Saturday, February 24, 2018


What's up everybody welcome back to my channel!L hi, how are you? Are you ready to glow today because today We are going to test out the brand new Fenty Beauty Highlighters, there is a liquid one and a puff literally a puff full of glitter that is allegedly gonna make us look Mystified and maybe like we're in the Twilight series, but I am very excited for new highlighting products anytime There is something glow beyond the market I have to test it out. I know some people are over the highlighting craze Can't relate so today. We're going to test out everything on my body, and we're also gonna go outside And see how it looks in the Sun. I know it's snowing in half the country But we do have to get ready for summer, so I am very excited to test these out today now I was in Michigan literally last night.

Just landed, and I grabbed these from Sephora because the pr Boxes aren't even sent out yet But bitch do you think I want to wait to review this no I gotta try it right now And I'm meeting tweets all day if spent you check first are approved And I'm like yes, venti is but are the new highlighters I have no Idea, so if you guys want to see some highlighting action keep on watching so the first product and I have seen this all over Instagram everyone is talking about it. It is the new body lava body illuminizer now. This is a liquid highlighter Hybrid it will go online and see what it is supposed to do exactly before we test it out and of course We've all seen the viral video of Rihanna turning her shoulder and putting the highlighter right here So we will definitely test that out and see how it looks today, so we have the liquid highlighter We also have the brush today. Of course had to get the brush to try it out And we also have the berry balm, which I cannot wait to try this it says It's a glittery pom-pom so first of all What are we waiting for it? We need to dive in right now alright, so let's pull out the body lava first of course This is the box now this has three fluid ounces, so let's take this out now This shade is called who needs clothes I'm fucking living for that name by the way BAM look at how big this bottle is now - the Fenty foundation you can tell there is a definite size comparison if this looks like my ex This looks like Nathan as we can see Rihanna is a size Queen just like me and she was not playing when she was giving us a lot of product in this illuminizer So what is the body lava supposed to do well first of all the packaging.

Let's just talk about that It's glass it feels heavy. It feels good. It's solid. It's amazing of course I love all the rose gold accents on everything the packaging is very out-there and I love that it says that this is a Silky sublime shimmer dewy ultra lit finish now when you go online this retails for a whopping $59 I was like But it is Glass and it is a lot of products so you're definitely getting your money's worth now There are two shades the other shade is called brown sugar, and it is a more lustrous Darker bronze shade this is a more peachy shade This is a gel based body illuminizer made to veil skin in a gloriously dewy high shine finish For sunlit radiance any time you please this is basically gonna.

Give us a glow year-round and You can put it anywhere your cheekbones at your whole body It says that there are micro pearls Blended in here with a sheer tenth of color to accentuate all skin tones for a silky sinus coos You guys sorry mom was high, it's gonna Give us a sun-soaked sheen any time of the year all right So let's dive in here first of all it also says that it has an addictive floral vanilla scent which I live for of course spent a beauty is 100% cruelty free and Let's see if we can apply this right now. All right So you know I had to get the makeup brush as well now. This is a face and body kabuki brush It looks like this with the chrome and the baby pink rose bristles I'm sure this is a synthetic it definitely feels like it, but it feels like a soft synthetic not rough or cheap It definitely feels really nice all right So the box says it is a custom angled design for face and body effortless blending for liquid and powder formulas Okay, now this brush retails for $34 and of course it is forever. It's for the highlighting products obviously and Let's get this started.

Let's try it out you guys, so let's turn this way let's channel our Rihanna We're gonna take off the lid and get this pump right here No, Breanna used a lot And I'm gonna use a lot because I'm a highlighting queen so first of all before we even use the brush I got a touch with you guys. Let's touch it for a second we have to oh Wow, it's like oily. Okay? Oh Bitch I'm hungry whoa oh, my god. That is yummy.

Okay? I'm gonna rub this on my hand real quickly oh It looks high shine. Okay. See there. It is on my hand rubbing it in Okay, oh, wow it's definitely like very oil-based.

It's like Sleek, okay. Let's do the brush first because that's what we're here for let's turn to the side and let's see what happens everybody Wow it's glistening now The brush works very quickly as you see it is synthetic so it's really not gonna soak up their product is gonna move it around Nice and quickly, so let's just move it up top So there's how it looks now of course I am in the studio So we will go outside in a minute and see how this looks with pure sun shining on my body but for now this is how it looks in the studio now you guys know I like to turn on my phone and Turn on the flashlight, so let's see what this looks like oh Girl look at that shine bright like my bus. Let's do a few more pumps shall we let's do. Let's just cover Michelle Pfeiffer What's up Catwoman? Yes, girl, how about right in the mouth girl? I love it Okay, so let's put it all over our bodies.

