Sunday, August 12, 2018


Hey guys, it's Ro Today I'm hanging out with my friend Justine Justine: Hello She is amazing I love her. I'll put her links down below Go give her some love Subscribe! All of that jazz You guys requested that I try some Japanese beauty products All of the instructions are in Japanese so I printed off some papers with translations on them Justine: *whispers* oh okay Ro: so we can understand how to do this I'm going to treat you to a day at the spa starting with this first Japanese gadget Justine: it looks like it's sucking your eye out. I mean it kind of actually just looks like an eyelash curler... They're putting that thing everywhere Ro: Lips, side of your face, the unibrow, forehead But it looks like it vibrates You push against your eyelids and exercise the muscles in your face every minute Microcurrents pass through...

[Words start blending together] ...Tech face stretch her face looks like it's curling a bit Justine: Go outside go for a job Ro: You know what I'm scared of Justine: What Are these kinda like those machines that people buy like the shake weight like the vibrations are supposed to work you out or like that machine where it ji- Justine: [laughing] I bought that Ro: Does it work?? Justine: No!! Ro: Oh [both laughing] Justine: It looks like a razor Ro: It does Justine: [razor noises] Ro: Oh, it's going! Oh my gosh Justine: Oh! Ro: Do you want to try it first Stick it over- Justine: Hey come over. Stick this eye suction cup on your eye! It's cool. Ro: this is what friends are for Justine: [mumbling] I mean it  doesn't... It's like...

Ro: does it tickle? Justine: this is so... [Laughing] [Ro laughing] Justine: do you feel ten years younger? I do. Ro: let me try my chin [laughing] I will say that the vibrations are very very small. It doesn't like jiggle your face.

Justine: Don't put it on your ear [both laughing] You gotta put it on your lips [Justine laughing] Ro: [sound from lips] You just sit here? Justine: yeah. It says one minute every morning I mean I'm seeing the effects immediately [Ro laughing] I want it to vibrate more Justine: yeah Ro: I want more like [buzzes lips] These are supposed to shape your nose into a desirable shape. Justine: Oh, you got to wear this while you sleep Ro: I think your nose is pretty cute already Justine: Thanks I think yours is too! Ro: Maybe this will give us the extra umph Oh my gosh! This is extremely uncomfortable [Justine: Oh, it hurts] Justine: Oh jeez, oh my God Ro: Do I have a fat nose? Justine, you gotta put them in your nostril [Justine: oh my gosh!!] These are not comfortable Justine: I'm not gonna lie so like I have really bad sinuses and this feels really good. Like I freaking love it Ro: you like this? Justine: yes [Ro: it's painful] I get tension headaches and pressure from my sinuses and it's alleviating all of that Ro: is it really? Justine: This is my new look You're gonna see me at like Vidcon and- Ro: girl, how you gonna sleep in this.

If you're sleeping down like this, you know like this I have to breathe out of my mouth, and then I'll get dry throat. I feel this is making my nostrils bigger Which I don't think is very desirable Justine: No, nuh-uh Ro: All right. Let's do a new one The next gadget we're gonna try is for health It looks like a toy, but it says it's a lung exerciser [Justine laughing] and here's a picture Justine: It looks like she's throwing up. Use ten times a day Ro: ten times a day?! Justine: How are you gonna have time to do anything else? Ro: I don't know, but these are very portable you can just pop them in your purse and bring them out whenever Oh, I'm just exercising my lungs don't worry this will just take a minute [Justine laughing] *screeching sound* What.

Just. Happened. Ro: I feel like it just yelled at us like "girl you're doing it wrong!!" Jutine: "you got this you got this!!" *Screeching sound* [both laughing] Justine: Matty's terrified It's okay. Mommy's alright.

I think *screeching sound* *screeching sound* *screeching sound* [Ro laughing] *screeching sound* * screeching sound* [both laughing] *screeching* Ro: [while laughing] yes! [Laughing] Lung health Justine: ooh I feel a little light headed now I'm feeling real dizzy Ro: I will say that it worked my body a little these are pretty funny Justine: it's fun Ro: next gadget An inflatable face mask it's supposed to defy gravity by holding your face up Do you want to try this first or do you want me to try it first I think you can try it first Ro: okay It's a fact of life as years go by [Justine laughing] oh okay. You're reading the facts things have a tendency to drop. There's still easy way to counter it Thanks to this Facelift belt blow it up And then attach [it] to your face watch TV or relax and read a book even 5 minutes a day are enough for a good stretch stretch Justine: a good stretch? Ro: it's supposed to stretch my face or hold it up. What's going on here? She does not look happy in here.

She looks real squishy [duck noise from Justine] Uh oh Oh, that's feeling tighter. Nice job. That's good. [Justine panting] *squeeking sound* I feel like this is one of those things that wrestlers wear Justine: is that tight enough or do you want it tighter Ro: no I think you need it tighter it's supposed to lift  my face this isn't lifting my face [both laughing] this does not feel good! Justine: look at your little chin it's- [starts laughing] Ro: I hate it I don't want to sit in this and watch a TV show Justine: [while laughing] AHA!! Oh.

My. God. You need to see your chin!! Your chin looks like a little baguette!! [Both laughing hysterically] Ro: oh yeah, just put this on and read a really relaxing book Justine: [squealing] lookit!! You're so cute! You're little chin!! Ro: it really does not feel good. Uhhh you gotta try this Justine: do we take this- let me take this off of you Ro: Hold it in place Justine: all right Ro: and tell me when it's too tight Justine: just make it as tight as you can that's nice Ro: ok, because it's supposed to lift [Ro laughing] Justine: I feel like a chipmunk Ro: you have like little chubby cheeks [Justine squeals] Do I look younger I don't really know doesn't she look like a wrestler when the wrestlers are like Justine: I feel sad Ro: you know this how wrestlers do it I will say though if you wear that and like watch a TV show or something I wouldn't want to eat popcorn or anything Justine: That's true use this as an anti-snacking device Justine: do you wanna, popcorn Ro: no I don't want to This is the last beauty gadget that we have to try it kind of looks like one of those heads massagers, but this is for your face She looks like she's in heaven here This is gonna fit on my face? Like this? Justine: I think so Ro: and then you just shove it? Justine: shove it.

OH!!! NO!!! Ro: do I have a fat head? Justine: how does that feel? It looks like your squeezing your face Ro: it says it's supposed to be extremely relaxing Pretend you're at a spa *spa music* And pretend there's spa music playing Ro: okay? Justine: okay Ro: you're lying down would this relax you more? Or is it weird? Justine: I mean I know your doing it so it's weir- [both start laughing] Justine: wait let's try it on our head Ro: there how's that Justine: that's nice Ro: really?! Justine: yeah Ro: this does feel very good I feel like we should be gadget testers Alright that does it for all the Japanese beauty and health gadgets that we have to try today A big thank you to Justine for coming over here and trying these with me I know this was like a weird video we had never done something like this before Justine: it's good it was fun I mean I have never really used any of these things and I was real into the nostril stretcher Ro: I think my favorite one that was the funnest was this one Justine: What if we used them all at the same time Ro: Oh my gosh. Yes. People are like wow They're getting their beauty on *squeeking* Justine: I feel like I'm five years old Anti-aging *squeeking* Ro: Thank you guys for watching We made another video over on Justine's channel I'll put a link down below Go check it out We had so much fun And if you guys wanna see another video you can click up here Justine: or up here Ro: yeah Alright, thanks again you guys bye bye *squeaking* [both laughing].


Monday, August 6, 2018

Trying Clickbait Beauty Hacks From Instagram

Hello Friends and welcome to another video Today we're gonna be testing out questionable beauty hacks from Instagram videos now We've previously tested out some strange hacks from Facebook videos with mediocre success and since then pretty much all I've been seeing on my instagram explore page are similar Beauty hack videos They seem to think that I'm a hacker that I like hacks or that I am a hack so I've decided to take these Referrals as a sign that I should dive back in and put these videos to the test Instagram has a lot of beauty videos in general which are often speckled or arranged into playlists on the explore page or free booted from individual creators and reposted by big make up accounts and by design you can churn through like Dozens of these videos at a time I mean look at those thumbnails Don't you want to click on those? Is that James Charles? Almost all of these videos are sped up, have little to no talking and oh yeah Instagram also doesn't have a progress bar so you can't skip around or rewind. In addition I find that Instagram videos are more prone to true click-baiting than Facebook videos. You'll get some classic thumbnails like this one with a giant red vampire Eye, but then when you click into the video It's just a normal eye shadow tutorial but some of these videos are just click baity in that they use a Ridiculous seeming method in order to get an enticing thumbnail whether or not that method helps you do anything faster or better Or anything at all and those are the videos we're gonna be mostly focusing on today as much as I would like to try out Permanent retina damage. Alright, so let's dive right into these the first hack is certainly beauty related But it's not for your face.

It is in fact for the pits. That's right your armpits. That's what I mean It's an armpit Beauty hack! Alright, so this video was reposted by makeup vines But it's originally by Sarah revolta the comments are pretty harsh. There are a lot of like nauseous green emojis and um, one girl says tbh I threw up.

So basically what happens is Sarah wakes up, and oh no, she has armpits! She doesn't want you to see them, so she's gonna cover them with honey oats and baking soda I think actually the premise is that she has like dark skin on her Underarms or something because she certainly doesn't have any hair. Interestingly enough, DIY armpit lightening masks are kind of a motif throughout a lot of Instagram hack videos I feel like it's kind of like bleaching your b-hole it's like a little unnecessary But if you really want to I guess you can. So she puts her DIY mixture like on her armpits And then she sits with it for a while to let it do it's good stuff She doesn't say how long you should leave it on for? Oh... All right So maybe she means ten minutes because as she's leaning back She just goes "Ten!", But after some amount of time she scoops the oatmeal off and feeds it to her boyfriend I am so happy and yet also sad for Tyler that that occurred because now he has to eat my armpit oatmeal.

