Care

style="display:block; text-align:center;"

Best Hydrating Skin Care products-Skin Care-An individual have most likely heard by now that our bodies are created-up in huge part of water. Water is the principal element of skin cells, so it holds accurate that correct hydration is critical. Moisture material directly effects healthier cell maturation and improvement, although bettering circulation and delivery of nutrition. Best Hydrating Skin Care products-Skin Care.

Best Hydrating Skin Care products-Skin Care-Maintaining adeqaute levels of bodily fluids is a have to. As the medical doctor says, drink plenty of fluids and avoid liquids higher in caffeine and glucose.

Best Hydrating Skin Care products-Skin Care

Caffeine is a diuretic that acts to deplete fluids and sugar is acknowledged to increase metabolism, the two flushing nutrition and minimizing fluid levels. It goes with out saying diet regime and regular exercise and stopping smoking (if A person do) are very helpful.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Beauty Busters Poop or Woop FULL FACE OF FAKE vs. REAL MAKEUP Natalies Outlet

This is a real one, it's skin color. This is the fake one, It's poop color !!! I legit just gagged!!! Hello I'm Natalie and welcome to Beauty Buster's where we test out internet Beauty in this case Street Beauty to see if it's a poop Poop or a maybe baby and today. We're literally doing a full face of makeup Fake makeup pretty much. This is the most ratchet Beauty Buster's I've ever done.

I don't have my typical glove also, my mirror stand is Aunt Jemima Shout out to James Charles I'm gonna link his video down below. It's amazing. I reached out to this sista, and I let him know hey James Where'd you get all this makeup? He texted me back. He's like girl.

I've got you Well kind of it's a street full of like all these people selling all this makeup They make it seem like it's real and girl or boy. It doesn't even look real. It's pretty crazy. It's cray-cray so today We're doing first impressions of Jaclyn Hills palette Anastasia Beverly Hills We're doing first impressions of Jaclyn Hills palette Anastasia Beverly Hills benefit, tarte And so much more just to see if you can find a steal.

Maybe you can make this work for Less This is a warning I do not recommend you guys to try out this makeup only because I have heard there are really like weird weird Chemicals up in here if you guys know the whole situation with Kylie And how there was actually like lip paint in the lipstick just be warned you might find that stuff. I'm excited and nervous I'm risking my face for you guys alright. Let's do this so starting off with the very first product. Oh, what is this? It's the benefit Porefessional and This actually doesn't look fake to me at all.

This is the real one guys I swear It's fucking ratchet because I use it every single day So we're gonna open up this bag away, and see what's nice so on the right side of my face I'm gonna be doing the real makeup product and on the left side we gonna get those fake So this one originally retails for 31 dollars? Well the fake one is 10, but what a steal so let's test it up. Okay, so we got the real one That's beer and so now we got the fake version, let's check this out What do you guys think I mean mine is really dirty, but let's see how it smells Oh Kidding me It's brown this is the real one its skin colored, this is the fake one. It's poop color And legit just gagged this smells so bad oh It smells like a combination of the oldest person you know's Perfume plus fake makeup and paint this is sad. I'm risking this what the heck is this I? Cannot I can't oh my god.

This feels just terrible you guys like legit this feels the worst thing. Oh, my Gosh we're off to a great start. We really are what but I'm shocked if you did a no makeup And this is what you thought this company represented like what what a bad name? Mmm Without a doubt. This is a poop like are you kidding me real? Thanks.

What do you guys think let me know in the comments? Shook Shooketh to the third. To this fake one: you're a poop. The very next product I'm going to use is under-eye Concealer so I ended up getting the very popular la girl Pro concealer HD. This retails normally for $4.99 And I got it for $2.99 We will see how good it is in terms of packaging and everything honestly It looks pretty legit But now we shall see I mean after that last one...Oh Lord this may go downhill Real quick so the real and the fake feel like this one looks a little bit darker It's much more like firm as you can see Very easy blend just spread out so I end up getting these really inexpensive Makeup tools for just four bucks pretty good deal.

Oh Okay, I have to say something. This is itchy oh my god. I think it's quite evident how not well it spreads this way I'm starting to get itchy guys, which is not  good I would say this one is like a maybe baby, but I would also say it's a poop so now for eyebrows We got that Anastasia Beverly Hills in the color Ebony and then we got the Anastasia Beverly Hills in the color Ebony What's wrong here? Oh wait the packaging. Now, I don't know if the packaging like if there's different versions of it, but this said Ebony this said Ebony And they both say Anastasia.

We shall test it out. Right off the bat I will tell you Oh Lord This is the real one: a good Brown. This is the fake one: a nice red This typically retails for $23 and I got it for $7 yeah, yo all right, let's do this We're gonna do our breath So you know it doesn't smell toxic it applies like a charm like all honest thoughts at products damn Something you'll notice in the street makeup places is there aren't many options in my personal opinion This color is way too dark for me, but this is literally the only one they had epic gotta go for it tonight I'm going to premiere a demi lovato for her new documentary And I'm really hoping that this face will not like blow up on me because I'm seriously having like some orders reaction It's itchy it's not good Now I'm going to test out this one and now for the fake you Know what it doesn't look red like this It's super waxy very very waxy and dark. I'm literally not even pressing down on it I.

Go back to cheer up to be surprised Pretend like you're drawing your brows on with a black crayon that's literally what this feels like this is a mega poop Next for foundation oh ho I'm excited for this one this shall be interesting. This is the real one This is the fake one not much of a difference as you can see those does have a barcode if this has no barcode Oh wait, it does right over here damn, so which is a room one you tricked me I really don't know which is the real one? I got them a little mixed up, but I'm sure by this smell and by the color And this is also way too dark for me But I had to get it because this was the only option that they had stuff damn They looking real even like the separation on the bottom this early retails for $38 and I got it for $12 let's try to see if I can figure this out hmm. This smells like paint already I'm in which was a real one now just off of this like come on you guys very watering No nice, and pigmented. Yes.