Oh, wow it's like so satisfying to watch it blend out Okay, Wow well that went on very easy. Let me stand up a little bit You can definitely see the shine right away. Okay Wow now I'm gonna put on a little more I notice it's kind of hard to do because I can't see myself but Go big or go home right? I have a mirror duh You can definitely see it covering over my tattoos. It looks a very luminous It is definitely pretty like mmm Oh girl, look.

I just want to coat my whole body in this. Do you think Nate will do it? Coating my entire body in body lava All right you guys Wow okay? So you can definitely see it has that silic type of look it is very glistening, and it looks really pretty now I don't know how it feels yet Let's let it dry for a minute And then we'll see how it feels so let's put the cap on back for a second and now Let's move on to the ferry bomb BAM. Here is the ferry bomb this is a glittering pom-pom and the packaging looks like this. I love it It's very BAM now.

This says it is a plush shimmer packed puff Instant body glitz alright, so let's open it it comes with the sleeve thing on it, okay It looks like that now it does of course come sealed I already took my nail in a way So let's open this up. Oh wow alright, so once you pull it off the puff is already like BAM. It's there Wow it smells amazing okay, so here is what it looks like now let's pull it out. I just have this little moment here, so There's no that's a big look at you compared to my face Mm-hmm, it's more like a tea bag right now I'm like okay, so let's go on the website and see what this is supposed to do okay? This is an oversized glittery puff pari packed with superfine 3d rose gold shimmer designed for dabbing Directly all over the body how do we do how do we apply this let's see this shade is called a rose a on ice But this is smelling like a vanilla coconut It says and we're just gonna put this on this side of the body And then we'll see I don't think you're supposed to layer It does not say put over this so we're just gonna try it by itself, so let's just take it I don't know how much shimmer is supposed to come out.

Let's just try my hand first I guess and let's just see what happens you guys I'm like are you supposed to hit yourself is it you're supposed to like shimmy all over oh? Okay, I see it. I definitely see it alright some it says to dab it all over We're dabbing and what's really light like it's very its sheer. I think it's cheered. All right.

Let's look I did a lot on my arm So let's do the flashlight test it might be really hard to see in the studio you guys we will Step outside in a second. Bye Okay look we're gonna zoom in on my hand. It's definitely there. It's just a little more sheer than I guess I thought it was gonna be I don't know what to expect, but yeah, it's definitely there it's just it's sheer so let's take the puffs again and let's Oh Yeah, it's really share compared to the body lava It is definitely shake away shear, so let's take this all right, so we're gonna zoom in on the tattoos You can definitely tell that it's a you know waiting more fainter than the other one, but it is pretty It smells really good.

I think I'm just fucking hungry and have the munchies Alright, I'm gonna put on a little bit more Because I really want us to get the full effect when we go outside You just definitely have to like do another layer and pack it on I think so let's do that okay It's showing up more now Maybe it also has to be activated you guys like it's been sitting in its box for a second it needs to like have its Moment there we go alright, so we will do that there is that and then this arm over here is looking bare guys I can't stop body lava Alright, my arms are completely covered wow it definitely has like that wet look now I have not touched my chest yet, my fingers are clean since we just applied the fairy balm over here I want to touch and see how The body lava is doing so it's been about five minutes, and let's see oh wow It is sticky like Definitely came off and it feels really tacky like Something would definitely stick to my skin like quickly you know what I mean, so okay? We'll give it another five minutes to see how it feels but let's go outside and see what this looks like in the daylight Right you guys I'm in the direct Sun It's a little hard to open up my eyes, but I want you guys to see the real accuracy of this review, so Excuse my star shadow, but here is the body lava all right here Wow it's definitely wet looking It's very BAM and let's turn you can see my arm. Oh wow That looks crazy On tattoos it looks so stunning Wow so let's turn my body over here to the fairy bomb now I'm actually a little shocked and shook because why does this look so pretty in the daylight, but in the studio It was a little diffused, and I was like. Where is it outside? I'm like. Oh hello.