TYLER: what you showered today right? SAFIYA: yes, I shower every day *not convincing smile* and I smell very good always. TYLER: that's a lie. SAFIYA: all right the first thing she does is, honey And it doesn't look like she has like very specific proportions She just kind of has like a big old spoon and just puts in a big old spoon. As for the oats She kind of does like one heaping tablespoon, so I'm gonna do like a couple of these there We go and for the baking soda.

She kind of just does like a little less all right so her next step Is that she mixes it together and right off the bat? It's pretty dry I think I might need a little more honey. How am I so bad at this? I will say she just seems like she just sort of did a couple of swipes And then it was like a nice sort of wet mixture. All right ready for the application. TYLER: Ah that's nasty dude.

SAFIYA: is this what I'm supposed to do? TYLER: this feels like the worst like sexy role-playing thing ever SAFIYA: it's like a Cosmo tip it's like spice it up by bringing food into the bedroom Oh, it's honey and baking soda in your pits. I will say it smells kind of good though. All right I'm like a little bit unsure of how to do this with my other arm pit full of oatmeal already Oh, I need help I can't do this with my left hand TYLER: it really doesn't spread does it? SAFIYA: Oh, No spread it down no, no! Down, not out! I'll hold the camera. OH NO! TYLER: oh s**t.

Oh God, I just dropped a huge chunk. SAFIYA: No, no, not out. Ty, up and down, clearly. TYLER: I think we have different definitions of armpit here.

SAFIYA: Alright, here We go after some struggle both my armpits are oated. My arms are gonna get tired Okay, so it's been about 10 minutes since I put on the right armpits oatmeal and the oatmeal has definitely warmed up. In fact, It's turned kind of like whitish and creamy almost as if it's cooked or perhaps like reacted somehow with the baking soda She basically just like scrapes it off with the spoon, and then immediately tricks her boyfriend into eating it. Alright Ty are you ready, I got a spoonful of oatmeal for you.

TYLER: Why am I doing this? SAFIYA: Oh? That's not food is it? These are really that bad? Ew! You just drooled all over me. TYLER: very salty. SAFIYA: It's salty? That's my sweat TYLER: *disgusted noises* Alright so after wiping off our oatmeal mask completely. I'm not sure that my armpits are any lighter it kind of feels like maybe they were just Exfoliated a little nicely.

I did really have to kind of scrub those oats off and taking a look at her after armpits They look pretty much the same, but in terms of the execution of this hack I just got oats all over this floor and my shirt and I might have poisoned Tyler so I think that you know you could probably just use like a body scrub on your armpits and Save yourself a lot of mess alright so for our second hack We're gonna go in for another lightining treatment except this time instead of being for your underarms It's for your under eyes, so this is a video by Medina shrien zada She basically sort of pops up and she has like very exaggerated dark circles They look pretty fake like maybe she just put like a lot of eyeshadow underneath her Eye, and then she's skins and cuts up a potato puts some honey and black pepper on the slices and puts them under her eye for five minutes And then when she lifts them off of her eyes the dark circles are gone as well as the eye shadow now it does say Further down into her caption that she's mimicked dark circles, but it's pretty far down And I think people in the comments aren't really having it so with that. Let's try it This is coincidentally a great time to try and test this hack because I was up till 6 a.M. Last night, and I have a whole under-eye suitcase situation going on. Okay, so the first step is to peel the potato TYLER: do you know how to peel a potato? SAFIYA: No, I'm not very good at this, can I just slice off the Peel? This is much better.

I got it to be sort of like a geometric gemstone by just peeling it with a knife alright So basically she just sort of cuts off like little sections That would cover her under eye area, and then next she just puts a little bit of honey on 'em. And then she goes like this. So then the next thing she does is she just Sprinkles some black pepper on and then applies it to her eyes. Cheers.

Okay, this isn't so bad. I will say that right off the bat The potatoes kind of cold, so I'm feeling some refreshment So that's probably actually good for your under eye circles. Move over a cucumber slice potato is coming for your wig I'm not feeling any sneeziness, or eye pain because of the pepper as of yet, the pepper is more just like texture It's like I feel like a piece wedged in between the potato and me. Alright so in five minutes Let's take these bad boys off and see if my under-eye circles have packed their bags and left Are you ready for my Princess Diaries reveal? TYLER: Well you don't have a unibrow so...

SAFIYA: I do have a unibrow. I just plucked it tada Oh, I look like I was just crying coffee grounds. Oh actually now that I've lifted the potato up I'm actually feeling the tingling from the black pepper and like almost a little spice. Oh, oh it's hot.

Oh. This is odd I feel like I have like a bengay patch underneath my eyes you and I mean like a Salone puss I think that maybe some of the logic behind this hack is that the pepper will like stimulate blood flow But my undereyes just kind of hurt, and I don't think they look much better. Now She said this was her under eye 'routine' so maybe like one time isn't enough But that is a lot of work and pain for a 'maybe'. So I've put on some foundation because the next hack is a makeup hack so this account dramatized free booted and Reposted this video from promisetamang.

They gave her some credit but you definitely had to click read more to see it so the thing that stuck out to me about this hack is that it's Basically like a surprise double hack from the thumbnail It looks like she's using tweezers to somehow contour her nose And when you click in she's actually Using the tweezers to draw in her eyebrows After he completely does her eyebrows at the very end she does her nose kind of quickly So it was kind of like an emotional rollercoaster, I thought I had been click baited and then right at the end I was saved. All right so I think what she does is she just like takes the eyebrow gel and like paints the ends of her tweezer with it. She Has thinner eyebrows than I do so I worry that my eyebrows may not be Contained by these tweezers. As she gets to the back she Closes the tweezer.

Did that do anything? I feel like I just got a little bit of eyebrow gel in the head of my brow Right here. I do have slightly wider tweezers that maybe would work better, so let's try those that didn't do much I'm gonna try more of a pomade than a gel just to you know give it more of an impact. Oh, that's darker That's better and then narrow it narrow it oh I skid marked all right Let me try the other side And then we'll try and fill them in oh no oh no left hand no good the thing is it's not Decidedly worse than the other one, but neither are really great. TYLER: you look like an Angry Bird right now.

SAFIYA: I feel like an angry bird right now I feel like I'm getting the intent of the hack, but my artistic abilities are not really up to snuff So let's try out the nose contour. Maybe I'll be better at that since there's less like drawing involved all right ready *humming* TYLER: oh that's a good draw right there. I don't think I did that well with this one either. I think that this hack easily goes skidmark It takes the skidmark exit nearly every time.

I don't know what kind of brush She's using so I'm just gonna use this brush and just try and buff it out buff it out. What Wha What What buff it out I will admit that I don't do nose contouring very often this side looks okay, and then you go over to this side And it's just sad now though compared to my nose contour my eyebrows are looking great So I'm happy about that at least I think if you have the right features that fit Inside of like a normal sized tweezer, maybe this might actually work for you But besides that I do think it's a little more trouble than it's worth Okay, so the next hack is another makeup hack, and I actually recognize the company. That's made it It's Cristine's favorite channel troom troom. CRISTINE: *singing* Gotta get those troom troom views! Yes, so this video was reposted by DIY amazing DIY, but I think something got lost in translation Because the video doesn't really make a lot of sense.

Early on in the video They introduced the hack Which is like using a spoon over your eye to like create like an eye shadow? Look and then they sort of like put clip in extensions in their hair apply some eyeliner And then are like told by a third person to only use one hand And then by the end of the video they've given up on doing their makeup entirely none of that is explained or captioned It's just if you keep watching the video after the hack you'll notice that there's a lot more video And it doesn't make any sense. Okay, and with that let's try it. Alright I'm just gonna put like a little bit of a base shade on I don't really know what else this girl does she just kind of puts a spoon on her Eye, and then goes to town though to be fair She kind of does like this sort of crease action and then moves on to do something off-camera And when she comes back her eye shadow looks a lot better, so there's definitely some movie magic involved. Alright I've got a couple different spoons I think I'm gonna go with this one because it's flatter and then I'm gonna take a little bit of this brick color and go In oh that's moving my contact around I can feel that but this is hard to do with one.

Eye TYLER: oh, that's gonna be a good cut crease. SAFIYA: first doesn't end up being a cut crease it just sort of ends up being like a Dramatic crease look okay my contacts back tada. I think that over here We are seeing something that could be like an eye shadow look, but in general It's not very symmetric or even. Let me try the other spoon on the other eye I think this one's a little more rounded.

So hopefully it'll be a little more flush to my eyeball TYLER: alright, you know what, that looks pretty good! SAFIYA: the thing is for a starting point for eye shadow like you could start from here And then just like keep blending it out I'm just not sure that using a spoon is easier than just like putting the product straight onto your eye Just to be fair to troom troom, I'm gonna blend this out a little bit You know just to make it like more of a look in general this video. Just confuses me I think it's almost like a game of like bad Beauty hack telephone But that seems to be a big part of Instagram videos in general a lot of them are stolen and chopped up I guess that might contribute to why they're so confusing Originally I had suspected that this was multiple troom troom videos cut together But amazingly all of the footage is actually just from one video called makeup challenge full face using food and school supplies I guess these weren't meant to be hacks after all okay So this last hack is a hair hack that I'm very excited about so this video was posted by a page called makeup vines But it was free booted from five-minute crafts So basically what it is you put a scrunchie on like the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner? And then you vacuum up your hair put the scrunchie on and voila ponytail this hack in particular I remember seeing in like a viral video from a few years ago about like a disgruntled dad Trying to do his daughter's hair so Tyler will have the honour of vacuuming my head today,TYLER: so basically. It's me testing this hack SAFIYA: Yes, but it's my head on the line TYLER: without further ado *turns on vaccuum* SAFIYA: AH! TYLER: Let's vacuum some hair! Are you ready for an instant ponytail? SAFIYA: *yelling* No! TYLER: It keeps getting your shirt SAFIYA: *screaming* SAFIYA: Did it work? TYLER: *vacuum shuts off* is that what they want us to do? SAFIYA: You know that tickled. The sound was absolutely terrifying, but the sensation was quite nice, try it again TYLER: So I'm gonna double it up this time because I think it was a little loose Hey, that wasn't so bad.