I'm gonna start off with a good one It's nice and dense you know it's really great So I'm gonna be using a Beauty Blender which retails for about twenty bucks, and then I'm gonna be using a fake one Which retails for three dollars and smell like human parts, that's good Honestly the color is not that bad And now with the fake Beauty Blender Honestly color wise they're not I do feel greasy though on this side Final thoughts on foundation it might be a loop if I just use a little bit of powder It won't be that greasy, but to me it looks quite similar in terms of these This is like a rock like it feels tough. This is really nice and spongy for highlighters Oh, we got Anasazi of Beverly Hills. Oh for the real one I got the Anasazi a Sun dipped glow kit, which looks gorgeous for the fake one I got the glow kit called that glow I couldn't find the same one. I know it's like my honest hacia They're similar their glow kits We shall see let me know down below in the comments if there is such thing as that glow this one retails for $40 while this one retails for $20 on the street is really expensive for something That's fake packaging wise this does feel sturdier like the point these are not pointing This is honest dasya.

This is plastic once you take a look inside like you can kind of see the glow happening You know what I'm saying, and then when you open this up. Do you remember kid makeup like your kid makeup? It feels chalky we use for a glow here. We go. He would go go go for the real one I'm gonna go in with summer because I think that was really pretty There is summer nice gold beautiful Shimmer and light Sun bronze color we're gonna go in with the fakes See the colors like you can even see the shine in the light.

It's gorgeous in this Yeah, I'm gonna use one of these fake brushes I'm gonna go with the one that looks the most similar, which is this one right here? You're a chalk people Honestly on camera not bad. I kind of like this one will but I will say in person oh no Honey, I would automatically give this a poop. I would not want you guys to like get this fake one now for bronzer I'm gonna be using the urban decay a flushed palette which I think it is so beautiful And then I'm also gonna be using the urban decay blush palette, which doesn't look anything like Very very interesting this is just beautiful like wow gorgeous This is like Oh makeup is boring check out the picture in the back like it is so pixelated Also, because I know a lot of people really are into these types of brushes This is the fake one that I'm gonna be testing out the bronzer with it's actually nice and soft, but by bendable This is the one by your so So this originally retails for 20 bucks Which is not bad at all to have a bronzer a highlighter and a blush this one retails for 10 bucks which is quite expensive It's fake man Gorgeous beautiful packaging I like it Obviously the colors are off too, but it's quite nice, too. It doesn't feel bad.

Oh Honey is this my bronzer. This is orange. This is a nice tan Brown I mean you guys compare as for the brushes this one retails for 28 bucks this one retails for $5 I like the bristles more on this one It's also much more condensed this one. This one actually feels cheap to me, so let's do this I wouldn't typically put on my bronzer with this type of brush, but I wanted to test these brushes out for you guys Look at that day like not much blending at all really really nice.

I love it now for our awesome bronzer, let's check out this orange tangerine stuff It looks like blush guys Cuz you don't have much control because of this bending Mechanism whereas this one like there's no Bend you can get in there like it's pretty firm This one unfortunately like it just wobbles everywhere you guys let me know down below in the comments what you think honestly This is a straight-up food In here I'm also gonna test out the blush I'm gonna mix it a little bit with a highlighter because why not very pretty nice and light There we go and then I'm gonna take To mix these two chalky things together I'm looking away you guys decide Now we're gonna get into the really fun stuff the shadows oh my god, you guys are not ready? I'm telling you so first before we do that. We have to apply an eyeshadow base I'm applying mixes eyeshadow base, and then this is the fake one I don't know if they actually even have a black cap one, but there you go this retails for $6.99 Well I got this one at Santa Alice for kudos so right off that nice and creamy But then there tends to be like a little bit of a stick to it That's what's gonna make the eyeshadow really stick to my eyes, and then we got this one that the texture is so different It's raksi, but I kind of like it I feel like I primer should be waxy so that everything can stick to it, but I may be wrong I think it did a good job of spreading and it's not - that Doesn't smell weird yeah, this looks like real so for eyeshadows. I ended up getting two different things I got the Naked palette right and the nick of palette It's brutal naked look at that packaging you guys look at this beauty look at this What do you guys think then I freaked out when I saw the jaclyn hill morphe palette. Oh my goodness It's gorgeous But it's fake Jackley will not be selling this on the streets first of all in the back this picture is hella Pixelated not just that but over here.

It says I wanted to range neutral neutrals are spelled wrong I want to test this out just for like giggles because this is gonna be crazy, but this naked palette. They chose for $54 this was beautiful It's a really nice palette And then we got this one first of all it comes with this it feels like in terms of colors Oh, my goodness. This is nice. We're gonna do one of my favorite looks with this palette Also using the brush and they're just to kind of see it is great Very great, so we have something super neutral blend it out great.

No problem. Not chalky at all There's no color payoff. I'm actually sad what the heck I love this palette by a guy in this palette for like Christmas or anything like I wouldn't hate makeup I'm literally digging my brush in here all I get is chalk now. We're gonna take half baked like nothing This is makeup sadness right here No joke like this is what I could do so that's what we got going on for the eyes Let me know in the comments what you think about this eyeshadow you already know what I think in terms of like the Jacqueline palette I just want to show you guys cuz this is just ridiculous load the colors There is no yellow in her real palette i'm swatching this like there is nothing like a look at this look at this honestly There's not one color in here that swatch is beautifully.