It's like Very pretty it's very shimmery. I'm actually gonna take some right now and do a little more, so I'm just gonna dab a little bit Wow you can see the glitter particles in the sunlight and It looks really really pretty. I'm like wow definitely shocked because I was a little unimpressed in the studio But now that I'm out here. I'm like bitch okay now.

The only thing is this has been on for about 20 minutes now you guys and It is really tacky like Sticky so let's go inside and give our final thoughts, but you guys what do we think so far? I'm like damn Let's give our final thoughts on this review so going outside Definitely change my mind about the fairy bomb at first. I was like girl But outside it was like oh like definitely could see it so when you're in front of a bunch of beauty lights sometimes things can Look a little different, so I'm glad I went outside It's still yeah in the studio. The glitter is not like really really powerful even with the light I wasn't living and breathing for it but outside It is stunning so if you're about to go to a pool party If you got to lay out and just smoke lying on the beach, it's it's a moment alright now. Let's talk about the body lava oh Hey, Oh Perfect okay you guys naked mirror.

He has no idea. What's happening alright, so I'm reviewing the new Rihanna stuff Oh, yeah, I'll skit over you good. All right, so only thing. I'm about to get my final thoughts.

No This wasn't was really cute look at this smell it Hmm, it. Smells pretty good. I see your hand - the glitter is really fine. Oh wow yeah - light test this sparkles - sparkles Okay, so anyway This one is what we're about to do the final thoughts on and to me Touch my chest and tell me how you'd feel if you're hugging me if that was covering me oh Wow, what does it feel like to you that's like really sticky It's really sticky huh, so that's my only complaint like I just can't do that like hold on the scandal Yeah So if you're gonna go outside and do a photo shoot or just not have any guy touch you this would definitely be a very Cute Luminizer here touch the touch Catwoman, but it's really sticky So I couldn't imagine trying to lay next to Nathan or like rub on him because it would like Be kind of you can imagine what that would feel like once it gets wet either if you were Jump in the water or something Oh, I bet you would get like super their hand like what's gonna.

Be kind of here like touch me for a second Oh, yeah, your hands wet oh. Yeah. It's all over. Uh-huh so to me.

I love the effect It looks so stunning I couldn't imagine Covering myself with it and then going to the beach like I think sand would just oh yeah you it'll you'd get covered in sand Yeah, so definitely good for Instagram pictures, and if you're just living your life And at the poolside not near any sand or dirt All right, baby. Love you Mm-hmm you know where liquid lit men are not into that lip gloss all right so the final Verdict is the fenty beauty fairy bomb definitely really cute. I liked it a lot You guys know I was a little nervous at first, but it is really pretty I want to put this over and we can't because what if it gets Might get wet on here and I don't want I don't want to ruin it it smells so pretty. I'm like hi Moving on the face and body brush it was cute.

I don't personally use Brushes that come with products. I think we already own so many brushes It's like come on girl But brands always do that so it's definitely a cute accessory for someone that likes to collect Definitely love putting little brushes on my vanity the brush worked. It was great did an amazing job and Bam like a I am Glistening all right so the body lava you guys I'm on the fence I'm not sure about it only because of how it doesn't dry down I think it just feels a little too tacky for my taste So I will not be wearing this if I'm going to the beach But if I'm just going to the pool and hanging out. I will get my chest a little moment So I'm on the fence you guys What do you think all right so the Fenty beauty face and body kabuki brush and the fairy bomb are jeffree star approved? But I am a little Guys I don't want to disapprove this because it looks Amazing on the skin, but with how it dried down I cannot say I a hundred percent live for it myself, but I want you guys to sound off below So we're not gonna disapprove, and we're not gonna approve so for now it is gonna stay in the middle And I want to hear what you guys think what type of formula Do you guys love and what would you wear or would you even wear it so? Besides that you guys fancy beauty is on a roll from packaging to aesthetic to how they present the new products I am living for and I cannot wait to see what is next.

Are you guys thank you for watching this review? I will see you on the next one bye guys.


Sunday, February 18, 2018

Epic Beauty Room Makeover for Glam Life Guru!Tati x Mr. KateOMG We're Coming Over

Oh God yea, that's gonna end real bad. Joey on the new rug no pole vaulting.  I never thought I'd say that, but. Oh no!!! Can't wait to decorate! There's so much we can make! How will it turn out? OMG we're coming over! Open up we're here okay you're yelling
like so loud Welcome, to OMG We're coming over You guys have been dying for more episodes and we've been dying to bring you them! They are really involved and hard for us to do.

