Sunday, May 20, 2018

Learning Our ACTUAL Bra Sizes! (Beauty Trippin)

You've got like breasts that are magical she knew that I know that's true What are we gonna do? I don't know have we ever been on this show together? Oh my god, this is our first time. Just chocolate on a beauty trippin' cherry. I love it I'm excited. Drew I can not believe it's 2018.

What, how did we get here? I don't know, but I'm happy about it. I'm so happy if you have so many possibilities so many things to learn so many mistakes to make ah Speaking of all of those things we want to make our content even better She's right in 2018 so no we did something for you guys something really special. We're doing a survey It's in the description below Or you guys can weigh in on what you think we should be doing you want to make couple extra dollars You get paid why wouldn't you do that? It's crazy? Okay? Are you ready for the clue? Yeah, the Golden Globes oh Those are coming up really soon this weekend. I think or this next week.

Maybe it's like we're getting fit in four gowns for the Golden Globes. Girl I don't know,  have you ever been to the Golden Globes? No. Know neither have a high. Oh, maybe we're going to the Golden Globes together gonna walk the red carpet.

Well. Why are we going now? It's not until this weekend. Maybe we're gonna get our nails done, and you call your head of globe Like could your head be a cook like maybe we're getting highlights That could be it golden. Gold golden glow blonde highlights I did not sign up for that me either, but like you just clip it on.

I don't think that will look good. Hi. How are you?  Welcome to the lace lounge. Oh the lace lounge I think I know bra fitting.

Heck yes! Golden globes So we are gonna fit both of you and see where you're at Bra wise see how your current bra is actually fitting you Oh, and maybe get a new yes, yeah, this is so good because a I love bras and B. No, one knows their bra size same yeah I know we need an expert like you so I'm glad we're here Heck Yes, - let's do it. All right come on back. This is so cute.

Oh, it's so pretty in here It smells so good you guys can smell of it Okay TIFF pretend I'm a Martian, and I've never had my boob size ever. Oh, what's the process? What you do okay? The process here is I don't use tape measures What? Not at all and that's usually one you can tell if the place is legit. If they're  not using tape measures stop That is never you got a Victoria Secret That's the first thing they do they'll have that tape measure like how do you measure? Well most places do a plus four method where they add four inches on to your band size usually because I need it yeah. After the holidays So your band size is directly underneath your bust here, okay? And basically that measurement is your band size.

Wait. How do you measure though just by eyeballing it? Yeah, so basically I do the fitting by eyeballing it. Wow talent, real talent.   She's like yes talent.

Those are some strong glasses. Okay So you notice it's not like a Victoria Secret where there's like a thousand different things to try it seems very intimate yes So everything is off the floor and that's because I want to make sure everything fits on you Do you ever customize bras? I do I do alterations as well. Ohh TIFF, I have a really important question okay, how long should someone keep their bra it depends It's it's however long you feel comfortable keeping it some people are gonna have to replace their bras a lot faster Usually larger cup sizes because there's so much weight on the on the bra, so they'll have to replace it quicker But there comes a point in time with the elastic starts to break down and you'll I think I know already here comes this little lips Orange-looking elastics hanging out on the sides you ever seen that That's when the elastic starts to break down the battle wounds of the wire coming out Poking you in weird places That's worse my other question is washing your bra should you wash it hand wash it cuz I never wash them you always should hand was your bras. In real form so what are the mistakes that people make when they buy bras because I know I make a lot of them usually for smaller cup sizes They usually have a lot of gapping going on in the top of the cup where so silly you don't fill it up That's happened to me before well.

My boobies have been waiting for you my whole life Okay, so let's get this show on the road belt up. Yes, so who wants to go first Drew I'm sure my feeling yeah. I feel like you should kick this off in a big way There's boobs in here. Yours or someone else's Girl, the 68th annual golden globes.

So these are by boobs. Okay, so I have to tell you this so my name is drew Dorsey, and I like Really want always my size to be a double D. So that I also have it's like the same thing as like my name as is my boob size your initials uh-huh yeah And I've always said that if I was a pop star like my fandom would be the double D's Right so like if I'm not a double D. If you tell me that I'm gonna cry What is she I can tell already you're not? I don't know So I look at her torso.

She's really tiny here, so what size have you been wearing? 36 Double D. So definitely not a 36 Yeah, smaller. I'm gonna kiss your face And usually you want this to be parallel to the floor back here. This is pretty good, but it's again It's not a normal bra back.

So you you can't really judge it based off of this I think you need a smaller band and a larger cup which will probably be similar to what you're wearing But it all goes by ratios so when you go down in the band you have to go up in the cup So I'm gonna pull a bra and see how that works for you And we're gonna go from there based on how that's fitting you cool. Okay. Let's do it. All right Okay, do you have that on do let's see it? Victoria Secret Fashion Show , yes, okay, this one is so pretty okay, so this is too big so little too big in the cup and sometimes when people come in wearing stuff that are just a little bit kind va va voom, huh Over shoot and put them in a larger cup size like what I think that you can go Down a cup size in this and the way you can tell you can see that.

There's this lace at the top That's just not lying flat. Uh-huh and there should be a little bit more lift to this bra than this okay. Oh This is better it like feels better But I feel like you can still go down a cup size the straps you should only be able to fit two fingers on your like this oh No, you keep your back muffin fat from poking out most of what should come from this part here the band, yeah What size is this? This is a 32 G U.S.. Or a 32 F  UK? Are you kidding me? Yeah F UK? Okay, maybe I shouldn't say it that way I don't know how that's gonna work with mt initials.

There's no G anywhere. Double D is a really small cup size. In the scheme of things on a scale, on a bra scale. It's actually pretty small because you haven't seen my titties Okay, Erin, let's see what you're wearing I don't know if you're ready for this.

I mean look it has these little things all over it It doesn't look that bad I'm doing it's like a wall of the bra. It is so well left Yeah, that's a great way to put it so you're fine. Okay, so you're getting quite a bit of gapping at the top Yeah, and every time. I wear sure you can see that.

It doesn't fit me. Well. Yeah I have back fat that pours over the side, Erin because sometimes that happens Yeah My issues look like a mermaid. Oh, that's how I fix it Sometimes that happens when the band is actually too loose, so we're not - yes It starts to drag everything up and then it hangs over so if you get a nice firm band It's gonna stay lower, and then you're gonna avoid that issue, okay Yeah, so what else am I doing wrong see these things are like falling off Yeah, the straps are kinda and sometimes people don't know when to tighten their shops Yeah, but I'm gonna go grab something and and we'll talk oh Okay mystery Okay Yeah The only thing I don't like about this one is I know you said the band my band was way too big.

It's tight It's too tight. Yeah. Oh, yeah, look at this this stuff is like hanging out like here This is quite firm for her, and I think that she could possibly. This is a 30d.

She could probably do like a 32 Did you say a 30 D. Yeah girl stop told you? What Aditya which would be equivalent to a 32 C or a 34 bean oh So I've been wearing 34 peas yeah, which makes sense okay? No one's believing that This one's cute yeah, and that's so good. I don't feel like my circulations being cut off Yeah, I liked the juiciness of the last one. Yeah, there's known as you see in here no That's okay period I'm time here Ian time in a month I'll be juicing okay, so this one has a little bit of push-up padding in as well I like and you can feel at the bottom, but this is actually too small for you It is yeah, but I like it.