SAFIYA: I have a complete chunk of hair, that's missing, but that's artful I guess TYLER: you look like a spunky like zoo Disney character right now. Let me try it one more time It's still a little messy. Ah! You've got so much hair. Oh here.

We go here. We go here we go That's what I'm talking about and that's a ponytail It's not perfect, but it's close the level of perfection from five-minute crafts is pretty mind-blowing because there's like stray hairs everywhere SAFIYA: It's not so bad. I'm surprised that it worked. Even as well as it did a major con to this though is that the inside of a vacuum sees some stuff and you probably don't want that stuff on your head besides that I'm Not sure, it's faster than just doing a normal ponytail yourself But it's definitely more exciting so viral video.

Yes hack that you recommend to people I don't think so this could be kind of a good prank though Hey, let me help you but like give you a slightly messy ponytail Okay, so those were my questionable Instagram hacks I'm not sure I really got the hang of any of these hacks But I think the one that was the closest to a hack that might actually work was the tweezer one the other ones may have had some effect But I don't think the results were worth the trouble pain or mess so I wouldn't consider them better than traditional methods I think my main Takeaway from this is that the reason why Instagram has so many hacks like these which are so ridiculous in nature Is that the video posters or reposters are working within the confines of Instagram where you only really get a thumbnail to work with There aren't any visible video titles on Instagram, and you can only see the caption after you've clicked it So you kind of have to make a video that will lend itself to having a crazy thumbnail And if you don't well Then you just have to make up a thumbnail to be fair these videos can be pretty entertaining So if they were marketed more as things you should watch rather than things you should do They'd be a lot less perplexing. I would just also say to Instagram Please add a progress bar and to you all at home. Maybe don't put black pepper under your eyes thank you guys so much for watching if you like that video make sure to smash that like button and if you want to see more videos like this make sure to Smash that subscribe button here are my social media handles and make sure to check out my next feat I vlog on there every Sunday A big shout out to respect the Beck for watching. Thanks for watching respect the Beck and I will see you guys next time.

Trying Clickbait Beauty Hacks From Instagram

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Trying Clickbait Beauty Hacks From Facebook

Nope I'm not sure Hello friends and welcome to another video Today I'm gonna be testing out Questionable beauty hacks from Facebook videos. So recently I was scrolling on my Facebook feed and I came across This video, it was a DIY makeup hack video in which the hacker cut up fake Eyelashes and dumped them into clear eyebrow gel And that was it. That was the hack. Much to the ire of the commenters below.

This led me down a rabbit hole of more of these Facebook Beauty hack videos, of which Many seem to share the theme of why, and is that even a hack? It seems like they often just do random things Just to have a sensational thumbnail or title. So it's not really the kind of clickbait where they lie to you because they usually Show you what's in the thumbnail within the video, with some exceptions But often times they seem to just invent something Ridiculous just to get a reaction. And they almost never talk in the videos So they don't really have to explain themselves. To be fair it can be kind of entertaining, like hey You've got a fork on your face.

How about that? But I wouldn't really call them hacks. That said maybe I've got it all wrong Maybe these hacks aren't ridiculous, and they're actually very helpful, so we're gonna put them to the test today and find out. Okay! So first up is this pretty mysterious hack. So this particular video was posted by a Facebook page called Brush, and the caption says "I need to try these" A little bit below that they do credit this girl Luisa Simona's Instagram But it doesn't seem like they tried these before they shared them with the world.

So basically they put some toothpaste and then some baking Soda in a cup and they mix it together oh And then straight away there was no before picture of the chin, Luisa is just brushing the toothpaste on her chin. I don't know what her motivation is, I mean we can watch it with the sound on just to be sure that Louisa's not speaking to us No, it's just just sort of jazzy, love making music. But she does make sure to put up some fish emojis just you know she's making a fish face. Then she wipes it off and We see her chin, and then after that it just goes straight into a different hack, so that's about all the context We have.

So I say let's test this thing. Okay, So she starts off by just pouring the toothpaste in there's no quantities that she gives. She just sort of puts it in It's a pretty artful swirl if I do say so myself, and then after that she puts in what looks like one Teaspoon of baking soda. Oh I spilled it I spilt it this smells really good though Maybe it's for bad breath.

On your face. So how she applies it is She just sort of takes some on her toothbrush and then puts it straight on the chin. Oh, it's cold It just missed completely, oh wow that is Pungent and powerful on the chin, she does sort of brush, it around. Oh that hurts.

I feel hacked Lemme see if Louisa herself has anything to say about this. Ah this must be it. It is supposed to remove blackheads It's supposed to remove blackheads! It's supposed to remove blackheads! Don't leave it on! Well, I've left it on. It's too late now We can't go back.

Alright So I think I should probably take it off now because I've left it on for at least five minutes. Oh boy. Oh oh, ow ow! As it's coming off it hurts more. I don't know that my chin looks like there's less blackheads on it But it does look a little bit red and raw.

So Louisa did have a little bit more instructions But Brush just chose to like completely not include those, though The comments do say a couple of helpful things, do not do the first one with whitening toothpaste. It will burn. Are these whitening? Yes, damn it Louisa! Alright. Well.

That's our first hack. Based on the pain and the lack of instructions I wouldn't recommend this one. Shall we continue? So this next hack was the sort of og hack that started off this whole process This is the clear eye brow gel. This video was posted by a page called "eyeliner addict" And yeah people in the comments are just really not having it.

Like Trishia for example says "so if I shave my legs Or vag I can just glue it on my face?" To which I say Trishia Do you. The thing is as the girl applies the gel to her eyebrows, her eyebrows Don't look bad at the end, but I'm just really Unconvinced that it has anything to do with the little hairs that are in the gel But who knows. So let me wipe my eyebrows off and put some Eyelashes on them. All right, so it looks like her first step is just Chopping off bits of these fake eyelashes.

Does she chop them all up? She must right? This is just not enough hair There's just this is too slow. Okay. This is making your life easier I kind of feel like I don't have as many as they did. They only really showed like one tray of these little eyelashes But I feel like theirs was much hairier.

It looks like a really bad Sneeze. Is that how many nose hairs come out when you sneeze? So we have the exact same eyebrow gel that they showed in their video They have some type of extra dropper though to get it out of there so I'm gonna pop open the top and I'm gonna stick this syringe in. None of these steps were included in the hack by the way. All right, and then I'm gonna syringe the clear gel into our little pot.

Oh, yeah, that looks good. All right well
I think it's time to mix our gel up and Put it on my eyebrows. The thing is like maybe if you have sparse eyebrows you want to fill them in with things that look Legitimately like hair, but I just don't think that these really look like eyebrow hairs They're curly and wiry and... Pubie I know that there's hairs on my brush, but I don't think that they're coming off onto my eyebrow I will admit that my eyebrows are not like the most sparse but at least they match the color of the Eyelashes.

Because I feel like if you had lighter eyebrows this might look ridiculous. Ll right, so I think I've done both brows I don't think that they look like particularly bad You can't even really see the little hairs at all, and if you can they're just kind of like sticking out awkwardly It's possible that they may have thought this was a good hack But I also Think that they may have just thought it looked kind of gross and thought that they could get a bunch of Facebook comments about it And they were right. Kay, so this next hack is for eyeshadow, and I'm gonna be honest I feel like it might work But when I saw this I was just like Why?O this is a video Posted by this page called five minute crafts, its caption is op secret beauty hacks for the perfect image winky face You know what I'm talking about the perfect image. Lright so right in the beginning this person has Covered her face in pads.

Hat is uh not part of any of the hacks I don't think, that she's just sort of done that too artistically show you that pads are gonna Be involved in this video. So basically this woman is putting on eye shadow. She's getting fallout. It's terrible It's almost like a setup like an old-school infomercial It's like do you have a really hard time opening milk? And then now they're gonna show you the solution Which is to just put a straw in the side like joey tribianni my favorite is that she looks to the side sneakily before she pulls the pad out and then she cuts it up into pieces and sticks the pieces under her eyes.

I. Understand the idea of like putting something underneath your eyes to catch fallout, But does it have to be a pad? He people in the comments Don't seem to be loving It. Is no one gonna mention that pads are way too expensive to be using on your face everyday? The sticky adhesive That's supposed to adhere to panties should never go on your face. Listen Angie You seem like a sensible person that has no place in Facebook hack videos.

So um let's try this shall we? Alright so I'm gonna cut my pad as she does. I think my pads a little bit thicker than hers. Then I'm gonna take the Adhesive off and then stick this on the face. It's a good look I'm not sure about her pads, but my pads on my face right now only has adhesive like right in the middle of it, So I actually feel like fallout could still get underneath there.

All right. I'm going into some more vibrant colors Just to make sure we could really test the fallout caching capabilities. I don't really know what type of eye shadow look I'm going for right here. I'm just - putting colors on my face.

All right ready. I'm gonna take them off Oh, I do think that they caught some of the fallout. Cuz you can see that There's a little eye shadow specks sort of right there, so it did catch some of it - this little spot right here But as people in the comments said the expense of using pads under your eyes and also the fact that you have a pad Adhesive on your under eye skin every day makes us a pretty like not feasible hack all right So this next hack is a foundation application Hack, of which I feel like there were a lot in the last year and a half or so alright So this video is from a page called beauty hacks, and their caption is items at home that will save your   makeup routine. And the item they propose will save your Foundation is a balloon.

