Saturday, April 14, 2018

I Tried A Period Beauty Box

This is Sparta Hello friends, and welcome to another video. Today is something of a time sensitive video because
I did get a surprise visitor in my pants this morning. That's right, I'm on my period. You're welcome.

Not TMI, I'm not sorry.
Also, if my eyes look kind of red, I promise, I wasn't pulling a Mariah Carey and going to the weed dispensary in a full-length ball gown. Nor is it my period blood somehow rushing towards my eyes. I was in a different video this morning where I had to put crushed, charred almonds and coconut oil right around my eyes. I'm not high.

So today we're gonna try out a period beauty box. It's basically supposed to combat any signs of like, PMS slash just like "period face", any pimples, dryness, dullness. So here are the items that you get with the  "THAT Time of the Month" variety pack. This bad boy is $12, it comes with five sheet masks for every day of your period.

Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4... Day 5! There is a Day 5. One of them, which is hydrating, two of them which are brightening, and two of them which are blemish care. I am more of a seven-day kind of gal, I always have been, but that's fine.

I'll just not have a sheet mask for the last two days. I can't necessarily say I've noticed myself being like, dull or dry on my period, but I definitely have noticed pimples here and there before. I feel like most of my attention is usually directed towards the uterus itself. I'm excited to try something new, maybe get some attention *up here* for a change.

They also give you this chocolate. This looks to me kind of like "Pocky?" "Pokee?" And, you get a cat headband.
Cat? *Noises of elation* Am I a pretty kitty? I like the headband, I'm always down for chocolate, so I say let's get into it. I'm a cat, I'm a cat, I'm a lover, I'm a cat So let's get into this bad boy. This is the blemish care mask, it's a pretty slimy one.
We got a slimer.

It looks kind of green, doesn't it? Isn't that appetizing? It's very cooling; feels like the kind of mask that's gonna make your skin tight afterwards. It makes sense 'cause it's the blemish mask, so it probably is trying to dry out any blemishes. It smells a lot like hand sanitizer. Now there's just like so much happening on my face and in my uterus at the same time.

Alright, it's been about twenty minutes, let's take this bad boy off. It's been very relaxing, to be honest. Do I look... Blemish free?
[I'm wearing a mask too.] With sheet masks, it's had to say like just before and after, you look really different.

I think it's more of just, like, it's giving good stuff to your skin, it's being nice and cooling, it's just like a moment of calm. [So the treating yourself offsets the menstrual cramps?]
Treat yo self. So I'm gonna try the brightening mask next. I think that alternating blemish, brightening, blemish, brightening will kind of, like, help my skin.

Have some nice variety, y'know? I put my mask on about twenty minutes ago and I should probably take it off but I don't wanna disturb my cat. It's Day 3 and I do actually see a couple of zits appearing, so I'm gonna go back in with the blemish care mask. Back at it again with the green mask. So I actually did get some mask liquid in my eye and it was kind of painful.

Alright, here's to hoping that the zits on my chin go down a little bit from this stuff. Time for mask number 4. I do kind of feel like my face has been a little bit more irritated than usual, but I can't tell if that's because of my periods or because I've just been completely changing my skin care regimen. But I will say, I'm having fun.

Day 5, things are winding down downstairs. Things are heating up up here. It's called "Pepero."
Did I say that right? [I don't know.] This chocolate's really good.
This might be slightly better than Pocky. [Wow.] Finally, the last one, it's the moisturizing one.

The funny thing is, now I'm moisturizing, I have all these little pimples that have popped up on my face. I think that it's commendable that they were like, "Listen, being on your period, is like, kind of a sucky time, let's make it more fun." [Do you feel... Treated?]
You betta...Betcha. So today is Day 6 of my period, and yes, I am still on my period but no, I have no masks left.

I only have this Pepero.
Listen, this stuff rocks. I really love that instead of pretending that periods don't exist, this company was like, "Hey, periods do exist and your skin does have different concerns when you're on your period, so let's try and  something about it." And they gave me chocolate. I'll show you guys what my skin looks like once I take off my makeup tonight as kind of like an after shot. I'd say out of all the masks my favorite was probably the moisturizing one, which was the last one.

I'm just the kind of person who likes a moisturizing sheet mask. I don't actually know if the sheet masks helped my skin. I do have a couple of pimples right now, and I wonder if that's because I did five sheet masks in a row when I usually only do one a week.
Everyone has different skin so these sheet masks might work really well for other people. But, the cat headband is awesome.

The Pepero is awesome. It was like a fun thing to do every night, kind of felt like some good self care. I feel like you could probably achieve the same effect just using your favorite brand of sheet masks during your period to just give your skin a boost. But, this kit is adorable and it's not that expensive.

So, if this seems interesting to you, I'd say go for it. I know, I can't really be more expressive. I can't move my face a lot, but I do like this. Thank you guys so much for watching and letting me talk about my period.

If you guys wanna see more content like this, click that like button and then that subscribe button down there. Period content! Yeah! Here are my social media handles, somewhere over here. Check out my Nextbeat, I vlog live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Y'know.

We'll go for about one period video a month. That's pretty much as many as I can fill. I can only produce so much blood. Don't zoom in! Don't zoom in!.

I Tried A Period Beauty Box

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