Yeah, they like bounce around. They won't they won't push it like a lamb Yeah, you can see how it's cutting in here, and you're kind of like falling towards the center. It's actually Especially on the bigger side you can see that you're popping out quite a bit more. I never guessed it you could tell this one's bigger so you're popping out on a 32d and the other one you previously had on was at 32 double d c okay, that's not fair because Girl that wasn't experience wasn't he I had no idea that I was a G.

I'm just saying like well. I'm not G. I'm Adi, but even still like that's not possible. I'm like what that sounds ridiculous I found this to be so helpful I think every single person should go and do this Wow because you have no idea all right you guys.

Thanks for watching Let us know in the comments. Where else you want us to go next on beauty tripping in 2018 We'll see you next time Flick to the left to see us read mean comments from those of you who probably don't subscribe Or click to the right to see the worst trends of 2017.

Learning Our ACTUAL Bra Sizes! (Beauty Trippin)

Monday, May 14, 2018

Is Beauty and the Beast About Stockholm Syndrome

Oh, hey, good, looks like everyone's talking about Beauty and the Beast again which, I guess, means this hottest of takes is back (MUSIC: Ironside by Quincy Jones) Wow, and youre, like, 'bout the 26th Millionth person to make this hot take (chuckles). Yeah, I read that CRACKED article from five years ago too - Okay, disclosure of bias, if you will, if you put me into a room with a gun to my head, I would say that, yes this movie is probably in my Top 2  Favorite Disney movies. It's the only animated film ever nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture And this is back when they had only 5 nominees! It contains some of the most incredible and nuanced animation in any movie ever! And all made under a super-tight deadline, in about half the time it normally takes to make an animated movie, and with very little faith from the higher-ups. The original "Beauty the Beasts" reputation has taken a slight turn in recent years as The target for lazy internet jokes.

And as someone who makes their living making lazy internet jokes, even I'm kind of tired of this whole, like, Hey, look I'm smarter than a '90s Disney movie, trend. Like, wow, she falls in love with him despite him being a jerk to her, and imprisoning her Like, yeah. I mean, that's kind of the point. See, it's like its like one of those, uh, stories about forgiveness.

See, I understand that sometimes a Disney movie can, can be little too subtle for yall (BELLE: Hes no monster, Gaston! You are!") Now, that said, that does not mean that it is not worth it to explore the possible *merit* of these lazy internet jokes. And maybe one day, I'll get into the crap they added into the new movie to "fix" some of the criticisms that have come down the pike over the last 20 years. Uh, no. But in the meantime, we're here to ask the question Does Belle have Stockholm syndrome? No.

Thank you for watching! Like, share, and subscribe to my channel. Thank you, of course, to all my lovely patrons. I couldn't do this without you Oh. You want me to, like, actually talk about the thing...

Okay. Well, you know what? First, lets let's figure out what Stockholm syndrome even is! Stockholm syndrome describes the psychological phenomenon where hostages, kidnapping victims, and victims of abuse develop intense emotional ties to their captors/abusers as a survival strategy. The name refers to an incident in Stockholm, Sweden in 1973 when four hostages, who had been taken captive by bank robbers, eventually refused to testify against their captors Here are the key components to the development of Stockholm syndrome : (1) That the hostage develops positive feelings towards their captor. (2) There is no previous hostage-captor relationship.

(3) That the hostage has an increasing belief in the humanity of their captor. (4) That the hostage learns to excuse abusive behaviors of their captor. And, of course, (5) A refusal by the hostage to accept the support of the authorities. Hmm (MAURICE: That horrible beast?!") (BELLE: "But, hes different now, papa.") (BELLE: Hes changed, somehow.") Okay, but here's the thing The aforementioned are just requirements for the *development* of what could be *considered* Stockholm syndrome.

They're not symptoms Symptoms." *Here* are the symptoms : #1 (BEAST: The castle is your home now, so you can go anywhere you like  except the West Wing.") (BELLE: Whats in the West ") (BEAST: ITS FORBIDDEN!") (BEAST: "You will join me for dinner! That's not a request! (Slams door)) (BELLE gasps) Let's put a pin in that one. (Chuckles) We'll come back to that. #2 (BELLE: "You have my word.) (BEAST: DONE!") Okay, well, I guess we got that one Oh, mm-mm, wait a minute. Whose idea was it for Belle to stay at the castle anyway? (BELLE: "Take me instead.") (BEAST: "You?!)  Yeah, I mean, she is being held against her will in the same way youre being held against your will if youre in 9th grade trig and you're dying to go home.

But, there is a key difference here. This is not a kidnapper-kidnappee relationship She stays in the castle because they make an agreement (BELLE: "You have my word.) (BEAST: DONE!") And Point #2 here, is where the whole argument falls apart the captive is held because she made an agreement And this isnt even like, in the fairy tale, where she exchanges herself for her dad who was being held under a very clear threat of death Heh, the Beast just kinda sounds like he's making it up like he goes along; like, he's just a kid who has no idea what hes doing. (BELLE: Would you let him go?") (BEAST: Yes.) (BEAST: But) (ticking sounds) (BEAST: You must promise to stay here forever.") (Ding) (imitating Beast): Uhm ff--forever! There is one point in the movie where the threat of violence *does* pop up and it's right here (BELLE: Stop!) (BEAST: GET OUT!!") (Crashing) (BEAST: GEEEEEEEEEEETTTT OOOOOOOOOUUUUUTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!") Which brings us to Stockholm Point #3 So, here's what follows immediately after Beasts little outburst (LUMIERE: "W--Where are you going?!") BELLE: (Promise or no promise, I can't stay here another minute!) Yeah, she'd been in the castle for *maybe* five hours. So, once the Beast starts throwing tables around, Belle runs away even, as she leaves, mentioning the little verbal contract that had been keeping her there, and then dismissing it.

And this brings us back to Point #1: The Beast defines rules (BEAST: The castle is your home now, so you can go anywhere you like  except the West Wing.") (BELLE: Whats in the West ") (BEAST: ITS FORBIDDEN!") And then Belle is immediately like, Tra-la-la-la-la-la No." (Chuckles) If Stockholm syndrome is a condition displayed by the victim, then Belle does not apply, because she does not respect the rules set up for her from, basically, the word go (BELLE: Ah, so *thats* the West Wing") Point #4. And then, after x" amount of violence, the smallest act of kindness on the part of the captor (or even, the absence of violence) elicits sympathetic feelings from the captive. This one, I think, is the, uh, symptom," that people are most familiar with, and therefore, the one that tends to trip people up It really bugs me when people file this movie into the, I Can Fix Him, category (ANASTASIA STEELE: "No rules, no punishments and no more secrets.) (CHRISTIAN GREY: "I can do that.")  Because Belle never sets out to fix the Beast. *Ever.* I mean, yeah, she's way more reasonable than anyone in that situation might be expected to be, but she, basically, responds to his absence of dick-ery.