It's very very depressing. There's nothing like quality I'll finish up the eyes right after I just wanna show you guys this lip product. This is the Too Faced matte Melted lipstick in the colour drop dead red, and this is the same one And they look nothing alike packaging on this one clearly like it comes out and the original I mean This is a pop pink this ain't red. You know.

I'm saying this originally retails for $21 this I got it for $10 Perfect for fall You're not gonna like the smell of this is quite strong. It doesn't really smell like makeup to me It kind of smells a little like paint drop dead bread. I'm very pigmented very beautiful very fall Drop dead right mmm. You know what this smells very very nice.

It's so weird Color difference is ridiculous Honestly, I know this is not the real color match like drop-dead red is not this but I really really like it it smells nice I'm sure this one will last a lot longer, but I'm not opposed to it like it doesn't smell like anything but makeup It's really good. I like it so For the eyes, I wanted to be really really careful I really did go for something that isn't so exciting, but it looked legit like these two look just the same It's from all me I haven't heard like anything really about this product, but I want to play it safe the only thing I will say is deep within this There's like a bunch of little hairs, which is kind of creepy But I want to keep it safe with the eyes you have to be really careful I definitely do not want to be gluing my eyes shut with black liner So we'll see it looks pretty promising so this one originally retails for $5.99 And I got it for two bucks which was a pretty good steal, so let's see the real one Kind of stings my eye, I'm not really sure why hmm weird I Don't know you guys Let me know if the try this product when I'm a hundred percent sure I mix these up. This one is applying really really nicely No, oh my god, it burns. Oh my goodness Whoo what I will say is the real one has not dried out the fake one has dried out they both burn alive heck Not a good feeling at all four mascaras.

They had the Mac hot and naughty lashes mascara double effect I was like the only option they had they actually were really really similar except the real one is thinner it's Much more glossy, and it also has much more glitter this one originally retailed for $23, and I got this one for seven bucks So we shall see the real and smells I. Do like the benefit, they're real mascara. It's like about the only one I will Invest in but other than that I feel like this doesn't really do much It's gonna apply it a little bit because I am gonna put on some falsies This one's really really weird like apples. It smells kind of like apples.

Also this little cap is already falling off Which is weird? Oh wait is this part of it? Oh? My TV was wrong yes, yes, oh Okay, I get the mechanism here So it's like the top removes the excess if you want to keep it clean looking very cool I mean honestly it works the same and so for the final thing the icing on the cake I managed to find these amazing lashes by Vegas nay amazing our shining star and a shiny star I'm impressed these look really really legit. There's like nothing that was different I'm confused by both of them this retails for 529 and I got this for $5 Like will it be different I don't know it looks amazing even a little sticker here like they got it going on So I'm gonna use the little glue that comes with it. Which is actually quite scary You know how to apply lashes to save my life, so this may be a little tricky You know how these glues they just always smell like fish. This just smells like fish this one smells like fish, too I'm having a little bit of trouble with the band because it is a little more stiff than this one this one Folded really nicely.

This one's just a little bit more firm I. Think this was very interesting from afar as you wouldn't be able to tell but honey Like this face feels caked on and then this one just feels like a lot better You know the makeup is a lot safer and there you go Let me know down below in the comments what you thought about each individual product Would you urge or will you just go the cheap route to get some products for cheap? I just want to mention I colored my hair This is my first time I ever did anything to my hair And I loved it it turned out a little bit more on the water side than I like But it's like it a little bit of a change, so I'm excited. I hope you guys enjoyed this video Let me know down in the comments what you thought about this video. Give it a thumbs up If you enjoyed and if you're not gonna subscribe - now is out with the weirdest family on the Internet make sure you subscribe Beauty Buster's is coming at you 2.0 Version very very soon you got a little glimpse of the ratchet Beauty Buster's the street Beauty Buster's without the gloves But if you guys want some more Beauty Buster's I'm gonna leave a playlist down below They're awesome.

Literally a bunch of awesome internet beauty hacks and different products that we tested. Yeah, check it out I hope you guys have an amazing day. Don't forget to live weird or die normal! Bye.

Beauty Busters Poop or Woop FULL FACE OF FAKE vs. REAL MAKEUP Natalies Outlet

artistry essentials Hydrating Pores and skin Care system reviews-Skin Care

Hydrating Your Skin Care

style="display:block; text-align:center;"

artistry essentials Hydrating Pores and skin Care system reviews-Skin Care-You have most likely heard by now that our bodies are made-up in big portion of water. Water is the major component of skin cells, so it holds accurate that correct hydration is crucial. Moisture articles directly effects healthier cell maturation and advancement, while improving circulation and delivery of nutrients. artistry essentials Hydrating Pores and skin Care system reviews-Skin Care.

artistry essentials Hydrating Pores and skin Care system reviews-Skin Care-Maintaining adeqaute amounts of bodily fluids is a should. As the physician says, drink plenty of fluids and steer clear of liquids high in caffeine and glucose.

artistry essentials Hydrating Pores and skin Care system reviews-Skin Care

Caffeine is a diuretic that acts to deplete fluids and sugar is recognized to increase metabolism, the two flushing nutrients and reducing fluid levels. It goes without saying diet and normal exercising and stopping smoking (if You do) are greatly helpful.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Hydrating Skin Care tips-Skincare

Hydrating Your Skin Care

style="display:block; text-align:center;"

Hydrating Skin Care tips-Skincare-A person have probably heard by now that our bodies are manufactured-up in large portion of water. Water is the major component of skin cells, so it holds accurate that appropriate hydration is essential. Moisture content directly results healthful cell maturation and improvement, whilst strengthening circulation and shipping and delivery of vitamins. Hydrating Skin Care tips-Skincare.

Hydrating Skin Care tips-Skincare-Maintaining adeqaute levels of bodily fluids is a need to. As the medical doctor says, drink a lot of fluids and stay away from liquids substantial in caffeine and sugar.