My biggest gripe with this hack is how they've cut it together, It seems like it doesn't work very well to begin with and then it cuts to her foundation being completely blended, So it makes me feel like she blended out her makeup with something else in between. Okay. I mean let's try it I'm gonna inflate this now Yes This is a tough balloon! Let me stretch this out a little bit Alright there we go hahah! A Beauty Blender! Alright ready? It makes a fun sound when it hits my face:) Alright clear first problem, besides the fact that the foundation isn't really soaking in, which is pretty much exactly What happened in the video, is that this balloon tip is round, And I can't really get in any crevice of my face, but this is fun. I could just do this for a while Oh, that's a good idea.

The balloon is more malleable than I had expected Alright, there seems to be a couple crevices that we just can't reach, So I don't think that her foundation was completely blended out by a balloon, But I would recommend putting a balloon on her face, because it's fun. I wouldn't call it a beauty hack, But it would be what I would call a fun evening. So this next hack is an example of what I'd call the hack gone too far. This video is called 9 hacks for perfect cat eyes, and this girl basically just takes any Item she can find with a straight edge, and puts it next to her eye.

Which seems to be okay when it's like tape are like a playing card. She then goes on to paint scissors with eyeliner and put them next to her EYE. The interesting things about these comments are that a lot of people are criticizing her eyeliner Which I actually don't find to be the problem, There are not enough people in these comments being like please don't put next to your eye. Anyway with that, Let's try it.

Which end does it look like she's using I think it's this end Yeah, it's a long pointy one so I think in spirit this hack is pretty- that just freaked me out Yeah, it just freaked me out. To me this hack is similar to like an eyeliner stamp where she actually Paints the eyeliner on the little edge, and then stamps it Stamps it on her eye to which I would say use anything else, but this. This is probably one of the Dumber things We've done on this channel. Alright Ready, I'm not ready.

I'm nervous mom .  Whoa That wasn't even good. It didn't come out very well. Which is a shame because I put my eyeball on the line I think I'm gonna have to try it again And maybe try and paint more of the scissor blade, thing is my scissor has a flat end right here, and so does hers It's not even like a point.

Yeah. I don't think that looks very good I'm just gonna do the other side just for good measure. Well. I mean that's better, but it's still terrible! Yeah, I wouldn't recommend this hack I don't think either eye is ideal and also putting a scissor next to your eye is not ideal So I would say in general don't do this one Okay, so this next hack is also from the Facebook page Brush And it is called four emergency makeup hacks Everyone needs to know.

So this one is like a few hacks in in this video And it's basically supposed to be Emergency lipstick. They put Elmer's glue and food coloring into a bowl, mix it together Then apply it to their lips, and let it sit for 10 minutes, and then peel it off. So I think basically the idea is that I would be staining my lips, which may work But I think my biggest issue with it is just like why would I have these things with me in a makeup Emergency? I feel like if you're you're in a pinch and you've got 10 minutes to spare try and see where the nearest CBS is I think that's number one on the list. Alright, and now let's put it on my lips all right Let me try and get a good coat of this on there.

I'm trying to get some butthole coverage as well I know I feel like a Barbie doll. So yeah, I'm gonna hang around for 10 minutes And then we're gonna peel it off .Alright, so it's been 10 minutes I can't really talk, but it's really solidified, and I think I hopefully I'm ready to peel it off Oh, yeah, that's a pretty good peel very snake skinny And I do think my lips look pretty pink actually. I do have a little bit of like extra Glue kind of like in the inner rim, butthole area but besides that I think that the stain did work, I just don't think that this is what one would or should do when presented with a makeup emergency. It doesn't seem like a good use of time or glue.

All right, so we've made it this far This is our very last hack This is a video from eyeliner addict And the caption is take your makeup off with shaving cream. Basically this girl rubs shaving cream all over her face And you know it sort of tries to show us that it's taking her makeup off Then she says but be careful around your eyes And then it cuts ahead to the eye makeup already being removed. So I suspect that this hack doesn't really work And they're just living off the cachet that like shaving creams a weird quirky thing to put on your face. So with that Let's try and take our makeup off.

Nope. I'm not sure. I put too much on I need help. All right.

Just give me one second I'm just gonna run to the bathroom and get rid of this extra stuff. So she basically just takes the cotton round and just swipes it down like this. I mean it looks like there's some makeup that came of.Mostly, I feel like I just took off the shaving cream You know? I'm gonna need a lot of cotton rounds for this. See I just don't see how this is helping anyone I think that the shaving cream is a little bit, itchy and it's also like weirdly drying? All right So it seems like we've reached the eyes She completely skipped this portion so um I guess just straight to the eye.

Is that working at all? I actually do think it's taking some of my eyeshadow off, but I'm not convinced It's doing anything for the eyeliner I think it's just sort of smudging it around. I would be at this for like a good 30 minutes before I was actually Makeup free. So I don't think I would call this a hack, and the fact that this is the only hack in this video is Worse, I think, it's not like a filler hack It's not like oh, we need fives like throwing in there there like this deserves a video Do you think we could cut ahead and then it would work? Ya just turn all the cameras off, I'll take my makeup off with the makeup wipe and then we'll re-roll. Okay So those were my facebook beauty hacks.

Out of all of these hacks There were definitely a couple that worked to a certain extent, But I would also say that none of them prioritized ease, convenience or common-sense over getting views shares and comments on their videos To be fair there are weird beauty hacks all over the internet But on other platforms like blog posts and YouTube videos the Creator has to at least try to explain Why they think the hack is helpful, but in these videos they're more like this is a ridiculous seeming method We're not going to explain to you Why this is happening and we're gonna bet on the fact that you're probably not gonna try it and call us out on it. Now I. Understand the plight of posting videos to Facebook They're basically trying to get people to stop scrolling on their feed and watch a video They didn't ask, for so these videos basically need to be as crazy as Possible to stand out. Which explains why these videos are pretty fun to watch and sort of out of the box But good beauty hacks they are not thank you guys so much for watching if you liked that video make sure to Shmash that like button and if you want to see more videos like this make sure to shmash that subscribe button a big shout out To Melinda mayhem for watching, thanks for watching, Melinda, and I will see you guys a next time.

Trying Clickbait Beauty Hacks From Facebook

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Hey guys welcome back to my channel so today's video is going to be ten beauty products that I. Cannot live without. This is actually inspired by Chloe Morello tweet She put out a tweet that another youtuber had made a video not related to beauty But just ten things they couldn't live without I kind of got the idea from her so you guys haven't checked out Chloe Morello She's a babe check her out. I will link her in the description box down below Let me tell you this is not really an easy decision making process I will say that I went through every category and thought hmmm.

Do I love this product yes, could I live without it? Yeah If somebody gave me another product to work with I could so really this is more of like I need them in my life All the time don't give me something else to use Thank you so much. So the first item. I'm gonna count as one because they go together This is my shampoo and conditioner, and it is the Ouai a shampoo and conditioner I love the repair version and also the smoothing version of these and let me tell you guys I. Have somewhat of a frizzy texture.

I have a frizzy texture not somewhat There's a frizzy texture going on my hair could either dry really frizzy and separated or together if you have curly hair you may understand that a little bit more it's like your curls can be frizzy or they could have like a nice bouncy together Texture and that's what this does for me it also makes my hair just really really soft. It smells phenomenal I remember one time I had washed my hair with these and my mom came to visit and she was walking by me and she was like What is that? I wasn't wearing perfume okay, and I had no idea and then later I caught her low key sniffing my hair. She liked it that much and I was like you're weird get outta here I
had to give her a bottle even though I didn't want to cuz I'm stingy like that this stuff is just really really good I. Feel like it works for every hair type my hair is so soft feels like baby hair super silky, and I just don't want to use any other shampoo and conditioner I.

Don't well the next thing I'm gonna talk about is skincare And I feel like skincare is a little tricky because I love to try out new stuff all the time I feel like if somebody were to give me another moisturizer to work with right now another eye cream I'd be like yeah, okay. There is one product that stands out that really really changed my skin dramatically and because of the category It's in I kind of feel like I probably won't switch this out or try a new one I mean I'll try a new one But like don't take this from me. This is the Ole Henriksen toner. I've been talking about this forever I've already mentioned it in favorites and in videos here before this toner is just amazing incredible I mean, I'm sure you guys are sick of hearing me talk about it, but as far as skincare goes This is the one thing that I would want to keep using forever It just always gets rid of any redness or irritation in my skin any breakouts I haven't had crazy breakouts recently, so I'm really happy about it.

I felt like in general I didn't realize how much makeup and gunk was left over on my skin after makeup. Wipe and washing my face I thought like yeah, I'm good. I'm clean, but then after using the toner with a silk pad I realized that I still had makeup left over I'd look at the pad, and I would see makeup there, so if you don't use a toner now I feel like that might help keep your skin really really clean especially at night before you go to bed that way you're not sleeping with leftover makeup because you might not know that you are I. Had no idea for all this time, so I love this product ooh, so good so good Since we're in skincare.

Let's move right on to Nivea another product. I've been using for quite some time now makeup Shayla is the one who introduced me to this and nothing compares to Nivea - You guys know that song. This is the Essentially Enriched. It's very important Essentially enriched because they have a few different ones But this one is the best I swear any time anybody asks me.

What moisturizer. What body glow. This is just an Affordable, but also the best way to keep my skin hydrated get it at Target It's like so easy to get and accessible, and it's just never runs out I have them always with me a lot of the products in this video actually I always have a bag of must-haves when I'm traveling going on photo shoots anything that I'm doing these are the That always have to be with me no matter what and this is like don't leave your Nivea at home Do not I don't care if somebody else has lotion on the set It's not always the same because this works, so well with flash if somebody takes a flash photo of you It's like boom beam. What highlight? Are you wearing on your shoulders? It's Nivea ok the best.

I can't live without it I don't want to use another lotion as far as foundation. I'm sorry to disappoint you but You see I wanted to pick a foundation for you guys just to have something in that category, but to be honest with you I. Don't feel like there's a foundation I can't live without right now I feel like there's a few foundations that I love and so I could always rotate those You know what I mean like there's not one that I'm like oh my god. Yes I love this foundation like for example if I were to think of something right now.