Now, this is not the case in the Beauty and the Beast" direct-to-video sequels (BELLE (in the sequel): Come on!) Ho-oh, boy (BEAST (in the sequel): "You said youd never leave.") (BELLE (in the sequel): I just wanted to make you happy.") *BOOM* But, in the original movie i.E., The thing that matters her goal is never at any point, either stated or unstated, to make the Beast into another person. If he's a jerk, she responds in kind. (BEAST: Will you come down to dinner?") (BELLE: No!") (BEAST: Hmm?!) If he's nice, she responds in kind. She treats him fairly.

And he decides to improve himself of his own volition, out of respect and fondness for her. And, eventually, she responds by being like, Eh I guess I wouldn't kick him out of bed." The Archetypal, uh, Stockholm syndrome setting is more like, you know, your captor throws a scrap of bread at you after having starved you for weeks on end You know, not, necessarily, saves you from a pack of ravenous wolves. That said, I'm not convinced that the Beast didnt, like  slip those wolves a twenty under the table Anyway! So, after the Beast gets in a fight with some wolves & falls down Belle recognizes that he put himself in harm's way to save her, and, for whatever reason that is implied by this expression, here (Its up to you, the viewer)  she decides to keep her end of the bargain, and stay with him. Which leads us to this scene and Point #5 The victim learns to avoid triggers that will set off the captor Belle *never* does this, even from the very beginning (BEAST:"That hurts!!) (BELLE: If you'd hold still, it wouldn't hurt as much!") (BEAST: "Well, if you hadn't have run away, this wouldn't have happened) (BELLE: If you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have run away!") And that's part of what makes this scene, so great She doesn't put up with his shit.

But, she does give credit where credit is due, and that leaves the door open for him to stop being such a dickhead (BELLE: "By the way, thank you  for saving my life.) (Beast stops growling) Point #6 (BELLE: "If only I could see my father again" (BELLE: Just for a moment, I miss him so much.") Nope! (BELLE: Papa! Oh no ) (BELLE:  He's sick! He may be dying and he's all alone!) At this point in the film, the Beast is caught between keeping Belle here, and possibly saving his own humanity; or letting her go and putting her needs before his. And the second he says she could peace out to go help her dad, she's like, Okay, bye!" (BELLE: Thank you for understanding how much he needs me.") That feeling where you think you got this chick to like you, but then it turns out youre a literal f**king monster holding her as a hostage and if it weren't for the mob of angry villagers, we don't have any indications to whether or not Belle would have ever come back I mean, she might have, you know, to return this dish she's stole, but, you know But the most important facet that people miss about Stockholm syndrome is that it is *not* a diagnosable mental disorder. It is *not* on the DSM. Stockholm syndrome *is* considered a contested illness," as a large portion of the psychiatric and law enforcement community do not think it is a thing.

So, honestly, this entire conversation is almost rendered moot, because Stockholm syndrome kind of belongs more in the category of "debunked pseudoscience," than actual, study-able, psychological conditions or at the very least, it's in the category of, more research needed." Making Beauty and the Beast," about Stockholm syndrome is kind of missing the forest for the trees You know, if you basically only had a passing pop-cultural knowledge of either forests or trees. "Beauty and the Beast" is a story about, you know, friendship and forgiveness. That sort of thing. And the romantic aspect is played down to near non-existence I'm on the fence as to how romantic it even is.

Just look at the look on her face when he turned back into a man Even for a Disney movie this is a pretty sexless relationship, at least from Belle's side of things. (BELLE: Hes my friend.") (Slower: Hes my Friend.) I mean, I do enjoy Beasts, Hey look! A Girl! I did it!" Face Aww So, even ignoring the fact that most law enforcement & mental health professionals do not think that Stockholm syndrome is actually even a thing this movie is not a good example of  the thing. Does not mean that this term does not necessarily apply it just means that this term is not a good one. Stop using it.

But while we're here "Beauty and the Beast" is the story of a young girl who wants (BELLE:  Adventure in the great, wide somewhere ") But then learns that getting married to a rich guy who held you prisoner for a while is pretty good Hmm, actually, no. Like yeah uh. Let's re-frame that. Beauty and the Beast" is the story of two men who view the same woman as a shiny object to be controlled And where one of them learns to see her humanity, the other one falls to his death Well, that's a more well, I guess lets say its a more optimistic way of framing it because the story,  regardless of how it's set up It's not really Belle's story.

It's the Beasts. He's the one who learns, he's the one who changes, He's the one with a character arc, and it's much stronger if you look at it that way, because Belle's arc is Well, I guess she does learn to wear other dresses. Compare the Disney movie to the original fairy tale, where the arc is all Beautys. The Beast, we are told, already has a heart of gold, if we're gonna ignore the whole dad/rose" thing Beauty just needs to see that he has a good heart so, the arc is hers all along, in learning to see beauty in something that is superficially ugly.

In the original fairy tale, the arc is Beautys, where in the Disney movie, it all belongs to the Beast This is a trend we see in a lot of Renaissance Disney; the heroine states a want; be it, y'know, legs Or "adventure in the great, wide somewhere," or a love-marriage, or not to be in the service of Satan anymore But the solution, at the end, always kind of winds up being guys. In screenwriting terms, the question is whose story is it? And in a character-driven film like most Disney movies, for example the story is built around the character arc, or the Want vs. Need. And for more about Want vs.

Need," check out the Hercules" video Its pretty good. In all of the Renaissance Disney movies, what the protagonist wanted was, yknow,  their teenage, whatever" dreams (BELLE:  I want so much more than they've got planned ") (ALADDIN: Sometimes you feel so) (JASMINE: Youre just) (BOTH:  Trapped.") (ARIEL:   Love to explore that shore up above ") What they needed was to find love and get married. As long as it's not an arranged marriage and when you look at "Beauty and the Beast" The Beasts arc is a far more central theme to the story What he *wants* is not to be a beast anymore;
what he *needs* is to love someone so much that he puts her needs before Not only his, but his entire castle. (BEAST: Because I love her.") Belles character is self-actualized at the beginning.

She knows who she is & what she likes. She doesn't need to change She just needs a guy who appreciates her, which the Beast does, I guess, cuz he gives her some books And, personally, I find that little trend of women's self-actualization being defined by what guy she ends up with  way more insidious than whether or not this movie is about Stockholm syndrome. Really, it brings up less questions of a psychological disorder, and more questions of agency as it pertains to narrative Particularly for women, whose narratives usually have them being less active agents, so much as being thrown into circumstances which they must then survive. So, if we're worried about trying to stop reinforcing this idea that women should, or inevitably will, end up loving their kidnapper/captor/rapist/whatever  that thought kind of undermines the point of *this* narrative.

Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" is a story about basic human decency And how society, at large, neither rewards it; or even, necessarily, sees it. And that's a pretty strong narrative. But, since it's such a short and simple film all of this is at the expense of the heroine being allowed a character arc, other than learning to like this guy. See there are layers to this discussion Complexities, even.