So let's go. Tati Westbrook, GLAMLIFEGURU. Oh, my Gosh. She uploads five days a week, so we are really honored to be doing her Beauty Studio Room Where she's going to shoot, she's gonna take meetings, she's gonna edit her videos.

Like, she's literally gonna spend so many hours. So many things to do. It's so important. We gotta go.

So let's go! We have so much to do. Hey guys! I'm Tati, my Youtube channel is GlamLifeGuru It's pretty self-explanatory, I do a lot of makeup tutorials, beauty reviews, I try on products, do first-impressions. That's kind of my thing! And I've been making videos for six years. We recently bought a home, it's my first home.

It's like the pride and joy of my life. And I wanted to make my beauty office, beauty studio just the whole room be really really special I'm truly honored  that Tati asked Joey and I to come Cause, A this is her first home. B, she is a Beauty Guru who uploads five days a week. So, it better be good! I got my unicorn rows in.

And I am ready to be a creative weirdo, in this giant empty space. This room has to be glamorous quintessential things about glamour is
obviously not going to overboard with a color palette it's one big giant room
she needs to shoot videos in their office space to be able to edit her
videos she runs her business with James her husband just like Joey and I work
together. It was just a shell of a room there were no built-ins there was
nothing it was just our collective imagination to put the room together. We
spoke to them about the importance of makeup storage you guys remember Patrick Starr's beauty room and how we put in that big closet system it was a modular
closet system.

Since they bought this house we all thought that it means
sense to do a custom built-in using a custom closet company to really make the
built-in work perfectly to the size of the space give Tati the depth of drawers
so she can fit as much makeup as possible. We went to the showroom we
picked out the finishes, we picked out how things were going to be lit it was a
whole process. We made it to the showroom I definitely want white yeah. This one
right? This one is the smoother and yeah it's like a baked on almost like enamel feel.

Sort of like you but this is the overhead right so this is the corner
shoot shoot. Yeah we have this nailed down the dimensions the design we know we're
gonna do those custom slim drawers and we're gonna do a ton of them here on the
makeup side I'm so happy with all of things that we picked the beautiful white
finish the glass shells the super thin drawers it's gonna be so chic. It's gonna
be like the most custom piece ever. We just now have to get what is on paper into
the room the room on the wall.

The built-ins are done they look
gorgeous but the room is empty it's in need of a lot of TLC. Wow this is like the most goals thing ever. So many drawers. So many drawers.

Are you happy with it? I'm so happy I've been waiting for this
I feel like my whole life. You officially have the most epic totally beauty
storage system I think I've ever seen because not only is it gonna be beauty
storage but it's gonna be like fashion storage too Which is so cool it's like you have a
boutique in your house. I know. The function of this space is mainly beauty.
I wanna hang out here I want to you know bring people to my girl cave and like
have this be a special kind of you know chill-out zone where I spend a lot of my
time yeah get inspired.

And like some working happening back here or some
editing maybe stuff like that. I need a little space to kind of you know get
those five-day-a-week videos up. That's crazy I know. How long have you been releasing
five days a week? Three years You missed any days? Like over holidays
I've missed here and there but we've been pretty smooth sailing but I'm
hoping to be more organized that's been a really big goal because right now I
literally have makeup and boxes and bins and I try to stay really inspired and
just feel like I could be so much more creative and I could raise the bar if I
had everything in the right spot where it made sense.

All right well obviously
this was a massive undertaking getting this closet in. I mean having a custom
built in in a home that you own like make so much sense. You know I wanted it to not just be a temporary thing this is our first home. By the way
congratulations on your marriage.

Thank you so much! That's amazing. I know I know.
It's been a big year so this is like the icing on the cake, no no pressure. So here's what I've been getting that done this was the
undertaking right we got it in now we have a day to do all this. Yeah.

This is a big space. Which is why we brought the big truck. The big truck. What are we doing first? I'm the big truck.

I don't really know how to do this kind of stuff so I'm trusting
them I mean I I definitely wanted some experts to make the space just right. So
what are we doing first? You got the plans? You are suppose to have this planned up. Sort of bringing the vibes of the project is to come in this room
we're gonna jump off with a really cool DIY. Come over here Tati are you ready?
I'm ready.