It would be the new NARS foundation That I'm currently loving, but if someone took it from me I could still use some of the other foundations that I'm loving as well So we're just gonna skip right over that I'm gonna move on to another hair product this hair product I also have in my bag that goes with me everywhere. And this is Color Wow is a hair powder that you put in your hair line to fill in any sparseness Just anything honestly. I have so Many sparse areas like closer to my baby hairs that when I put my hair back It looks like I'm like losing some hair there. I don't know I'm a little concerned I'm not sure, but this stuff is such an easy on the go.

You're in the car You're like whoa what's going on here. Let me fix this really quick make it look fuller Let's straighten out the part here with a little powder give you a perfect hair, and it's just a lifesaver It just makes everything look more clean more sharp. I love this powder. I have to have it at all times I mean even my brother.

He'll be like oh do you have your color wow? So shady This next item. I'm sure so many people will say and agree that they cannot live without okay a beauty I know there's a lot of beauty sponges out there, and I said I do like other Beauty sponges But I know how to work with it. I know it's never gonna let me down. Beauty blenders are the best for me I love them.

I can't imagine going somewhere and not having my Beauty Blender. It's one of those things that I'm like Did I ever get my Beauty Blender? Oh my god like panic okay panic? This is just perfect and I love the black one and I like the nude one I know the colors some of the colors mean they do different things But for some reason the pink one is like kind of my least favorite I don't know why it's like not as squishy as these two in my opinion I may be making that out, but that's how I feel, okay. I open the drawer I see a pink one and I kind of like move it to the side and go for these two I. Don't know I don't know why but a Beauty Blender gotta have it another thing that I have to have okay Is this morphe brush randomly one day picked it up, and I just love it it's the G40 and I don't have any other brushes in my Can't live without I almost feel like there's so many dupes for so many different brushes But this one it's actually been through so much.

Do you hear that? It's tired? It needs to retire. So this one is just so great because it's the perfect size perfect density I use it on my no makeup days just to blend in my concealer. I could use it to blend in a little highlight I could literally just do like my fresh makeup look just with this one brush usually I'll use this one I spot conceal, and I don't wear foundation. I just wear concealer over in his spots and what I love about it Is that it's fluffy enough to not take off the concealer You know remove the product and it's like light enough to just blend it in while keeping the full coverage that I need Doesn't take off any product.

I just Love this so much Alright so moving on let me tell you guys I have temperamental under eyes I do they do what they want to do. They are dry as hell one day, and then the next day They'll be perfectly fine, and it drives me nuts. Certain days I can't wear Tarte shape tape. I just can't like it'll be too drying for me and in certain days I can wear it.

Like if I'm feeling good about myself I'm like let me put on some shape tape and to be honest I just put it like in the hollows I won't put it close to my under-eye, but the concealer that will never let me down the Becca aqua luminous concealer mmm I remember the name you see that this is in the shade beige And this is just a great everyday concealer if that's what you want It's not super full coverage, so if that's what you want, then maybe it's not for you But for like an everyday a lighter coverage this works for all occasions for me. I can make it work I can build it if I want a little bit more coverage It doesn't make my under eyes look dry and I love this to spot conceal - I feel like it gives the most natural skin like texture Opposed to something that as much as I love the tarte shape tape it's a very thick texture So if you want it to have like a no foundation look and just a lot of tarte shaped tape for me personally That's a little too full coverage to look as natural as Like a spot conceal of this, and I just go through this all the time. I go through so much of it Telling you Moving on we're gonna go ahead and move on to lashes you guys know I need a lash love a lash have to have a lash cannot live without an eyelash This is also a tough category for me because you know part of me was thinking Well, I could work with other lashes, but another part of me It was like what is your go-to like you bring this on every trip? No matter what you have to have it, and it was a tie between two same brand House of Lashes And it was between the Iconics or the Iconic Lites. I'm wearing the Iconic Lites right now you guys know I love me the Iconic That is like I want my eyes to stand out I'm gonna wear that but if I had to choose between the two I think I would go with Lconic Lite which is a little bit thinner of a band more fluffy.

Not as heavy Not as thick and so to me I was like well this is something I can wear with a light glam or a full glam and still feel really confident and comfortable and Just for a fact I always bring these on my trips no matter what I don't even know what look I'm gonna do but I bring the Iconic Lites and I bring the Iconics because you just don't know what kind of what kind of Trip it's about to be. Definitely picking between the two I'm gonna go with Iconic Lites must have when you want to have like a really pretty lit color where it's sparkly, and if you put a lock that's too heavy. It's almost like when you open your eyes Where did it go, but this one you can see the sparkles through the lash, which I like this next item I was gonna just feel like you guys are gonna be mad at me because It's sold out, but there's one thing that I go to always have on my lips. It is definitely the Dose of Colors Collaboration that Katy and I did Over the Top gloss okay, this is the best gloss in my opinion not because Katy and I made it but Kind of cos Katy and I made it We just obviously made something that we both loved so much and we wear it all the time So it's just my favorite, and if you got it I'm so happy that you got it, but if you didn't pick it up Then my second gloss that I always wear, which is actually what I'm wearing now And is so beautiful and that is the Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb.

It just looks so nice as well and what I love about this is it's very universal as so is ours because it doesn't have this one isn't meant to have a crazy undertone You could wear it with anything or just bare, which is really how I like to wear it I'm wearing the Fenty one bare right now, and this goes with everyone's skin tone. It smells really good Mmm So these are just my go-to everyday glosses like you just want to be out the door boom boom boom Put it on really quick. You don't have to wear anything underneath I don't have to worry about a lipstick a lip liner all that stuff is just like I want to look fresh And I want my lips to look slutty So these are the two I go for the next item I'm going to talk about is a face powder This is a setting powder, and this is the Charlotte Tilbury airbrush flawless finish powder. I've been using this forever now I have not once really changed it up of course I always test product because that's my job, and I try things all the time But it's the things that I go back to you everyday that are always in my purse that I'm putting in this video right so this is the best powder because it's so finely milled you can continuously put this on our nose or anywhere you get oily throughout the day, and it doesn't cake up or look like you've been just constantly putting on your makeup all day like it somehow finds a way to still look fresh and just lightly powdered and not crazy This is such a good powder for the under eyes too if you're not into baking because I that's not for everybody you don't want To bake every day.

I mean you might III feel like sometimes I just want to really quickly this works really well under the eyes and also around the face It's just you can put it all over. There's no flashback. It's excellent. I use the shade 2 medium Just melts in the skin.

I'm just bouncing around here because I want to keep you entertained I want to keep you here . Next thing we're going to talk about is a hair tie your tie say like what how boring? No, this is the best hair device that I have ever used in my life. So this is what they call a bungee it is to put your hair up And it is the best so what you do with this is you hold your hair up And then you take one side of the hook you hook it into the base of your pony and you wrap it around tight if you want your hair snatched back, or if you have thick hair and you find that wrapping a pony around your hair It's like the fourth wrap around is too small, but the third isn't tight enough you know what I'm saying This will solve all your problems, so you wrap it around and then when you get back to the base You just hook it into your hair. It never comes out it never comes loose It is the best thing ever actually I had a hair stylist use one of these on me and my face was lifted, okay I was like I.

Couldn't blink but in the best way. If you try to do my hair in a ponytail without this I can't really trust you anymore. You know like this is just the best device ever you can order them on Amazon They have them at certain hair supply stores they're Life-changing and it's also something that I have in my bag Because just in case I want to do a snatched pony have to have this obviously you guys know I'm not gonna do a video like this without including a brow product, okay? There is one product that I feel like doesn't do the same thing that any other product does for me And that is the benefit Ka-Brow number 4 and I could definitely use just a brow pencil But I'm never gonna get the feathery hair like strokes Like I do with this Ka-Brow this one is just the one that works the best for me And I don't want to use another brow product This is the best I could live with this and what's cool about it Is that it also cuts down on one of my must-have brushes because it has a built in brow brush also It's very very water resistant I can jump in a pool I can jump in the ocean I can get rained on I mean don't wipe Obviously it stays on if you just give it a little pat. Don't ever wipe.

I just love this stuff. It's so good I mean, I can't live without it There's so many things that I could put in this video But I'm keeping it too what like really you can't live without so the next thing. I'm gonna talk about is highlight I have 2 highlight category options the first one is of course you guys already know Fuego This is a highlight that Katy and I created with Dose of Colors. And it's just the best like I love it so so much.

I also love Mirame. Which is the other highlight, but I'm a little bit less tan right now You know cuz it's colder, so this just works better for my skin tone now But they're both the same formula and just so amazing. I love the way it looks like a wet sheen Oh, it's just everything about it. This is my go-to everyday highlight.

I use it all the damn time. Another product that I love to use for glow and I picked this one even though I do use a lot of liquid highlighters you Guys already know what liquid highlighters I'm obsessed with this is something that's very unique and that I haven't really really seen anywhere else and I feel like I can't get the effect with a lot of other products so Sephora perfect mist Nude Glow this is a Sephora product you give it a little spritz on your cheekbone. Which is a little difficult to spray. I'm not gonna lie It's like you have to get the right angle Do you see did something happen or did it just take it there let me tell you guys something about this glow It is a spray glow not super pigmented or anything But just has just enough of a sheen that oh my god If you're taking pictures if you're on a red carpet the is just gonna be like BAM if you're under lights It's gonna look amazing.

Honestly if you're getting married This is so beautiful even if you're not a huge highlight person you could just do this a light spray of this in the high points and in your Photos you're just gonna look so healthy without looking sparkly flash photography you're taking your senior portrait You're at your quinceanera game over. I don't know why more people don't talk about it. I'm telling you guys It's it's amazing the next item. I cannot live without is this mascara.