It can be a story about denying a woman her own self-actualization while, at the same time, being a touching tale about empathy and forgiveness It can be both. Internet. People who derive this movie by saying it's about Stockholm syndrome are ignoring that it's actually about the various ways that decent people get "othered" by society. Maurice, presumably the town's only innovator, is considered a weird kook Gaston demonstrates that bullies are rewarded and beloved by society, so long as they possess a certain set of characteristics The townsfolk worship Gaston, and think Belle is a weirdo for not conforming to the expectations voiced upon her by her gender.

(BABETTE 1: "Whats wrong with her?") (BABETTE 2: Shes crazy!") (BABETTE 3: Hes gorgeous!") And they wanna kill the Beast because he looks scary, despite Belles protests Buuuuuuuut, Stockholm syndrome, I guess. Hell, let's armchair diagnose everyone. Everyone has Stockholm syndrome! The Genie has Stockholm syndrome cuz hes just so loyal to his kind master! After all, Aladdin is not like Jafar He is one of the nice ones. Yknow,  hell unslave you after you do him a few favors.

And do all the toys in Toy Story exhibit Stockholm syndrome for Andy? Sure, why not? Hacky, uninformed insights like this belittle the themes that *are* there Seeing the good in people, where they don't see it in themselves The way society rewards bullies and superficiality The way it others" decent people who don't conform to expectations How kindness begets kindness Your uninformed observation does not make you smarter than the media you consume, it just means you're not paying attention And that is why the whole, "Stockholm syndrome" thing is stupid, and needs to go away. Yes, yes, I do recognize the irony of me getting on other people's grills for being smug. (Outro music) (Crashing).

Is Beauty and the Beast About Stockholm Syndrome

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Inside Brazil's Biggest Prison Beauty Pageant

[Bianca Zanini]: Brazil is know internationally for its beautiful scenery. This includes its beautiful women. The country is home to many of pageant culture's most coveted crowns: Miss World, Miss International, Miss Earth and Miss Universe. And Brazil's growing middle-class is beginning to spend excessively on cosmetic surgeries to compete in the world beauty arena.

But, Brazil is also notorious for its prison influx. With over 600,000 prisoners, it has the fourth-largest prison population in the world. The female prison population has grown 146% in just seven years. Life behind bars is bleak when you share living quarters with convicted criminals.

Glamour is the last thing you would expect. But in Brazil's largest city, even prison walls can't keep out fantasies of beauty, style and the social mobility can afford. So, we travel to So Paulo to attend a beauty pageant in the country's largest female maximum-security prison complex. We arrived just in time to catch the inmates' final indoor rehearsal.

Hired by the prison, local celebrity choreographer, Julinho, is the pageant's creative director and beauty coach. In the prison's church, Julinho was teaching the women how to walk like professional pageant queens. [Bianca Zanini]: So, there's going to be four categories. The first one is Miss Max or Miss International.

It's because this prison has a lot of foreign women. And so, it's about being beautiful no matter where you're from in the world. The second one is Muse of Maturity, a prize for the older, inspirational women in the prison. (The) third one is Miss Congeniality.

And the fourth one is really interesting, probably the most interesting one of them (all). It's the Mr. Congeniality. It's a new prize, the first time we've had this, and it's for the openly-gay inmates here.

[Bianca Zanini]: After the rehearsal, we met up with Ana Paula, who started Mr. Max, an openly-gay category that has never been done at any other beauty pageant before. [Bianca Zanini]: Ana gave me a tour of her prison cell, where she spends the majority of her time. [Bianca Zanini]: Bianca, a native Brazilian, and her best friend from Spain, Inmaculada, have both made it to the final round for the crown title of Miss Beleza Internacional.

[Bianca Zanini]: Also competing for the crown, Falida, from Sweden, is a long way from home. She served one year out of a seven-year sentence after being caught with 8 kilos of cocaine at So Paulo International Airport. Falida doesn't speak Portuguese, and preferred to talk to me in English instead. We sat down in the prison classroom where inmates spend their free time reading and drawing.

[Bianca Zanini]: What did you do? [Falida Djonni Dahlgren]: International drug trafficking. I went in debt, so I ended up borrowing some money This was the last resort of not paying of my debt. I had cocaine in the airport. It was in a suitcase.

I knew I was gonna get a suitcase. I wasn't really sure what was gonna be inside it. As far as I knew, it was going to be something; because I was in debt, right? Once I was in the airport, I was thinking of just leaving the bag, and just (making a) run for it, but I was even scared because this guy knew where I was living. Once they opened the bag, it was, like, stitched in; into the walls (or, in other words, the sides of the bag).

[Bianca Zanini]: So, how did you feel the moment they were like, "Let's look in your bag", or - ? [Falida Djonni Dahlgren]: At that moment, I think (that) I was mostly just in shock. I knew that there was a risk, but if this was happening, it was, in a way, maybe meant to happen. [Bianca Zanini]: Why is this pageant important to you? [Falida Djonni Dahlgren]: I know that we've done something bad; and, of course, we should be punished for it. But, we're still human.

(In) one way, this could just help us, you know, to.. Cope with the prison life.     [Bianca Zanini]: So, right now, bags of shoes have just arrived.     [Bianca Zanini]: For some of them, it's been a decade in flat shoes.

[Bianca Zanini] Nairajane, a Miss Congeniality contestant, leaves three children back at home while she serves time for trafficking. [Bianca Zaranini]: Tomorrow, Nairajane's mother is making the journey to watch her daughter compete for the Miss Congeniality title. [Bianca Zaranini]: Not everyone is so fortunate. Clementina is a competitor for Muse of Maturity, a prize for older women.

She's far, far away from her family in So Tom, Africa. [Bianca Zanini]: Who's gonna win this, do you think? [Falida Djonni Dahlgren]: We all have a good chance of winning. There's a lot of pretty girls. [Bianca Zanini]: Okay, that's very diplomatic; but, like, who do you think is gonna win? [Falida Djonni Dahlgren]: Of course, I'm gonna cheer on myself.

[Both laugh] [Falida Djonni Dahlgren]: I think (that) I have a good chance. I think (that) I have a lot of charisma, I have intelligence; I think (that) I have beauty on the inside and the outside. [Bianca Zaranini]: So, apparently this beauty pageant is a lot bigger than I thought (it was going to be). It's huge! The girls have been preparing for months, there's been several elimination rounds.

There's gonna be a celebrity jury; a supermodel coming in. I don't know how they're gonna pull this off in a maximum security prison. Everything is literally crazy right now. People are running around; the girls are really, really nervous.

All of the staff here is running around, doing every last little detail. It's- it's pretty insane here. [Bianca Zanini]: Nerves are running high in the green room as the ladies prepare for the show. Hair and makeup professionals have been brought in to help (to) beautify the inmates.

The prison administrators have made sure to hire the best-of-the-best. [Bianca Zanini]: It was showtime for Miss Maximum Security. We were able to meet Nairajane's mother on the way in. This is the first time (that) she'll see her daughter in ten months.