Hydrating Skin Care tips-Skincare

Caffeine is a diuretic that acts to deplete fluids and glucose is identified to boost metabolism, both flushing vitamins and reducing fluid ranges. It goes with no saying diet regime and normal exercise and stopping smoking (if A person do) are very helpful.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Hydrating Skin Care routine-Skincare

Hydrating An individual Skin Care

style="display:block; text-align:center;"

Hydrating Skin Care routine-Skincare-You have almost certainly heard by now that our bodies are created-up in massive part of water. Water is the main part of skin cells, so it holds real that proper hydration is critical. Moisture material straight results healthful cell maturation and advancement, while enhancing circulation and shipping of nutrition. Hydrating Skin Care routine-Skincare.

Hydrating Skin Care routine-Skincare-Maintaining adeqaute ranges of bodily fluids is a need to. As the medical professional says, drink plenty of fluids and stay away from liquids large in caffeine and sugars.

Hydrating Skin Care routine-Skincare

Caffeine is a diuretic that acts to deplete fluids and sugars is acknowledged to increase metabolism, both flushing nutrients and reducing fluid amounts. It goes with no saying diet and standard physical exercise and stopping smoking (if A person do) are very useful.

Hydrating SkinCare for delicate Skin-Skin Care

Hydrating An individual Skin Care

style="display:block; text-align:center;"

Hydrating SkinCare for delicate Skin-Skin Care-An individual have almost certainly heard by now that our bodies are manufactured-up in large portion of water. Water is the primary component of skin cells, so it holds accurate that appropriate hydration is critical. Moisture content material directly results healthy cell maturation and improvement, whilst bettering circulation and delivery of nutrients. Hydrating SkinCare for delicate Skin-Skin Care.

Hydrating SkinCare for delicate Skin-Skin Care-Maintaining adeqaute amounts of bodily fluids is a should. As the medical professional says, drink loads of fluids and keep away from liquids high in caffeine and sugars.

Hydrating SkinCare for delicate Skin-Skin Care

Caffeine is a diuretic that acts to deplete fluids and glucose is acknowledged to enhance metabolism, each flushing vitamins and reducing fluid ranges. It goes without having saying diet and typical workout and stopping smoking (if You do) are very helpful.

Monday, January 15, 2018

hydrate Pores and skin Care-Skin Care

Hydrating An individual Skin Care

style="display:block; text-align:center;"

hydrate Pores and skin Care-Skin Care-A person have almost certainly heard by now that our bodies are made-up in large element of water. Water is the primary component of skin cells, so it holds true that correct hydration is essential. Moisture material straight effects healthy cell maturation and growth, whilst enhancing circulation and shipping and delivery of nutrition. hydrate Pores and skin Care-Skin Care.

hydrate Pores and skin Care-Skin Care-Maintaining adeqaute levels of bodily fluids is a have to. As the medical professional says, drink lots of fluids and keep away from liquids high in caffeine and sugar.

hydrate Pores and skin Care-Skin Care

Caffeine is a diuretic that acts to deplete fluids and sugars is recognized to increase metabolism, the two flushing nutrients and decreasing fluid levels. It goes with out saying diet regime and standard exercising and stopping smoking (if An individual do) are greatly valuable.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Nourish Skin Ultimate supplement

Nourish Skin Ultimate supplement -Nourish Skin Ultimate, Menepis Noda dan Kerutan

Kebugaran kulit kita Butuh dirawat. Situasi kulit yang sehat, halus dan lembut diinginkan oleh tiap-tiap orang, terlebih Demi anda kaum wanita. Kulit yang halus membikin anda tampak lebih muda, dan menarik. Juga untuk kaum remaja, kulit yang sehat, bersih jerawat dan halus yakni idaman mereka. Permasalahannya, keadaan lingkungan, udara yang penuh polusi (asap kendaraan bermotor, pabrik) berakibat pada Kesegaran kulit anda. Radikal bebas dari sinar ultraviolet juga dapat merusak Kebugaran kulit. Belum lagi faktor seperti konsumsi zat kimia dalam bahan makanan, dan faktor umur menyebabkan kerusakan pada kulit anda. Apa yang anda lakukan untuk memecahkan keadaan sulit ini?

Satu lagi produk Kesehatan kulit dari Pharos, merupakan Nourish Skin Ultimate. Nourish Skin Ultimate, temuan baru dari Pharos, suplemen kulit yang mengandung HA (Hyaluronic Acid). HA ini diakui sebagai salah satu pelembab kulit natural terbaik. HA akan memberikan kelembapan pada kulit kering. Kecuali itu kandungan lain Nourish Skin Ultimate yaitu SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) yakni antioksidan alami.

Nourish Skin Ultimate, bekerja dengan cara berikut :

Group asam amino menstimulus aktivitas sel firoblast untuk memproduksi serat kolagen dan elastin, menghasilkan kulit tebal, cepat, lembab dan elastis. Hyaluronic Acid mengikat air 1000 kali dari volumenya sendiri, dengan ketersediaan air yang tinggi maka pengerjaan regenerasi sel kulit berjalan lebih kencang. Sel kulit tua dengan lantas akan digantikan dengan sel yang baru, sehingga kulit akan lebih segar dan berseri. Kandungan zat antioksidan dapat mencegah kerusakan sel akibat efek radikal bebas.

Nourish Skin Ultimate, tepat sasaran untuk memudarkan flek hitam kulit, menghilangkan kerut, melembabkan kulit, mengencangkan dan mencerahkan kulit, mencegah penuaan dini.