It's the Mack Extended Play mascara. This is another one of those items that I'm just kind of like don't give me any other type of mascara. I will use other mascaras the reason I mostly love this one is for my bottom lashes I don't really I could use any mascara on the top lashes, but as far as my bottom lashes I feel like I need a tiny tiny wand and I need a formula that's gonna build up my lashes so that it looks like I have more than I do and so far I found that this is the one that does out the best for me it just fakes people into thinking I have a lot more lashes, and I just feel comfortable using it I can't really speak for upper lashes with this mascara Because I don't use it for that. If I had to say upper mascara I would say like waterproof for sure But this this for my lower lashes is it for me.

So next up we have the Mac Cosmetics strobe cream, and this is in the shade Gold Lite. There's a lot of like glowy moisturizers out there a lot of things that give you a radiance There's something about this particular color that I haven't seen in another glowy radiant lotion, and this doesn't have a tint which I like It's just a strobe cream. I love it so much. I put it on the high points of my face especially on no makeup days it gives you a little life Without making you look like you are wearing makeup because you're not.

If you want to look good at the gym because you're single and you're looking to like you know meet somebody that's not me, but I'm saying if that's you and you don't want to wear makeup But you still want to look like "hey" this stuff looks so good like imagine. You're under the gym lighting which isn't that good but you just have a little strobe cream. It's like sets you apart from the rest. You know you're just mmm mmm mmm I don't even know what it's like to be single anymore I can't even like remember the days maybe I don't want to remember.

You know trainwreck Mac Fix Plus, this is tried and true. This is a staple. This is just like never fails me. It's not something that's gonna make your makeup last all night It's not like meant to be an all-night setting spray But it makes your powders melt into the skin it makes it everything look not powdery.

It makes your highlight look way more intense if that's what you want. I use this to like, amplify my eyeshadows. I use it to amplify my highlight sometimes I even use it to just like cool myself down if I'm stressed like and then I just feel like calm again. If I went somewhere I finished my makeup and I didn't have this I would be kind of like what do I do and the last item that I cannot live without is hair Extensions.

Okay hair extensions are a must for me I feel like I love to add more fullness to my hair sometimes. I want to wear my hair short, but sometimes I want long hair, and it's just so fun to change up your look, and it's an easy way to do that I've been wearing extensions since I was like 18 okay 18, so if they've been in my life that long it tells me two things. One, I love extensions. Two, stop cutting your hair.

I keep cutting my hair. Even if you have long hair say you have like long hair, but it's not as full as you want I know a lot of people who wear extension just for fullness But it is fun to play up your look change it up. You know one day, you're short one day you're long you can have a long ponytail. It's just so much fun and and so easy to do and these are the best they're from the Hair Shop.

The Hair Shop I swear just has the color that was made for me. All their extensions are like great blends There's different types of extensions These are clip ins and I like them because they're just easy you don't have to sleep in em At the end of the night you just take it all off and you can sleep comfortably These are a Skin Weft they're the thinnest thinnest thinnest material here You could see scalp through where the hair comes out of it You can lay them as flat to the top of your hairline as you need to like right there And I could still manage to hide them because they are so thin I can't even imagine a time where I would go on a trip and not bring my hair extensions I can't fathom it. No I cannot. All right so that's it.

Those are the top ten beauty products that I cannot -I cannot- live without. I'm curious to know if there's one product that you guys can't live without like just the top of your head leave it in the comments down below, and yeah, thank you guys so much for watching. I'll see you guys in the next video. Bye I've had it since I was Shh Nothing wrong with a little beverage it's past noon.

It's all good Sounds like there's What was that? Tired skiiiiin. Skiiiiiiiin. Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin. Skin..


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Things of Beauty Super Smash Bros. as Spectator Sport

It all started with a piece on Kotaku ranking the best moments in the history of competitive gaming It did floated by me on Twitter And I guess I had something I felt like Procrastinating that day because I clicked the link and it's perhaps a sign of my age that I still expected thresh versus immortal to show Up anyway topping the list was a very famous clip of a street fighter match between Daigo and Justin Wong that I had never seen before which culminated in this moment I was amazed when I saw this actually I was confused I had to google what I was even looking at but then I was amazed basically everything else on the list was either incomprehensible Or uninteresting to me as a person who didn't play any of the games mentioned but even without having played street fighter since grade school This struck me as a thing of beauty. A couple years later some podcast or other I was listening to mentioned that Evo Which is kind of the Super Bowl of fighting games was about to begin and I was "free" that week So I streamed some of the competition and it was the same deal as with the Kotaku piece Street Fighter was endlessly fascinating to me, but the other games on the roster just Weren't. They weren't accessible to me. The commentators would describe what was happening in ways that were really interesting in an abstract Game theory sense, and it seemed probably quite exciting for the people who played these games But as my relationship began and ended with watching.

I just couldn't get into it. Which is the same relationship I have with sports actually I often find sports interesting to read about or to think about because I like games and systems But.. As entertainment? I don't give a fuck about sports, but the exception at Evo, besides Street Fighter, was Smash Specifically Melee which of all the games that Evo was the least like Street Fighter And I ended up watching a crap ton of it It was so fast, so dynamic, so unpredictable and that may have been true of the other games at Evo I'm not ruling it out. I just couldn't tap into it.

They didn't work for me as a spectator Maybe the Linchpin here is that street fighter and Melee were the only games present that I had played even a little bit But, then again, I've never found competitive Soul Calibur interesting, and I've played a lot of Soul Calibur But the seed was planted. Later when I heard about the Smash Brothers Documentary I thought "Yeah, I'd watch that." And I liked it. I mean I had problems with it of course I did, they treated their only female Smasher as no more interesting than somebody's girlfriend. Awesome Well done guys, but overall I liked it then a bit later I bought my house mates old Gamecube, borrowed my girlfriend's copy of Melee and picked up Captain Falcon Because..

Why not? Then I started watching Youtube videos of captain Falcon players to, you know, learn through osmosis... And I found myself watching games by the other players I'd seen in the Falcon matches and picking up all the terminology from the commentators and before I knew what was happening I was ranting to anyone who would listen about the time Ax 4 stocks Silent Wolf on FOD in under a minute with a mid-tier character by identically executing the same absolutely amazing offstage Edge-guard and shh... It. I'm a sports fan.

How did this happen? Listen to me I sound like Robin Williams in "Good Will Hunting": "...That's not because he's, he's waving at the Bowl like a madman, he's gonna "Right" Tell me if this sounds familiar since Captain Falcon was the first character I picked up I have this total and Irrational loyalty to him and will almost always root for Falcon in any matchup even as I know No one's won a major tournament with him in years and I'm picking up the entire history of Falcon players: the old master who retired in his prime when he lost the love of the game; the former king of Falcon who's now a traitor for switching to Fox; the new King who's relentlessly fast, but can't guard the edge; and the elegant, graceful west coast Up-and-comer. I've got players I think are punks for possibly no good reason other than it feels good to root against a villain; there are the [quote-unquote] "Five Gods" who win basically every tournament so I, as a rule, root against them in any matchup Until they start playing each other and then I have favorites. I get to this level of investment And Smash ceases to be just a game It's drama - a collection of stories with comebacks and tragedies, monsters and savants and most of these stories Probably aren't true, but they feel true now maybe you already love smash and this isn't news to you or maybe you love sports and are wondering why I should get so Invested in a video game or maybe you don't care about either, and you just love me and don't worry I love you too. All I can do today is try to explain why I.

Personally love competitive Smash, so that's what I'm gonna try to do, okay? Okay. First, some context: Chris DeLeon has a series of articles and a degree talk about the idea that Sports and Board games have RULES - but video games have LAWS - that in soccer you don't touch the ball with your hands because you've agreed not to, but in Fifa you don't touch the ball with your hand because it's impossible - there's no button for it So in a sport, you can do anything that is not expressly forbidden by the rules. In a videogame You can't do anything except what is expressly allowed by the system So in the case of something like Daigo versus Justin Wong, what happened? Is that Justin Executed a super art combo at a time when Daigo couldn't take even a single hit and his only option was to parry every single hit of the combo which means knowing the exact timing of every hit down to a few Sixtieth of a second. The technical proficiency required to do this is off the charts But it's something the developers knew would be possible from the moment they allowed super moves to be parried.

However incredible this is, and it is incredible, it's something the system was designed to do but the thing about systems is there's what the system was meant to do and then there's what the system can't stop you from doing. In Smash an advanced technique like say, a shield drop, is put there by the designers But things like Pivoting, Wavedashing and D-sinking are not. These things were not designed They were discovered as accidents of the system And they often take phenomenal skill to execute reliably because it's something the game doesn't actively want you to do, but they are just as integral to competitive play as the things designers put in there on purpose, so Watching a high level smash game is sort of like watching High-level Street Fighter But it's also like watching someone rocket-jump their way through Quake or like watching Humans learn to fly in Half-Life 2 or watching Siglemic parkour his way through Mario 64 - none of these things are done by hacking the code But they're all done by people interested not just in what the game wants to do but in everything the game is capable of. It's akin to taking a game's rules and making a new game out of them.

This makes Smash creative in a way that a more controlled fighting game generally isn't. There's a reason we say Isaiah invented Falkon; that Axe invented Pikachu; a reason why "hax stashing" is named after Hax; why "wobbling" is named after Wobbles; why this is called the "Ken combo" - these people quite literally changed the game Every so often the Melee community does tier rankings of all the playable characters listing each in order of their supposed tournament viability and sectioning the list into chunks: Which chunk can win tournaments; which chunk can place in tournaments; which chunk has basically been abandoned by serious players and Forest Smith has made a few handy charts showing just how much the tier lists have changed since release. Some characters rose after years in the mid-tiers, some tanked after being considered dominant, some went down, then up, then down again but once in a great while someone starts fiddling with a forgotten character from the lower tiers and unlocks their potential. This has already happened with Jigglypuff and Pikachu and something exciting about Smash today is it may be just starting to happen again So, let's talk about a specific match that I think can illustrate a few points.