[Bianca Zanini]: A strange combination of inmates, relatives, local celebrities and leading Brazilian media companies begin to show up as the MC's take the stage. [Bianca Zanini]: The inmates in the audience were roaring as the pageant was about to begin. [Bianca Zanini]: The panel of celebrity judges has arrived. [Bianca Zanini]:  Supermodel Ana Hickmann co-hosts the evening, along with Brazil's most famous TV presenter, Raul Gil.

[Bianca Zanini]: Bianca is first-up to take the stage, kicking off the first walk for the Miss Max pageant. [Bianca Zanini]: Next, Clementina walks for Miss Maturity poised in national costume formalwear. [Bianca Zanini]: It was then time for the much-anticipated Miss Beleza Internacional bathing suit competition. [Bianca Zanini]: Mr.

Max, the category everyone had been waiting for all day, began with a walk-off. [Bianca Zanini]: Now, the jury asks Mr. Max contestants questions about their future. [Bianca Zanini]: Then the walk-off for Miss Congeniality.

[Bianca Zanini]: Nairajane's mother begged the guards to allow her backstage to see her daughter. Finally, they broke protocol and let her in. [Bianca Zanini]: While the celebrity judges tally the votes, and the contestants get dressed into their evening wear, there's a surprise: the male entertainment that were brought in especially for the women at the event. [Bianca Zanini]: The judges are then ready to crown Miss Congeniality.

[Bianca Zanini]: Miss Maturity contestants come out to see who will receive the title. [Bianca Zanini]: It's not everyone's lucky day, but all (of) the women got to shine, feeling more like themselves than they have in a long time. [Bianca Zanini]: The last event of the night is the walk-off for evening wear, followed by the final crowning. [Bianca Zanini]: First, the runner-up is crowned.

[Bianca Zanini]: And now, it's time to crown the winner of Miss International, the most important category of the competition. [Bianca Zanini]: The press was going crazy over Falida. She even appeared on the front page of the national paper the next day. Luckily, I had a chance to catch up with her backstage before she joined the rest of the inmates in the lot outside of the prison.

[Bianca Zanini]: Congratulations! Let me give you a hug! [Falida Djonni Dahlgren]: Thank you! Thank you! [Bianca Zanini]: How are you feeling? [Falida Djonni Dahlgren]: I'm feeling very happy; very excited.                 [Bianca Zanini]: Tonight felt like real-life Cinderella. Like, right immediately after they gave the last prize, the women transformed back to... What they are right now, which is inmates.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna talk to them, and.. I'll see how they're feeling. It's the day after the big day. To be honest, I don't really know what to expect.

I've only known them for these past few days while they were excited and happy, and it was, you know, not that hard to stay positive. Let's see how they feel tomorrow. [Bianca Zanini]: It's.. Really a lot more than just a pageant.

This is a glimpse of a better life, it's a.. Reason to.. Stay positive in a... Hard reality.

If you want a society where people can actually have a chance to better themselves, we need to give them a space to do so.
And I think that, this pageant and all its silliness and.. Glitter is.. An example of that..

Inside Brazil's Biggest Prison Beauty Pageant

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

I Tried This Insane Bubble FacialBeauty With MiRefinery29

Youre the best. Youre helping my skin and trying to get
the eyelash out of my eye. Shes the best! Hey guys, its Mi-Anne and this is Beauty
With Mi. Hello all! Welcome back! If you are new to this channel, please hit
the subscribe button down below and please give this video a thumbs up because today
Im doing another weird facial.

Ever since I did the enzyme facial, you know
the one where I came out looking like a straight up Grandma, Ive been wondering if I would
ever find something that would top that. Turns out, I just might have. And naturally I filmed the entire experience for all of you. The facial in question is called the ice infusion
tightening facial, and it was developed by an esthetician named Rene Rouleau, someone Ive admired for years.

Her clients include the likes of Demi Lovato. Ever heard of her? Although Rene is based out of Austin, she
makes regular trips to LA and New York and I got a chance to try out the ice infusion
facial in the flesh. The facial itself is designed to heat up and
cool down the skin, thus brightening, tightening and smoothing everything out. AKA all things that I love.

She started off by cleansing my skin using
amazing hot stones. Thus beginning the warm up process. By increasing the skins internal temperature,
were increasing oxygen and blood flow and the blood brings new nutrients and feeds the skin cells. Then once my skin was sufficiently clean, Rene
smoothed on a cranberry peel to loosen up any dead skin cells on the surface of my face.

It smells so good. Next she continued with even more exfoliation
using a Bio-Brasion device, which is basically designed to exfoliate the skin through light
suction and vibration. I almost felt like it was gonna hurt, but
it doesnt hurt at all. Science rules! Then she moved onto a mousse-like bubble mask
that helps improve circulation.

Naturally I made like Bella Thorne and took
a few pictures. Im gonna get the perfect gram. Who wore it better? Let me know, in the comments below. I love a good close shave.

Its dual purpose. It warms the skin, which helps increase blood
circulation. Thats what the rosemary and the minty-ness
will do, right? Yup. But then it also softens the skin so that
if someone does need extractions itll make it easier.

Once the mask had done its work, she removed
it and put on a serum. And brought out an ultrasound. Yup. You heard that right, an ultrasound.

But she wasnt gliding that device on my
skin in search of a heartbeat, she was actually using it to improve circulation, reduce inflammation
and help the serum she applied absorb better. I feel like this would be a really great machine
if I was in Middle School and I wanted to pretend like I had a fever. Then it was time for phase two: the cool down. Rene whipped out a tray of, what looked like
ice cubes, but was actually full of frozen serum popsicles cooled down to -2 degrees.

What this does is anytime you create cold
on the skin it immediately constricts the capillaries and it creates a vacuum effect
that pulls the ingredients deeper into the skin. It creates like a suction. Not gonna lie, it wasnt the most comfortable. It kinda felt like a three minute brain freeze.
And if you touch your face you can feel how slippery and delicious Oh its really smooth.

Rene made a seaweed rubber mask that she
put on my skin that felt so good. It was cooling on contact and had really soothing
ingredients, like seaweed in it to hydrate my skin. What it does is it creates an occlusive seal
over the skin so that everything underneath has no place else to go but into the skin. Im not even kidding, when I looked in the mirror there were no pores.

I just didnt understand. Around my nose I had bigger clogged pores. The cold constricts the opening of the pore. You can also see your breakouts have really
settled down.

Yeah, I had one here that was really painful
and its not even red anymore. I feel like its an amazing facial for events
because I literally looked at myself and could see a difference immediately. How long can I expect to see these results for? I would say most people can see a visible
difference for about seven to ten days. Thats so much longer than I thought! Wait Im so excited.

Well thanks so much for giving me the Rene
Rouleau glow. Your skin is beautiful. I didnt have to work that hard. Thank you! Oh, we did some work.

Full disclosure: Rene's facials cost around
$450, which I know is pretty steep so the next best thing to getting an actual facial
from Rene is to get something from her product line. She recommended three products that you can
use to mimic the effects of her facial at home. The first item is an exfoliating mask. Now, Rene has one in her line.

Its called
the Triple Berry Smoothing Peel. Ive actually used this before and I really, really like it. It smells amazing. And when you put it on and leave it on for
10 minutes afterwards, your skin will be baby soft.