Terperinci produk dari Nourish Skin Ultimate isi 60 Tablet

Menepis Noda dan Kerutan Nourish skin Ultimate, inovasi terbaru suplemen kulit pertama dan satu-satunya di Indonesia yang mengandung HA (Hyaluronic Acid) “One of the Best Alami Moisturizers” yang akan memberikan kelembaban pada kulit secara terus menerus, sehingga pantas Untuk kulit kering, ditambah SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) antioksidan paling alami.

Arti Nourish Skin Ultimate

Memudarkan flek-flek hitam
Menghilangkan kerut dan keriput
Melembabkan kulit kering
Mengencangkan kulit
Mencerahkan kulit kusam
Menghaluskan kulit kering dan kasar
Mencegah penuaan kulit

Komposisinya mempunyai 4 elemen utama dengan fungsi : Asam amino Antioksidan tingkat tinggi Ramuan pelembab alami Vitamin dan Mineral Aman dikonsumsi jangka panjang, karena tidak mengandung elemen hormonal dan terbuat dari bahan natural.

Saturday, January 13, 2018


Hi everybody Can you guess who I am Yep, my name is Belle. Let me introduce you to my Papa Hi, everybody. I'm an inventor Let me introduce you to my trusty dog Louie I'm going to the market today. What are you gonna do today? I got tons of things.

I've got to milk the cow I've got to feed the dog, I've got to feed the chickens. I've got to do dinner too! You got a busy day. I hope you don't mind me asking. But what's for dinner? It's French just like we like It's the Escargo and Frogs Legs Hmm, I love snails and frogs legs (Knock knock) Iwonder who that could be? I know who it is...

Enter please. Come in Pierre, come into my house Bonjour Philippe Belle, let me introduce you to Pierre This must be your beautiful daughter Yes, she is beautiful her name is Belle Is that your name? Pierre? Pierre Pompidou La Pieu, you at your service. La Poo? No, No, No, No, La Pieu. That's what I said.

La Poo. No - La Pieu. Anyway look what I brought for you. Rose Hips...

Well she does like flowers I will put them in this beautiful vase for you. That's not a vase, that's my drink! There are bet droopy and dead, but thank you anyway. I paid 15 francs for this and all you can say is that they are droopy and dead! It seems like you guys are having a great time I'm gonna go to the market now. You want me pick up anything for you Belle? A beautiful rose! I already brought you some.

They're right there! They are Rose hips. I will see what I can find What are you getting at the market? I'm gonna get some donuts and some screws for my latest invention Donuts and screws. Why are you making? Well the donuts are for me, but the bolts are for my invention. Come on Louie, let's get going Bye Papa.

I'm looking forward to dinner tonight. Okay. Bye Okay Belle, tell me a little bit about yourself Well I like roses, I like my dog Louie, I like my papa, and I do not like you Oh! That hurt me in my heart. Why do not you like me? I like you...

It's just my papa is always trying to get me to marry someone and you're not the guy I. Wanna marry These donuts are good. Whoa look at that big castle over there Yeah, it is pretty dark, huh? Yeah, I do see some roses over there Yeah people probably won't mind if we just take one for Belle. Let's go check it out Come on Louie, I found some roses We've gotta find the best one for Belle Whoa Louie, this is the most beautiful rose I've ever seen ROAR!! What are you doing are you stealing my prize rose? Arrgh! Who are you? I am the Beast, this is my land this is my castle and that was my rose You're coming with me into my dungeon and you're never gonna see the light of day again Woof.

ROAR! Yelp. I was just getting this for my daughter. Your daughter? She beautiful daughter? Come, we will talk about this later Ah But why not? I don't wanna be called Belle La Poo. It is La Pieu I told you.

That's when I said La Poo No, no, no, no. La Pieu! So Pierre, it was really nice of you to come over and visit, but I really gotta start home with dinner, okay? That sounds like my dog Louie My dad had been taken by a beast He's in a dungeon In a castle? We better go! Come on, Louie... Goodbye Belle. She is not just beautiful, but talented, she can talk to animals - Hmmm Hello Candle, how are you? Hello Clock, I'm doing well.

How are you? Oh Wonderful. You know you should try putting your one arm, yes up there, and the other right about here Now you look like the Statue of Liberty Ha ha ha ha - That's a good joke - Thank you! Do you know what? What? Last night The master he brought an old man. An old man? He has a daughter. A daughter? ...And if she is beautiful she can break the spell - I do not want to break the spell.

Well I want it broken Clock, Candlestick, go get the old man from the dungeon I need to talk to him. NOW! Clock! Candlestick! Bring the prisoner   Hold your horses - he does now want to come.   Sit down, sit down.   You might give him heart attack I always do all the work It is not my fault - If I touch him he might catch on fire.

Shhhhh... So, you told me you have a daughter is she a beautiful daughter All right Where is she? I won't let you eat her or do anything like that. I won't let you know where she is You will tell me or you will be my prisoner forever   Knock knock - Who is it? Papa - are you OK? Belle what are you doing here? You shouldn't be here! I'm trying to save you!   Brave girl and beautiful too! Why have you got my Papa here? Because he stole one of my prize roses Is this true Papa?     I couldn't find any at the market and this rose was so beautiful They are very beautiful True true But it was my prize rose   I'm sorry - he didn't mean to steal the prize rose He still stole it and somebody has to pay the price for it How about I stay here instead of him No Belle don't don't stay here with this beast Deal now you have to go old man - go That was very brave Now put her in the nicest room that is not mine, okay?       Bring Belle Candlestick, Clock, Bring Belle now!     I am coming Here is your bell - here you are Not this bell - the other Belle   You said bring bell and I bring you a bell Bring the human Belle   Ohhhh - the human Belle     Why did you not say so?   Right this way Belle   Sit. Be more specific next time.