If you follow competitive Smash you likely already know it aMSa [Vs] mew2king at Kings of Cali 4, consider the matchup: mew2king Is a central figure in the Documentary - one of the Five Gods. He's one of the best players in the history of the game. To take a set off one of the gods is considered a towering achievement - hell, taking a single game, sometimes even a single stock, is impressive. Meanwhile, aMSa is a Yoshi player from Japan, one of the few Japanese players to attend American tournaments, and Yoshi is not considered tournament viable - he's solidly low tier and what work was being done with him was largely abandoned several years ago aMSa had impressed over the previous years with Yoshi at EVO and APEX, but many still wrote him off as a gimmick player and it surprised no one when mew2king took the first game of the set with two stocks remaining.

The commentator is understandably skeptical of aSAm's chances - "Man. I love aMSa but can you see him taking a match? Ehh-mm." - But them, unexpectedly, aMSa of the Red Yoshi took game two. "Oh, that's what Mew2king wanted... That's what Mew2king wanted...

OOOHH!! And then aMSa, the Red Yoshi, took game three. OH!! These eggs... Don't make sense... That's it..

OOOOHHHH!!! OH MY GOD!!! Gabriel, please, show the whole crowd!! Try to understand what's happening here: To use a baseball metaphor - Playing Yoshi at the tournament level is kind of like pitching a knuckleball - which, I guess, makes aMSa R. A. Dickey Thrown poorly, a knuckleball is just a slow somewhat unpredictable pitch but quoting a real-life baseball fan on Metafilter because, once again, I don't give a fuck about sports - Little in Baseball is as much fun as watching a knuckleballer on a good night You can almost see the batter's having nervous breakdowns at the plate.The rub is that to throw a knuckleball well, you have to abandon practicing any other kind of pitch. That's how hard it is.

Consequently almost no Major League pitchers throw them, but, consequently, almost no Major League batters have practice hitting them It's the beautiful push-pull of the metagame: the more everyone does one thing, the more valuable it becomes to do Anything else. In this set mew2king has been playing Sheik and if you're aMSa in this scenario playing at the tournament level you've played hundreds of Sheiks, hundreds of Foxes, hundreds of Marths . Hundreds of Falcons. But if you're Mew2king, how many competitive level Yoshi's do you think you've played? The answer is: None.

There are no competitive level Yoshi's, not since Leffen switched to Fox and even then Leffen  never did this: Winning it smash is not just about knowing your character But knowing the matchup, knowing what your opponent is likely to do and what you can do in response and not so much what aMSa is doing but the WAY he's doing it has largely never been seen before. So ok it's game for aMSa is up [2] to [1] and the set goes to the first player to get three wins This is game point for aMSa and between games [3] and [4] Mew2king switches to Fox and that might just mean something. See there's this veiling theory [slash] joke [slash] "superstition" that sooner or later everyone will switch to Fox Fox and his near clone Falco have been ranked as the best characters in the game for years. You look at the rankings of the top 100 smash players and Fox's all over it.

Four of the Five Gods have Fox or Falco in their arsenal. Fox is extremely hard to play well but go up against a well played Fox and just what are you even supposed to do? And I've always read that with this undercurrent that to play anyone other than Fox is an affectation that you play Captain Falcon either because you're not good enough with Fox or because you're so good that you can even win without Fox so it's easy to read Mew2king character switch as saying: "Okay, We've had fun but good luck with this." And it's easy to reframe this match as being between two aspects of the meta game on the one side that in an unbalanced system and Smash was never balanced for this kind of play, there is often one dominant strategy that trumps all others and on the other side that knuckleball, the weirdness and variety that can trump a dominant strategy just by being different. And for me being a person who fell in love with the weirdness and variety of Smash Someone whose heart would be broken if Smash became an endless stream of Fox dittos, this match starts to mean something and this This right here. This is so incredibly sweet.

"That's it!" "AMSa takes it! He does a Shuryuken in celebration!" Wow! Now I will be the first to say it: I'm reaching. Of course I'm reaching. I've taken a mixture of true skills, statistical probability and blind luck in who the fuck knows what proportions and made it into a story and by necessity that means I'm leaving things out, for instance that mew2king isn't of "Foxes The Future" type - he switches to Marth at least as often as he switches to Fox. In fact many would argue that the top Of the top tier is rock-Paper-scissors between Fox, Falco, Sheik and Marth is it this way or that way? I don't remember.

And mew2king often plays worse when the crowd is against him or at least that's how the stories go and the stories feel true. The truth is there are no sabermetrics in Smash, a few stats are tracked But no one's calculated the vegas odds on aMSa VS. Mew2king Did aMSa win at two-to-one against or 50-to-one - we don't know. Does Mew2king actually lose more often when the crowd is against him or is that confirmation bias? We don't know.

Does aMSa have any staying power or will he slide back down the power rankings once other players figure out his bag of tricks? How much will he adapt to the competitive scene and how much will the competitive scene adapt to him? We don't know. The power rankings, the tier lists? They're all calculated by casting votes - opinions. Competitive smash is built entirely out of stories. It's not just a game, It's theater.

And just because something's a story doesn't mean it isn't also true, at least partially, I do see aMSa as a sign that a sea of Foxes would leave everyone ill-equipped to fight anything other than Fox. And as a beacon of hope that Smash will stay weird, at least for a little while. I'm reminded of Chuck Klosterman writing about football describing the time when suddenly every team was relying heavily on the read option and how in a few years they would almost certainly all be doing something else and being that that essay is a few years old by now they presumably are. And it makes me think of how different the Smash of today already looks from the Smash of the Documentary and wonder how different from today Smash may look in a few years.

It's hard to believe that Smash will ever bore me, and that's a story I hope is true. And I've gathered that this kind of mythologizing is what Sports fans do. Do you remember that cynical line from "High Fidelity" that insists we make connections not based on who we are but whether we like the same things? "What really matters is what you like. Not what you are like." I've always felt that making connections is less about what you like than why you like it.

So I can still honestly say that I don't give a fuck about sports But smash makes me feel like for the first time I think I get why people do Which is an interesting feeling for a former high school nerd because holy hell I love this game! And I love telling people why I love it I love how different all the characters are even as I hate Fox I love the racial diversity of the players even as I don't so much love their monolithic maleness. I love the commentators I hate the trash talk. I love spending the morning watching Captain Falcon matches and then practicing short hops with my girlfriend. I..

LOVE.. THIS.. GAME. And if you don't give a fuck about Smash That's fair you do you I'm not trying to pressure you into liking what I like I just hope you see how it's even possible For something so weird and seemingly innocuous to inspire so much passion.

How a party game that's basically the video game equivalent of a twelve-Year-old smashing their toys together can be fun, hilarious, freakishly complex and, from the right vantage point, even.. Beautiful. Oh... Oh..

Oh.. WHAT?? OOHHHHHH!! What the crap?! Are you kidding me?! Did that just happen?! What.. What.. I just kicked my bike over, bro?.

Things of Beauty Super Smash Bros. as Spectator Sport

Friday, July 13, 2018

The Beauty Trend Glass Skin and How to Get It

- Everyone out there, put
away the contour sticks, because the latest beauty trend
is all about natural skin. A beauty blogger's photo of
her perfect skin is taking over the internet, and set
a new standard in beauty as commenters are calling it glass skin. One of the most important
steps in achieving glass skin is washing your face before
bed, but the days of soap and water, some say are long gone. So today, we're going to tell
you which cleansing trends are worth the buzz, and which
ones are a complete bust.

- So first up is powder cleanser. So powders have been around. They've been in makeup
regimens for a very long time. But this is kind of new twist,
where sometimes, like taken from some Japanese skincare regimens.

They have rice enzymes
to brighten your skin. But the idea is you take
the powder, and you actually will very gradually mix
drops of water into it, and you use it as an exfoliant. And you can kind of
tailor it to how foaming or how thick you want to
the degree of exfoliation, and they're also getting a
lot more pickup and interest because they don't often have
preservatives, or alcohol, or other ingredients
that people don't want. - So this would be on my face
theoretically, and you use a little spritzer.

- Exactly. So you can make it as diluted
or as course as you want. So it's just a natural
cleanser and exfoliant. So this one is definitely
getting much more buzz.

(Audience clapping) - Buzz! Bruski, what d'ya got going on? - Micellar water. Do you know what micellar
water is, young man? - Well, I know what micelles
are, but I do not know what micellar water is. - Okay, micelles, that's right. It's micelles.

It's balls of oil molecules
that are suspended in soft water. How did this concept start? Well, back in the day
when plumbing wasn't quite as good as it is now, the
water came out very harsh. It was not good on your face. They discovered this in
France, then they came up with this idea, micellar water.

It's popular here now, but we
don't really have the issue of harsh water like we did years ago, so is this really necessary? - I'm not gonna drink that water. I'll tell you that. - It is the bust! (Audience groaning) - Make sense. You can save some money if
you're gonna spend more money.

- [Dr. Stork] It sounds
really fancy, though. - It sounds fancy. Like, oil suspended in water.

That's kind of an interesting idea. - It is going to moisturize
your skin at the same time, and I guess they get the pH
right, and it is soft water. - So it's not gonna hurt ya. - No, no.

It just may not be worth the cost. - [Dr. Ordon] If she's taking that home, I'm taking this home. - So last, but not least, is
something called face polish.

And so one thing,
especially if you're going for this poreless, really
clear look is exfoliation and dermatologists are sort
of obsessed with this idea that you're trying to slough
those dry, dead skins. You're trying to clean out the pores. The only difference between
a polish is that it's just much finer grains than
the old scrubs that tend to be a little bit harsher. - Some of them can feel
almost abrasive when you're putting them on.
- [Dr.

Batra] Exactly. - So that would eliminate that. - So this would be a much more gentle way. Maybe two or three times
a week, just to really kind of help turn over the skin.