Im not even kidding. Next up is a toner. Now Rene actually suggested I pour toner
into an ice cube tray, stick it in the freezer, and use it as to mimic the effects of her ice facial. So I actually did that, and it worked.

It was pretty cool. Finally a soothing mask. Now Rene recommends this one which is the
Rapid Response Detox Masque. I actually adore this thing.

I really like her line in general but this
mask is amazing. It looks like honey golden nectar of some sort. You put it on. Its not drying even though its really good for acne.

It has tea tree leaf oil, salicylic acid,
manuka leaf oil. All of which are antibacterial so great for pimples. But it also has sodium hyaluronate which is
great for hydrating. So this is amazing to soothe your skin.

It really calms down breakouts, but you can
actually make a bunch of DIY masks that I. Think would do the job as well. I actually did an entire video on DIY skin
care and made a bunch of masks. I made an exfoliating mask.

I made a really hydrating honey mask and a
cocoa powder and yogurt mask, all of which you can see the recipes for up here. All in all I really loved the facial. But Im not going to lie, I dont think
one facial is going to completely solve all of your skin concerns. To me, getting a facial is all about pampering
and relaxing and honestly Rene's facial was exactly that.

But I hope that you guys enjoyed this. Let me know what your favorite part of the
facial was below. And if you have any cool masks or DIY recipes
for me to try, I would love to hear them as well. Let me know in the comments and I will catch
you guys next week.

Bye! Thanks so much for watching guys. Let me know what you want me to do next on Beauty With Mi in the comments below. And click here to subscribe to Refinery29,
and click here to watch more videos. Bye..

I Tried This Insane Bubble FacialBeauty With MiRefinery29

Thursday, April 26, 2018

I Tried The New 30-Minute Sephora FacialBeauty With MiRefinery29

Nom. Mmm skin! Hey guys it's Mi-Anne and this is Beauty With Mi. I love Sephora, but I've never really associated it with a place that you go to get pampered. I go there to swatch new makeup, find new makeup.

Definitely not to get a facial. But all of that is changing because this
month the brand is launching its first ever spa facial. And I got to try it first. The treatment in question is called the Perk Hydrating Facial and it's designed to exfoliate and hydrate the skin in 30 minutes.

But what I think makes it the most unique,
is that it's essentially the best gift with purchase ever. You can sign up online or you can just walk in and the facial is included with any $75 skincare purchase. Which means that whatever you end up using with your skincare consultant, you can actually buy. So seeing as I've tried my fair share of facials, everything from the bubble facial, ice facial, grandma facial, bird poop facial, I thought
it would be pretty fitting to give this one a try too.

So I zipped over to the Sephora at Herald's Square, which just so happens to be the largest Sephora in North America. And I got to try it out. So once I got to Sephora, I sat down with
my skincare consultant Veridiana, who was the sweetest person and she asked me all about my skin. So Mi-Anne, tell me a little bit about your
skincare routine.

So I have kinda combination, relatively acne prone skin. I try to stay away from things with too much fragrance. And we decided on a host of different products for me to try. So she started off with the first step, which is cleansing, of course, like any good facial.

She used the Caudalie Instant Foaming Cleanser on my skin just to remove any excess oil, debris, that sort of thing. There's something about being cleansed by someone else that makes it just so much better. And then she moved on to the machine. So the first step with the Perk machine is
the exfoliating serum.

As the suction is pulling out the impurities, the rollerball is releasing that serum. So we're removing and then inserting into
your skin. It's full of lactic acid, it comes through
this little rollerball pen that's hooked up to a machine, that exfoliates the skin and
sucks away things like dead skin cells and oil into the machine. So she did that all over my face and followed up with the Hydrating Serum.

So it's the same deal. It is a rollerball little pen that has the
Hydrating Serum and it's full of antioxidants. Starting off on the eye area to plump and
hydrate, infuse the skin with all that yummy goodness. Then after doing the eye area she moved on to the rest of the face.

Am I going to get to see all my skin after? You are. I like gross stuff like that. We are all done. Now I did kind of sneak a little touch of my face.

Don't touch your face. Oh no! Your hands are dirty. I was like I want to feel the smoothness! So then she moved on to the rest of my skincare. She started off with some eye cream.

So she used the Olehenriksen Banana Bright Eye Cream. So this is actually amazing under concealer and it'll help to brighten up under your eye area. It felt really light weight, absorbed really
quickly. And then she moved on to moisturizer, and used one of my favorite moisturizers right now which is the Herbivore Botanicals Pink Cloud Crme.

Not only does it look beautiful, but it feels
so luxurious on the skin. It smells like rose. Cause it's full of Rosewater. It's very calming, non-irritating, highly

Then right after the moisturizer she used
the Dr. Jart+ Tiger Grass Camo drops. Now I've used the Dr. Jart+ Tiger Grass Cicapair jar, which is quite a thick greenish cream that's supposed to help tone down redness.

This is the much lighter serum version of
that product, and it's so nice. It's so lightweight, it absorbs really nicely. Evens out redness but doesn't look very heavy on the skin. Then as the final step of my routine she used the Farmacy Honey Butter Beeswax Lip Balm.

Now I love Farmacy. I adore that brand. So I was really excited to see they came out with a new lip balm. Now the facial comes with a final step which is a little bit of foundation.

Using the machine requires zero recovery time. You can put makeup on right after it. It doesn't make your skin red, doesn't make your skin feel irritated. And we're going to get a little fancy and use the La Mer Soft Fluid Long Wear Foundation with SPF 20.

I've been wanting to try this foundation and I know it's really expensive. Yeah. How much does this cost? $110. Ooh.

Augh. Use every last drop. It was so nice, it was so dreamy, it was so
lightweight. It felt so much like skin.

I have that on now. And that was it. Now you get to leave here fresh face and bushy-tailed. The final thing and very last thing we did
was kind of optional.

If you can stomach it. Is see the jar of liquidy gunk at the end
that's just full of your dead skin and oil. I really want to see what we took out of the skin. Okay, so here we go.

Woo! It looks really nasty. It was really gross. I actually wasn't expecting it to be that
nasty. But it was.

We poured it down the sink and then I got
to look through the products and decide which ones I wanted to purchase. So I chose the things, she rung me out right there, and then I headed on my way. Thank you so much. Youre welcome! All in all I think it was a really cool and
unique experience.

I think that going into it, I was like, Oh, a facial at Sephora?, But it was a nice little 30 minute break in the day. You do get really individual attention. My skin felt great after. If you're watching this show you probably
already shop at Sephora and you probably know it's not that hard to get to $75 and you get
this free facial.

This treatment isn't available at every single Sephora. It's available at 100 locations across the
country. And if you want to find out more about it,
you can go online and try to book an appointment and you can check using your zip code. I hope you guys enjoyed this.

Please let me know if you guys try it out in the comments. I want to know what you guys think. I will see you guys next week. Bye.

Thanks so much for watching guys. Let me know what you want to see next on Beauty With Mi in the comments down below and click here to subscribe to Refinery 29, and click
here to watch another video. Bye!.