Oh yeah girl drop it like it's hot
the first time ever in OMG we're coming over history we are not painting a wall.
I know you can fall on over like you fell over fall on over, I don't know okay.
I love the white it blends in really nicely with the built-in. I totally think
I know what we're doing. We're gonna do really artistic like body painting. We
have to do an art project of course because I want Tati to get her hands
dirty put her stamp on this space well this room is really big but you don't
actually have like huge blank walls you just have this one and this one there so
we want to create areas right and art is a great way to kind of designate spaces
and obviously bring the eye up you know I love my DIYs.

Unique to you, I really
wanted to do something obviously that speaks to her profession as a makeup
artist as a makeup guru and the brushes that she uses are very important.
Oh my god. It is. This is the coolest. Isn't it cute? So it's a make up application
brushes blueprint.

I love it. We just hand sketched the brushes scan them in used
illustrator laid them out on like a graph paper setup hand wrote the names of
the brushes and I put in like little measurement and then you just go to like
a FedEx or any copy shop and just print on the blue print printers so we printed
the biggest size possible in the blue ink the piece that we are going to
decoupage on a canvas so this is our decoupage glue it's like
a white glue but I have some water in this tray. Before we put a bunch of glue on it, can you measure the frame really quickly? Three feet, so probably three feet.
Glue on I'm gonna mark the wood so you know where to cut. We're gonna use a wood
canvas instead of a canvas because it's more sturdy and I really want this
artwork to hold up frame it out with a custom wood frame that Joey is building
we're just painting a layer of decoupage glue on to the wood and then laying down
the piece over top it will wrinkle a little bit and it makes it look a little
more aged.

Are you ready for Tati to help you cut because we're done with our
first layer of glue yeah sure I'm ready for the saw. Yeah! So your cut
is going to be three three quarters of an inch. Boring! You don't get off that easy Tati you got
a saw I kind of got like an old saw it's not that good sorry I hope you're
ready to work your biceps. This is a whole brand new thing for me and I
didn't chip a nail so Let's see how these fit together now.

you done? No we're done with the first joint. Yay should we stain these? I'll cut
you can stay. I feel so tall. So I brought some different stain colors to choose from
and Tati chose the ebony color which I'm really glad that she did
because I think black and white together is just quintessentially glamorous super
classic combinations that will never go out of style I'm definitely playing with
a lot of black and white in this room Joey are you do we have a fourth piece?
That better be a really important email it's not he's playing candy crush What are you staining the inside of the wood for? We're not this is the side of the wood you definitely need to stain the side
of the wood sir.

Tati I'm sorry you have to be a part of this argument. Tati's like can't wait let me come here I come here come here
nope not with the opener I use that on this So four pieces done. Great then
we'll let this dry Joey will just nail them together. I'm over this!
Well it's good your over it, this may be all that you're gonna do with us.

being banished? You've donned glove held a saw now it's time to get out. Oh wait
no but before we banish you I want to give you a sneak peek of what I'm gonna
be up to while you're up doing something with your brushes right. Ta-da! Make up brush set. That's amazing.

Look at it actually is like a fan brush. You could do like foundation
really fast it's like one that's on the things. Okay well we have so much to do
so much to do so one two three. How about we get off the floor? Fingers crossed she's gonna do something great but I've been kicked out so I
gotta like hand the trust over and just go do my own thing and wait for the big
reveal No peaking!
Alright so now that Tati is gone we have a lot to do we have basically three
separate areas we have to decorate.

I wanted to give Tati a feature wall, the
built-in is really symmetrical and beautiful and angular. I wanted something
that had a little more movement to it so I love the idea of using these
paintbrushes that are shaped like makeup brushes So these are brush blots we're gonna
call it a brush blot wall and I'm using a really dark charcoal grey which will
read like black but not be like so harsh against the white So I'm painting the brush blot wall Joey
is hanging the curtains. So we got these awesome blackout curtains that are a
light color on the inside but they also will totally block out the light so that
way when they need to shoot they're not competing with the sunlight. And they're
beautiful gray silk curtains because silk curtains are so glamorous.

Very luxe
I mean this whole giant window slash door thing they have going on here is
very cool so we're just highlighting that by putting up a high curtain rod
draping that down so in this big area we are going to put down a giant rug first I'm
gonna put the rug pad down which basically will stop the rug from sliding
around then we'll roll out the rug. Joey what do you think my wall? Oh it's so cute there
are paint splotches. Brush what? It's so cute. Thank you! While this
function is sound absorbers when you're shooting in a big room you don't want it
to echo so a rug is really important same with any textile in the room to
kind of have the space.