Hello Belle   Hi Beast Are you not scared of me? No, why would I be scared of you?   Because I have big horns and bloodshot eyes, ginormous teeth and bigs claws and hair all over!     Maybe I can fix that I have a comb   No - Don't fix my hair Let her have fun - let her comb it - it will look much better Looking better already. Wow Belle you are very good at combing hair Ooooh You have a talent Okay, okay - that's enough That is much nicer - very well done Well, do you say Beast she was very nice to comb your hair for you. She was. Thank You Belle? Since you are so nice to me I.

Guess I can give you a little something as well. I'm gonna have Clock Make a pretty dress for you because Candlestick will light it on fire. At least I like making dresses it will be beautiful!     Snore...   Beast I have finished the dress.

Isn't it beautiful Yes it is very nice You know I think it would be nice if you gave her the dress   she may fall in love with you If she falls in love with you it will break the spell Yes! I do not want to stay a beast forever I do not want to stay a clock - No I will go get her   Belle - there you are - the Beast has a surprise for you Good morning Belle - Good morning   It's so beautiful - Thank you! You're welcome Thank you for this beautiful dress Can I try it on right now? Of course you can. Go put it on... You know I think that it's working I think she's falling in love with you and the curse will finally be broken I'm so looking forward to getting sleep at night every night. Tick tock tick tock like never sleep Who cares about that, every time I sleep I always have fire nearby it is so comfy cozy and warm Well nice for you.

Thank you. I want to be human again. How about you? Beast - you agree don't you? Yes, I would very much prefer to be human again than a big hairy stinky beast You do smell a bit It's a little bit hard to find running water in this old castle   What is taking her so long? She's taking forever Oh finally Thank you, thank you, it makes me want to dance Wow it looks beautiful on you, and looks amazing Thank you, but since it makes you want to dance so much maybe maybe We can have a dance later on What a marvelous idea It has been forever since anyone has danced in your ball room except Candlestick I seen her dancing in there once in a while             Oh - that is stinky breath! Oh - it smells like fishies and those teeth - very yellow   as yellow as bananas or worse is it really that bad? Yes!   When Belle comes you better be very careful not to breathe in her face     I think I hear something that's coming it must be Belle - nobody else lives here in the castle     Belle you are here. Hi.

Would you like to sit down? Yes       Belle - Would you please look at the Beast's teeth I think they are as yellow as bananas   as yellow as your dress nearly well they're not that bad but, I have something to help Will it help stinky breath too? Whoa what is that? Looks like a toothbrush yes. But it's different. It's electric Where did you get that Belle? My dad invented it! Let's see if it works? That feels funny - it's doing a marvelous job They look so much better Wonderful job Belle -  Bravo you have talents of cleaning teeth to. Thank you Belle.

I have a surprise for you, too Oh, I wonder what it is How about we have a race? Okay, that's a good idea. Clock count us off okay? Ready set go - I won! I have a big favor to ask you. What is it? I know I'm supposed to stay here forever as your prisoner but Can I go home and see my papa again? Because he's very old Huh well no Have a heart - let her go   she misses her father so Okay, I have a deal to make this you can go see your father for seven days one Week, and then you have to come back, okay Okay, I promise I will return Goodbye Belle, I'll see you in seven days It's been so nice to have you back here Belle, do you really have to go back to the horrible beast? He's not that horrible anymore. He's really nice to me it's been so nice to be home here but on accident I.

Stayed too long here I stayed for nine days And I had this dream that I was laying in his rose garden and he was dying I. I have I have to go back then you gotta leave really soon if you feel that way Come in Oh Pierre come in Hello Belle, I heard you were in town, I had to come see you. Really? Yes, and have a question for you Will you marry me? No Wait there's more No. But why Belle? Cuz I don't wanna be called Belle La Poo, it's LaPieu Pieu There's somebody else I wanna marry.

But who Belle who? A Beast But he's not that bad. A beast? Who's this beast? I'm sorry, and going to have to say no I gotta hurry Then go run like the wind yes you must hurry Belle I wish you every happiness from the heart of my bottom. I mean the bottom of my heart     Where is Belle? I do not know We really need her back The Beast has been sick since she left so sick maybe even miserable and we don't even know here he is   we won't be human again if she doesn't return well that is ok       no that is not ok Oh Belle I am so sorry I'm late where's the Beast?   We do not know where he is   I had a dream that he was lying in the rose garden and he was dying     he has been sick since you left       maybe we should go and look there he is Beast - Oh no Please don't die - I love you   I'm sorry I'm so late He is dying of heart break   He has a broken heart - broken heart Oh he is changing           you changed you're not an ugly beast any more   you are a handsome Prince again - Yay Why are we not changed - Yay I am not changed - I am still a clock. Ha ha - I do not care.

     Belle you came back I'm so glad you're not an ugly beast anymore you're a charming Prince   I'm so sorry that I was late just wanted to stay for a couple of days after one week I'm sorry I'm so sorry, but I'm here now Thank you. We shall get married at once Yay!         Will you marry me? Yes! We shall be married at once       They are getting married I kinda feel like I am changing I am changing too Oh - I still have the other hand. The other hand is still a torch! Ha ha! Let's go to their wedding! We are gathered here in front of these witnesses to witness the marriage of Prince pumpernickel and Princess Belle if Anybody has a reason why these two should not be married in perfect matrimony speak now or forever hold your peace Oh shush - not you! Continue. Who has the Rings? That is a beautiful ring Prince pumpernickel.

Now you may hug the bride Wonderful! Yes, now let's cut the cake!   I have a present for you. Really what is it? It's my prize rose? My favorite It's so beautiful and roses are my favorite flower and Thank you. It's lovely I love it Hi everybody I'm Zion, and I played Belle and the Beast he was kind of scary But not that scary. I hope you all enjoyed it and watch out for our next video I am five I'm almost six bye bye Hi everybody I am Liberty Vickery and I played the candlestick and I'm 17 years old I hope you all enjoyed it Roar -  Hello my name is Joseph, and I played the Beast and the preacher Thank you all for watching and also I'm 12.