Another route if you don't want
something physical like this would be a chemical exfoliant. Those are things like alpha
hydroxy acids, like glycolic, lactic. Beta hydroxies or salicylic acid. Those are all the chemical
exfoliants that help turn over your skin.

But we're finding that if you
do that a couple times a week, that really help expedite
your cell turnover, gives you a little bit more glow. This one is definitely a buzz as well. (Buzzing).

The Beauty Trend Glass Skin and How to Get It

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Testing Weird Beauty Products 2017

Hey guys welcome to my channel. I haven't fixed my hair Its literally so crazy does anyone else have baby hair issues. I know you do I know you're out there. Comment down below if this is your everyday struggle.

And I don't have my face on today either because we're gonna be testing out some weird beauty products I got some hair products to test out have some weird makeup products plus some weird skin care products, so we got the whole Shebang happening. Also don't forget to head over to my instagram at larlarlee And I am doing a massive make up give away And there's gonna be 10 winners. Your Instagram will have to be updated in order to see the giveaway album You can swipe through and see all the prizes and its super easy to enter so be sure and do that.  All the rules are listed Below the picture.

You're pretty and subscribe to my channel Before you leave. Subscribe today! I don't know what I want to do,  aww shoot. Hey Ty, Tyyyyy. Can you hand me the vibrating thing out living room and the little rolly thing out of the bathroom Yeah, it's scary, so this is an interesting item.

It is a little toil, toil? It's a tool that vibrates and it has little needles. You see those little needles Oh my god, it look so scary. Press the power button, and it makes it vibrate I'm so scared It kind of is stabby feeling. This is called a Glopro.

It's sold at Nordstrom I'm going to show you the box so you guys can see you that the before and after. I think its supposed to help build collagen and reduce wrinkles. We won't be able to see any specific results today. Skins firmness You know natural collagen, evening skin tone, younger appearance.

Suggest using it two to three times a week. It's suggested that you go Would it not like crazy all over.  Can't use on your lips. And you can't use it on your eyelids or you're not supposed to and it comes with a Travel case it comes with a bottle if you want to Spritz it with alcohol for sanitary purposes And then it comes with this serum  your supposed to put on your face right after you're done with it Just to help the benefits of the product I'm not going to apply the serum today But you're supposed to because I have so many things to test out.

You are so to go over each area 4 to 10 times with it I'm show guys like I'm super weird about putting anything pokey or too aggressive on my skin like I'm all about a little bit Natural. I mean I do use a retinol, but still did I do it and I come out like blood everywhere I'm like so scared right now. Oh my gosh! I feel it, I feel it Hear that? Oh! It kind of hurts my forehead. I don't like it on my forehead.

It makes me really nervous. You can see like the little like for a brief second you can take the little moments on my forehead little markings Oh yeah, I'm not like obsessed with this thing. It's freaking me out man So basically it is very uncomfortable in areas that don't have a lot of fat.  Like the cheek to doesn't hurt and all this because there's like a lot of fatty tissue But the forehead is like just hard and so any surface that presses against it kind of hurts And it honestly it freaks me out a little bit.

Do you see the redness coming through? Oh, I have seen a lot of Estheticians and People who really in into skincare use these. It seems a little bit gimmicky and I'm probably going to say the word gimmicky a lot in this video So let's just make a drinking game of it every time I say the word gimmicky you gotta take a drink. I mean it could work Um it's not painful enough to scare me out of using it.  You see how red my forehead is.

Yeah, it could work I kind of sort of thing. I want to keep using it for a month straight you know like two times a week from on straight and see What happens? What do you guys think how many of you guys tried this tell me tell me your thoughts Tell me if you have any results. That's the name of it Maybe you'll get rid of some of my wrinkles on the forehead. I don't know oh, it's okay I'm going to go ahead and try out the hair item next just to keep the video interesting.

I'm going to brush it Hurt so bad. What I have on deck today is the Curl Me and as you see there's like a million little Tops of hair brushes here and what you're supposed to do.  Now you may have already seen this on Instagram What your supposed to do is take the little Handle and Pop the thing in there Blow dry it in your hair, and then you leave this in your hair, and then once the hair is cool You can take it out and your supposed to have luscious beautiful curls. Oh you also put a clip around it as well.

Do you guys want my tongue clicking? My tongue clicking is a great way to explain things. You want a little view of the result since it's the end up looking like this I somehow doubt I'm going to be looking like this, but it looks like she's got two on top and two on each side We'll see if I can do this by myself I'm not that good at round brushing my hair though with a blow dryer. Oh, I don't know How good I'm going to be at doing this .  By the way it also comes with this Brush to like part your hair.

This is my fancy smancy Dyson blow dryer That is powerful. Like practicing like me if I cool got it Boom babies.  This could be the bomb diggity. What if this worked y'all? What do you think? I don't know how good I'm doing rolling these suckers up, but it feels like tight, you know What do I look like right now? Do I look like a pagent girl?  Overall review if you're not good at Round brushing your hair and really getting it tight in there you're probably going to struggle with these things right here.

That's like Key component of these things The metal on these do get super hot so do be careful so I can definitely see how it could curl your hair And they give you a lot because I still have a lot left over but if you have super long hair You'll probably have to do half your head take them out and do the other half and something I didn't realize that small ones and big ones so while these are pulling off I'm going to test out the Iris by  and this is the illuminating eye massager Younger and refreshed looking eyes.  Helps reduce puffiness, bags and dark circles. Smoothes the appearance of crows feet, fine lines, and wrinkles. Rejuvenates.

So it looks like this. It looks like a little...It looks like a sex toy. DO you hear that? Do you see that? Oh, my. You strange little creature and turned it down and you can turn it back up if you want to this one's pink.

I think they Have in different colors so sephora says eight speeds waterproof. This is really starting to sound like a sex toy. Maybe it goes on your eye like this. Does it? I'm confused all right for once I'm going to read the directions peeps all right party people I did my extensive research It's really hard to turn on it hurts my hand And you're supposed to first adjust how strong you want it, and then you just work it from inner to Outer eye.

Just like this and I read the reviews on sephora.Com And they are mixed. Some people say it did absolutely nothing and they returned it and some people say that this For you are Iris. Tool right here reduce the puffiness and it was noticeable.  It is a hundred and Forty doll hairs One hundred and forty Dollars people kind of considering using this but my god lake I pulled out all these gadgets at night and use used them.

Ain't nobody got time for that.  It doesn't hurt my eye is comfortable to do to use expensive. It seems a little bit, Gimmicky Take a drink.  My hair is done.

I'm going to take it on these I wanted to say lightly You know remove it out of these, but there we go. My hair is a little bit wavy before oh, no that came from the curler. Wow look at that ow Yeah, but like it's weird because I oh my curls are at the bottom. Can't wait to take this one out up front, its Super annoying oh Ouch ouch ouch.

That is fabulous,seriously though. He hasn't touched bottom of that one They're pretty uncomfortable, but you know that's just a part of life ow. Oh, oh There goes there goes my hair definitely has like that lift oh Yeah, I mean Yeah That worked like a lot of hair happening right now I mean look at that overall that I'm not I don't hate that I mean You know I would have to style this a little more but and I would have to get better round brushing my hair It gave you the volume it said it would give you so I say it works I just say it's a little difficult to work with now. Now let's jump into a few of the makeup products I'm actually I'm going to clip this hair out of my face.

The first odd product we have is the CoverFX. Custom blot drops.  These are blotting sheets in liquid form so their supposed to be an oil controling product. I just said oil does that make you guys happy instead of saying ole So basically says online that you can use it alone, you use it in your moisturizer You can use [it] in your foundation on top of your foundation.

It says you can use [it] however you want to use it almost like a thick whipped Consistency. Feels thicker than just an average serum I really want to do is mix this in one of my liquidy foundation.  Like see there? Mm-hmm. I'm just going to mix it together The foundation's texture is changing a little bit you see that how it's like Separating and kinda strange.

Skins like what are you doing to me today? I'm going to take my morphe Y6 brush and blend out the foundation. Oh, this is strange the foundation feels a Little weird, it almost feels a little more tacky, and this is the makeup forever And I will say just right off the bat the foundation is 100% matte. Can you tell like it almost looks like I have a powder on That's super matte. I just applied this foundation.

It's normally still wet and not only does Makeup Forever foundation doesn't have just like a flat ah Solid matte finish like this.  That is cool. It's like my foundation kind of dried way quicker and It made the foundation like super matte.  Blot some of this maybe even on a beauty blender, and it just like mattifies everything Very interesting product.

Um, I don't hate it It's on personal preference of course. I'm not mad about it alright and for my fifth its product I'm gonna be testing out this quite strange is So glossy eyes have kind of came into a bit of a trend lately and I actually Love the look.  What I have is eye vinyl these are like eye markers from Milk Makeup, and they're called eye vinyl. I have two shades.

What you're supposed to do is like color across your eyes with eyes of these and have this cool Look it has a sponge applicator, and you just crank it up and there it is. I'm a little nervous Okay, not every day I put like a black and goo substance on my eye I'm just pushing around the product oh my God There's the only time I. Dead serious I see this being like a practical thing to wear is in an editorial photo, shoot It's very even in color Its not creasing. It's not running down my face yet.

It feels just as disgusting as it looks. Next I'm going to go ahead Just because we're here. We're having a great time. We're having fun today I'm going to try the peachy one.

You see you're poking through is clear clear across the eyes party people. This is how you? Can even take your finger? I mean really and just Wow, look at that One steps glossy eye look I mean seriously Just like boom, wet eye. That's pretty if you're into the wet eye trend I mean, this is it.  This is it in a stick.

I will say my eyes little heavy, but they don't feel like they're not sticking with you touches very like. The wet eye look in general. Would you try it? Would you wear it out? Comment your thoughts on that Thank you guys for being here Watching that's it And I love you guys so much be sure to subscribe to my channel before you leave and ill see you in my next video! Bye guys! Oh that came off really easy boom gone.

Testing Weird Beauty Products 2017