I Tried The New 30-Minute Sephora FacialBeauty With MiRefinery29

Friday, April 20, 2018

I Tried Marilyn Monroe's Beauty RoutineBeauty With MiRefinery29

Hey guys, it's Mi-Anne, and
this is Beauty With Mi. You might notice we're in a little
bit of a different location. That is because today's episode
is not an ordinary one. I've been thinking about adopting the beauty
routines of iconic women throughout history for some time now, the first of
which is Marilyn Monroe.

Marilyn Monroe has been the object of constant
fascination for over half a century now, but I'll be honest when I say that I didn't
really know much about her before I started
researching this video. I thought of Marilyn as nothing more than
a beacon of old Hollywood glamour, but I'll tell you right now
that I was so wrong. I decided to adopt her routine and try it
out for myself, but I first had to figure out what Marilyn's
approach to beauty was. I talked to a couple of people, the first
of which are the folks over at Erno Laszlo.

Erno Laszlo was a Hungarian dermatologist
known for his bespoke treatments and products. Hollywood elite like Audrey Hepburn, Jackie
O, and of course, Marilyn Monroe were all loyal patients. Sadly, the Erno Laszlo Institute is no longer
open, but the brand partners with an NYC salon called JE'DERM, and I spoke with Kristy Watson,
the Chief Marketing Director at Erno Laszlo, to learn more about what Marilyn
would've done on the day-to-day. I was reading this...

It's amazing. Prescription, and it's crazy how
much detail he goes into. He had a morning ritual, he had an
evening ritual if you were going out, he had an evening ritual
for when you came home. He was customizing products for her.

She had her appendix removed and she had a
big scar on her stomach, so he produced, it's known today as phormula 3-9, but
Marilyn Monroe's formulation was phormula 3-7. It feels to me like she really trusted
the doctor with her skin. So, in addition to obviously following this
very strict routine, Marilyn also came in to the Erno Laszlo Institute. What kind of treatments
would she undergo? She probably got a full-on
treatment facial.

The double-cleanse probably happened. He definitely did high frequency, which
we have photos doing. Again, the doctor was really
ahead of his time. He believed in, you know, inner-beauty, empowering
women, so by understanding you as a person and you know, what keeps you up at night,
what your concerns are...

We have a quote from Marilyn stated, that
says, "Dr. Erno Laszlo not only soothed my skin, he soothed my soul." Do you think she was really
insecure about her skin? I think she was insecure as a person. Like, forget skincare. The woman had eleven foster families, so we
all know how that could actually really play on your psyche a little bit.

Yeah, I think the question I'm grappling with
on Marilyn and her approach to beauty is whether or not she actually did find joy in it. It is kind of this paradoxical thing where... Yes, she did, but she was still
like, riddled with insecurity. We ask this question
a lot in the brand.

Does Marilyn empower women? Her approach on life, her approach... Or
does Marilyn make them sad? But, she's iconic. Clearly, Marilyn had a complex relationship
with beauty, one that's not unlike what many of us have today. Is it a mask? Is a confidence-booster? Or is it both? I couldn't do this story justice without learning
more about Marilyn herself, so I called Dr.

Lois Banner, a professor emerita at the
University of Southern California and the author of Marilyn: The Passion and the Paradox,
a biography on the star. She has become an icon; it has a lot
to do with her early death. It has a lot to do with the number of
photos that were taken of her. There were literally thousands
of photos taken.

Death at an early age... That generally makes
an icon in American culture. They're frozen in time, and
they're beauty remains. Now, she was considering cosmetic surgery
again before she died.

And she did get it once before? A couple of things. First of all, they pushed her hairline
back with electrolysis. They did that to all the major stars. She had a bump on her nose.

They never entirely got rid of it. She and her makeup artists, especially Whitey
Snyder, they spent a great deal of time covering that bump up on her nose because
they hadn't gotten it off. And the third thing that was done to her
was that they put some kind of plate in her lower jaw that... Oh, yeah, yeah.

That would bring her chin up, but that wasn't
completely successful either. She spent hours before the mirror and with
massage artists trying to keep the double chin from showing. Whitey Snyder said she knew many makeup tricks
that not even the best makeup artists knew. When she first came to Hollywood, she'd hung
out with the makeup artists  them and the publicists  when she was still just in
her early twenties and in Hollywood.

She went to them to find out what she ought
to do with herself, and they told her. And she liked to put on a masquerade, so when
she was in good shape, she'd take great care with the makeup she was wearing. Mostly, the commentators say she was perfect,
and she had many flaws, many... That's why she's so fascinating.

In her way, she was a real woman
with an unbelievable ambition. After watching countless tutorials and interviewing
Dr. Banner and Kristy, it was time to put Marilyn's routine to the test. Marilyn's skincare routine was intense, with
different processes for morning, evening, and going out.

Fortunately for me, a handful of the products
she used are still available from the brand, but sadly, many of them are not, so I did
my best to mimic what I could. According to Marilyn's original skincare prescription
from Erno Laszlo, her cleansing routine started with a basin of warm water, which she
used to cleanse her skin using cleansing oils and bar soaps. She was instructed to make a lather with the
soap, and cleanse her face, washing it off with no less than 30 splashes of water. Marilyn was all about dewy, glowy skin, and
was known to use anything from Nivea face cream, to Erno Laszlo's cream to Vaseline
all over her face before foundation.

Marilyn must've had pretty dry skin because
the products she used are really rich. My favorite, though, was the bar soap, which
was surprisingly gentle and hydrating and didn't leave my skin feeling tight or dry. Once my skin was prepped,
I moved on to makeup. Using bits and pieces from Banner's book as
well as makeup artist Lisa Eldridge's book "Face Paint," I tried my best to recreate
a look that Marilyn and her makeup artist, Allan "Whitey" Snyder, would've done.

I went for a more full-coverage foundation,
one that still looks like skin, but is able to cover effectively. According to Dr. Banner, Marilyn had facial
hair she would've wanted to obscure, so I. Think a fuller-coverage foundation
would've been her go-to.

Then, once my base was on, I followed Eldridge's
lead and dusted a frosty white shadow all over my lid and onto my brow bone. Some taupe shadow was then buffed
into the crease for definition. Marilyn was the queen of sexy, sultry eye
makeup, and fluttery eyelashes were a mainstay in her look. She wore half sets on the outer third of her
eye to create an elongated shape, and followed up with brown  not black  eyeliner in
a slightly winged-out shape.

Now, here comes the tricky part. According to Eldridge, to create the illusion
of an intensely full upper lash line, Marilyn's makeup artist, Snyder, would draw a faux
shadow using brown eyeshadow on the star's bottom lash line. It took me a few tries, but I was really surprised
at how real this looks, especially in photos. The technique of tracing brown shadow on your
lower lash line then extending it slightly to create a shadow-like effect does make it
look like your eyelashes are larger than life.

That wasn't the only trick Marilyn
had up her sleeve, though. After filling in my eyebrows, I went in with
some matte contour powder, which Marilyn wore under her cheekbones and
down the sides of her nose. Marilyn had a couple of plastic
surgeries in her lifetime. According to Dr.