Goodbye Hi everybody, my name is Peter, and I played Belle's dad or Philippe. I'm 10 You guys like the show? Bonjour my name is Lorenzo, and I played Pierre Pompidou LaPieu and I'm 10     Good bye Hi, my name is Noah James Vickery, and I played the Prince and the dog, and I'm 8 years old But Belle's dad aka Peter. I'm pretty sure cuz of all the donuts. He gains 10,000 calories - Shhhh - be very quiet Hello - My name is Legacy Vickery, and I played the clock, and I am 15 years old.

I hope you guys all liked it  .


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Image SkinCare Hydrating repair cream-Skin Care

Hydrating An individual Skin Care

style="display:block; text-align:center;"

Image SkinCare Hydrating repair cream-Skin Care-You have almost certainly heard by now that our bodies are created-up in huge part of water. Water is the principal component of skin cells, so it holds real that suitable hydration is important. Moisture material immediately effects healthful cell maturation and improvement, although strengthening circulation and shipping and delivery of nutrients. Image SkinCare Hydrating repair cream-Skin Care.

Image SkinCare Hydrating repair cream-Skin Care-Maintaining adeqaute ranges of bodily fluids is a should. As the medical doctor says, drink plenty of fluids and avoid liquids higher in caffeine and sugars.

Image SkinCare Hydrating repair cream-Skin Care

Caffeine is a diuretic that acts to deplete fluids and sugar is known to enhance metabolic process, both flushing nutrients and minimizing fluid ranges. It goes with out saying diet program and regular exercise and stopping smoking (if You do) are very useful.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

zevers Moisturizer

Bagaimana terlihat Cantik Tanpa Make Up

Artis Korea Cantik Tanpa Make Up-Rahasia Ahli Kulit Sehat dalam Menjaga Kesehatan Kulit. Menjaga kesehatan kulit merupakan kunci kulit indah natural. Kenali rahasia ahli kulit sehat dalam menerima kulit cantik, bersih, dan sehat.

Tahukah Anda? Kulit kita mempunyai siklus regenerasi tiap-tiap 27 hari dan menyebabkan penumpukan sel kulit mati yang perlu dibersihkan secara teratur dan dijaga kesehatannya. Pasalnya, sekiranya tak dibersihkan, sel kulit mati yang bercampur dengan peluh, debu, polusi, paparan ac, paparan sinar matahari, dan kotoran dapat memperburuk kondisi kulit Anda. Walhasil, kulit bisa kelihatan kusam dan tidak sehat. zevers Moisturizer

Tips Perawatan Dasar menjaga kesehatan kulit

Mencuci muka lebih sering bukanlah solusi yang tepat. Pencucian muka yang berlebihan bisa menyebabkan kulit wajah menjadi lebih kering dan memperbesar resiko terjadinya iritasi. Pastikan pembersih Anda tak mengandung alkohol

Jangan lupa pakai pelembab secara rutin. Pilihlah pelembab yang cocok keadaan kulit Anda. Dan perbanyaklah minum air putih, untuk menolong menjaga kelembaban kulit. Kekurangan kadar air pada tubuh, akan menyebabkan tubuh mengambil cairan dari kulit.

Selalu pakai tabir surya tiap hari saat akan berkesibukan. Penerapan tabir surya berkhasiat untuk menjaga kulit dari paparan cahaya sang surya yang bisa menyebabkan timbulnya flek serta penuaan dini. Sesuaikan tingkat SPF (Sun Protection Factor) dengan aktivitas Anda

Lakukan perawatan wajah secara teratur. Senantiasa bersihkan wajah sebelum tidur. Sebab sisa make up maupun debu yang melekat akan mengakibatkan penumpukan kotoran pada kulit wajah yang menutupi pori-pori. Tak hanya itu, Krem perawatan kulit malah tidak dapat diresapi secara maksimal oleh sel kulit.

Sebelum membersihkan wajah, pastikan tangan Anda dalam keadaan bersih. Cuci tangan Anda sebelum meraba wajah Anda.

Kecuali perawatan, konsumsi dan buah-buahan segar bisa memberikan nutrisi yang dibutuhkan kulit serta pembentukan anti-oksidan. Dan pastikan Anda minum air putih yang cukup tiap-tiap hari untuk menjaga kelembaban kulit.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

5 Artis yang lebih Cantik Tanpa Make Up

Muka Cantik Tanpa Make Up

Cantik Alami Tanpa Make Up-Rahasia Spesialis Kulit Sehat dalam Menjaga Kesehatan Kulit. Menjaga kesehatan kulit merupakan kunci kulit menawan natural. Kenali rahasia spesialis kulit sehat dalam mendapatkan kulit menawan, bersih, dan sehat.

Tahukah Anda? Kulit kita memiliki siklus regenerasi setiap 27 hari dan menyebabkan penumpukan sel kulit mati yang perlu dibersihkan secara teratur dan dijaga kesehatannya. Pasalnya, seandainya tidak dibersihkan, sel kulit mati yang bercampur dengan peluh, debu, polusi, paparan ac, paparan cahaya sang surya, dan kotoran bisa memperburuk keadaan kulit Anda. Alhasil, kulit bisa kelihatan kusam dan tak sehat. 5 Artis yang lebih Cantik Tanpa Make Up

Kiat Perawatan Dasar menjaga kesehatan kulit

Mencuci muka lebih kerap kali bukanlah solusi yang ideal. Pencucian muka yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan kulit wajah menjadi lebih kering dan memperbesar resiko terjadinya iritasi. Pastikan pembersih Anda tidak mengandung alkohol

Jangan lupa pakai pelembab secara rutin. Pilihlah pelembab yang layak kondisi kulit Anda. Dan perbanyaklah minum air putih, untuk membantu menjaga kelembaban kulit. Kekurangan kadar air pada tubuh, akan menyebabkan tubuh mengambil cairan dari kulit.