Banner, though, her nose
surgery wasn't all that successful, so Marilyn turned to contour powder to give her nose
the illusion of a higher bridge, not unlike the techniques makeup artists and their
celebrity clients do today. Once my face was contoured, I moved
on to blush and highlighter. I applied blush to the apples of my cheeks,
a touch on my forehead, and my nose, and then dusted some highlighter
on the high points of my cheeks. Then comes the fun part:
Marilyn's iconic red lip.

But, Marilyn didn't just apply it straight
from the bullet and call it a day. She often traced her lip line with a slightly
deeper red lip liner and layered lipstick overtop to create the illusion of
fuller and juicier lips. Marilyn wore a number of different red shades
in her lifetime, but Guerlain's Diabolique was one of her favorites. The shade still exists in the brand's KissKiss
range, but under a different name: Red Insolence.

And there you have it: Marilyn's iconic look. I finished it off with a bit of brown eyeliner
to mimic Marilyn's iconic beauty mark, and I was good to go. Through the research for this video, I started
to see just how much of an impact Marilyn Monroe has had on the beauty industry. Countless products are named after her, dozens
of tutorials crowd the internet, and even at Kristy's auction of Marilyn's belongings
in '99, her makeup bag sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Marilyn was a true beauty girl at heart. Her skincare and makeup knowledge alone proved
that she was super ahead of her time, but she wasn't without her insecurities. Marilyn clearly had a complicated
approach to beauty, and it's something that I still grapple with to this day. Ultimately, though, Marilyn Monroe was real,
and she was just like you or I.

I'm reminded of something Banner told me during
our conversation: that despite Marilyn's flaws, she was one of the most courageous
and ambitious women of her time. And that is something
we can all strive for. Thanks so much for watching guys, let me know
what other iconic beauty routines you think I should try by commenting down below. And click here to subscribe to Refinery29.

Click here to watch another video. And add me on Instagram @mianne.Chan! Thank you!.

I Tried Marilyn Monroe's Beauty RoutineBeauty With MiRefinery29

Saturday, April 14, 2018

I Tried A Period Beauty Box

This is Sparta Hello friends, and welcome to another video. Today is something of a time sensitive video because
I did get a surprise visitor in my pants this morning. That's right, I'm on my period. You're welcome.

Not TMI, I'm not sorry.
Also, if my eyes look kind of red, I promise, I wasn't pulling a Mariah Carey and going to the weed dispensary in a full-length ball gown. Nor is it my period blood somehow rushing towards my eyes. I was in a different video this morning where I had to put crushed, charred almonds and coconut oil right around my eyes. I'm not high.

So today we're gonna try out a period beauty box. It's basically supposed to combat any signs of like, PMS slash just like "period face", any pimples, dryness, dullness. So here are the items that you get with the  "THAT Time of the Month" variety pack. This bad boy is $12, it comes with five sheet masks for every day of your period.

Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4... Day 5! There is a Day 5. One of them, which is hydrating, two of them which are brightening, and two of them which are blemish care. I am more of a seven-day kind of gal, I always have been, but that's fine.

I'll just not have a sheet mask for the last two days. I can't necessarily say I've noticed myself being like, dull or dry on my period, but I definitely have noticed pimples here and there before. I feel like most of my attention is usually directed towards the uterus itself. I'm excited to try something new, maybe get some attention *up here* for a change.

They also give you this chocolate. This looks to me kind of like "Pocky?" "Pokee?" And, you get a cat headband.
Cat? *Noises of elation* Am I a pretty kitty? I like the headband, I'm always down for chocolate, so I say let's get into it. I'm a cat, I'm a cat, I'm a lover, I'm a cat So let's get into this bad boy. This is the blemish care mask, it's a pretty slimy one.
We got a slimer.

It looks kind of green, doesn't it? Isn't that appetizing? It's very cooling; feels like the kind of mask that's gonna make your skin tight afterwards. It makes sense 'cause it's the blemish mask, so it probably is trying to dry out any blemishes. It smells a lot like hand sanitizer. Now there's just like so much happening on my face and in my uterus at the same time.

Alright, it's been about twenty minutes, let's take this bad boy off. It's been very relaxing, to be honest. Do I look... Blemish free?
[I'm wearing a mask too.] With sheet masks, it's had to say like just before and after, you look really different.

I think it's more of just, like, it's giving good stuff to your skin, it's being nice and cooling, it's just like a moment of calm. [So the treating yourself offsets the menstrual cramps?]
Treat yo self. So I'm gonna try the brightening mask next. I think that alternating blemish, brightening, blemish, brightening will kind of, like, help my skin.

Have some nice variety, y'know? I put my mask on about twenty minutes ago and I should probably take it off but I don't wanna disturb my cat. It's Day 3 and I do actually see a couple of zits appearing, so I'm gonna go back in with the blemish care mask. Back at it again with the green mask. So I actually did get some mask liquid in my eye and it was kind of painful.

Alright, here's to hoping that the zits on my chin go down a little bit from this stuff. Time for mask number 4. I do kind of feel like my face has been a little bit more irritated than usual, but I can't tell if that's because of my periods or because I've just been completely changing my skin care regimen. But I will say, I'm having fun.

Day 5, things are winding down downstairs. Things are heating up up here. It's called "Pepero."
Did I say that right? [I don't know.] This chocolate's really good.
This might be slightly better than Pocky. [Wow.] Finally, the last one, it's the moisturizing one.

The funny thing is, now I'm moisturizing, I have all these little pimples that have popped up on my face. I think that it's commendable that they were like, "Listen, being on your period, is like, kind of a sucky time, let's make it more fun." [Do you feel... Treated?]
You betta...Betcha. So today is Day 6 of my period, and yes, I am still on my period but no, I have no masks left.

I only have this Pepero.
Listen, this stuff rocks. I really love that instead of pretending that periods don't exist, this company was like, "Hey, periods do exist and your skin does have different concerns when you're on your period, so let's try and  something about it." And they gave me chocolate. I'll show you guys what my skin looks like once I take off my makeup tonight as kind of like an after shot. I'd say out of all the masks my favorite was probably the moisturizing one, which was the last one.

I'm just the kind of person who likes a moisturizing sheet mask. I don't actually know if the sheet masks helped my skin. I do have a couple of pimples right now, and I wonder if that's because I did five sheet masks in a row when I usually only do one a week.
Everyone has different skin so these sheet masks might work really well for other people. But, the cat headband is awesome.

The Pepero is awesome. It was like a fun thing to do every night, kind of felt like some good self care. I feel like you could probably achieve the same effect just using your favorite brand of sheet masks during your period to just give your skin a boost. But, this kit is adorable and it's not that expensive.

So, if this seems interesting to you, I'd say go for it. I know, I can't really be more expressive. I can't move my face a lot, but I do like this. Thank you guys so much for watching and letting me talk about my period.

If you guys wanna see more content like this, click that like button and then that subscribe button down there. Period content! Yeah! Here are my social media handles, somewhere over here. Check out my Nextbeat, I vlog live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Y'know.

We'll go for about one period video a month. That's pretty much as many as I can fill. I can only produce so much blood. Don't zoom in! Don't zoom in!.

I Tried A Period Beauty Box