Selalu gunakan tabir surya tiap-tiap hari saat akan berkegiatan. Pengaplikasian tabir surya bermanfaat untuk menjaga kulit dari paparan cahaya sang surya yang dapat menyebabkan timbulnya flek serta penuaan dini. Sesuaikan tingkat SPF (Sun Protection Factor) dengan kegiatan Anda

Lakukan perawatan wajah secara teratur. Selalu bersihkan wajah sebelum tidur. Karena sisa make up maupun debu yang menempel akan mengakibatkan penumpukan kotoran pada kulit wajah yang menutupi pori-pori. Tak hanya itu, Krem perawatan kulit malahan tak bisa diserap secara maksimal oleh sel kulit.

Sebelum membersihkan wajah, pastikan tangan Anda dalam keadaan bersih. Cuci tangan Anda sebelum meraba wajah Anda.

Kecuali perawatan, konsumsi dan buah-buahan segar dapat memberikan nutrisi yang diperlukan kulit serta penyusunan anti-oksidan. Dan pastikan Anda minum air putih yang cukup tiap-tiap hari untuk menjaga kelembaban kulit.

hydration Skin Treatment products-Skincare

Hydrating An individual Skin Care

style="display:block; text-align:center;"

hydration Skin Treatment products-Skincare-An individual have most likely heard by now that our bodies are made-up in massive portion of water. Water is the principal component of skin cells, so it holds correct that proper hydration is crucial. Moisture material straight effects healthful cell maturation and advancement, although bettering circulation and delivery of nutrition. hydration Skin Treatment products-Skincare.

hydration Skin Treatment products-Skincare-Maintaining adeqaute ranges of bodily fluids is a must. As the doctor says, drink a lot of fluids and stay away from liquids high in caffeine and sugars.

hydration Skin Treatment products-Skincare

Caffeine is a diuretic that acts to deplete fluids and glucose is recognized to enhance metabolism, the two flushing nutrition and reducing fluid amounts. It goes without having saying diet and regular physical exercise and stopping smoking (if A person do) are hugely beneficial.

Nourish Skin Ultimate gold

Nourish Skin Ultimate gold -Nourish Skin Ultimate, Menepis Noda dan Kerutan

Kesegaran kulit kita Butuh dirawat. Situasi kulit yang sehat, halus dan lembut diinginkan oleh setiap orang, secara khusus Menurut anda kaum wanita. Kulit yang halus membikin anda tampak lebih muda, dan menarik. Juga untuk kaum remaja, kulit yang sehat, bersih jerawat dan halus adalah idaman mereka. Permasalahannya, situasi lingkungan, udara yang penuh polusi (asap kendaraan bermotor, pabrik) berakibat pada Kebugaran kulit anda. Radikal bebas dari cahaya ultraviolet juga bisa merusak Kebugaran kulit. Belum lagi unsur seperti konsumsi zat kimia dalam bahan makanan, dan unsur usia menyebabkan kerusakan pada kulit anda. Apa yang anda lakukan untuk mengatasi persoalan ini?

Satu lagi produk Kesegaran kulit dari Pharos, yakni Nourish Skin Ultimate. Nourish Skin Ultimate, temuan baru dari Pharos, suplemen kulit yang mengandung HA (Hyaluronic Acid). HA ini diakui sebagai salah satu pelembab kulit alami terbaik. HA akan memberikan kelembapan pada kulit kering. Kecuali itu kandungan lain Nourish Skin Ultimate ialah SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) ialah antioksidan alami.

Nourish Skin Ultimate, bekerja dengan sistem berikut :

Group asam amino menstimulasi kesibukan sel firoblast untuk memproduksi serat kolagen dan elastin, mewujudkan kulit tebal, kencang, lembab dan elastis. Hyaluronic Acid mengikat air 1000 kali dari volumenya sendiri, dengan ketersediaan air yang tinggi maka pengerjaan regenerasi sel kulit berjalan lebih pesat. Sel kulit tua dengan segera akan digantikan dengan sel yang baru, sehingga kulit akan lebih segar dan berseri. Kandungan zat antioksidan dapat mencegah kerusakan sel akibat efek radikal bebas.

Nourish Skin Ultimate, tepat sasaran untuk memudarkan flek hitam kulit, menghilangkan kerut, melembabkan kulit, mengencangkan dan mencerahkan kulit, mencegah penuaan dini.

Detil produk dari Nourish Skin Ultimate isi 60 Tablet

Menepis Noda dan Kerutan Nourish skin Ultimate, penemuan kreatif terbaru suplemen kulit pertama dan satu-satunya di Indonesia yang mengandung HA (Hyaluronic Acid) “One of the Best Natural Moisturizers” yang akan memberikan kelembaban pada kulit secara terus menerus, sehingga layak Demi kulit kering, ditambah SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) antioksidan paling alami.

Khasiat Nourish Skin Ultimate

Memudarkan flek-flek hitam
Menghilangkan kerut dan keriput
Melembabkan kulit kering
Mengencangkan kulit
Mencerahkan kulit kusam
Menghaluskan kulit kering dan kasar
Mencegah penuaan kulit

Komposisinya memiliki 4 faktor utama dengan fungsi : Asam amino Antioksidan tingkat tinggi Ramuan pelembab natural Vitamin dan Mineral Aman dikonsumsi rentang panjang, karena tak mengandung elemen hormonal dan terbuat dari bahan natural.