You think this rug is going to make it all the way
to the end? Oh yeah that's doesn't work. We're just gonna have to trim down the rug pat. Joey Done it a million times oh it's a fart
tube Joey. Let go of it I'm trying to This is such a big room I have to
talk to you through a tube.

I cannot do that, Joey
you're gonna pass out. It's so big we can like spread out and hold hands. Like a king
size rug. My flowers, my brain is filled with nothing.

When I was in middle school I
had like tiny didgeridoo I would just sit in my room and practice circular
breathing I don't think I ever actually got it down the concept is you keep air
in your mouth so while you're blowing out you can breathe into your nose like
the hard part is refilling your mouth but you get it. You know what else is filled
with nothing? These shelves! Joey enough with the rug cuddle we got to
style the shelves. This is the most epic styling I've ever done you guys I
literally would wake up at night before this project being like do I have enough
stuff to put in those shelves we are bringing in shoes, purses we are
bringing in clothes sunglasses jewelry makeup displays coffee table books which
they're not going on the coffee table they are beautiful hardcover art books
of hair and makeup and fashion and all the things that will inspire Tati
and just really speak to her sophistication because books are
sophisticated and I hope they never go away
shout out to books. Blue and white China I love using it in interior design.

I don't
get to use it that often because it is a very distinct look the blue and white
which you see in the blueprint art and in the China accents is just soft and
sophisticated So in order to give her an area to film
on we are bringing in this amazing desk that Joey put together this is going to
be her filming tables how gorgeous is this chair? How gorgeous is this? It has a
beautiful light wood top and the wood is a very similar tone to the floors that
are already in the space then the legs are these just very simple but really
gorgeous brass solid looking legs that just kind of fit into the tabletop like
it looks like a puzzle piece. The bench we're bringing in for Tati to sit
on while filming is this awesome furry bench I love free things it has a very
glamorous look to it and it has acrylic legs which are really really nice next
to the solid brass legs of the desk so just playing with ding ding ding juxtaposition.
So sit here with the light streaming in here. Yeah. Do her tutorials and then she
doesn't have a back yeah in the shot you know yep and then when she has collabs
yeah right people sitting next to her yeah great thinking Kate so ingenious

Custom artwork you know I love and the same with custom photography it's
really nice to have things that are your own unique pieces I didn't want to just
go and buy black-and-white photography for Tati I took it upon myself I'm not a
photographer no no I'm a novice but I was like you know what I've got a bunch of
nail polish and mirrors and fume bottles and stuff let me just try taking
pictures of these against a white background. I'm using a nice camera with
a 50 millimeter lens and let's just see how it goes.
Joey is going to arrange these in a cluster and hang them because he's
really good at both of those things. The living-room area I mean I'm calling
it the living room area it's basically the meeting room area because they have
a living room. We're being in a rug.

Rug number two we
don't need a rug plat for this because we're putting so much furniture over it
it's gonna be weighted down. Look how pretty! Wow Wow Textured! This is about as cozy as it gets. No no Joey
we're not doing the rug cuddle here no. In the seating area we're gonna bring in
a very cool Chesterfield tufted couch.

I love this couch it's nice and deep so if
we can get it through the door we're good Oh! Good job! I think that maybe was
the hardest thing I've ever done in my life Kate that's why we've been doing squats at the gym, so you can get better at lifting couches with me. There's
nothing more classic and glamorous than a Chesterfield couches that have like
the flat back and the flat arms and are tufted on the back. Chesterfield. Wow!
Looks very cozy Isn't it pretty? Very pretty.

like this is like her studio so she might want to come in here and just have
like a peaceful moment read a book watch some other people's YouTube videos. Gonna rock you. No Joey! This coffee table is so amazing coffee table it's sort of a
patchwork of different marble colors different stone colors complimentary to
the rugs but also is its own art piece. For my next trick I will produce a
fiddly fig.

We're putting a fiddly fig in the corner this tree has to look good
all the time I'm going for a faux plant next to the couch I'm placing a round
marble accent table with a pretty brass lamp again it's very architectural kind
of simple because this wall has so much pizazz we didn't need a crazy lamp just
something to accent. Tati is very feminine and women but I
love the grounding color of black it's very glamorous and these chairs are just
amazing and they have brass legs. In between these two chairs I'm placing
another blue and white China moment a drum stool
for bringing the blue and white theme that's happening over on the shelve over
to the living room area. Some furry pillows complete these black
chairs I love black tone on tone of the black chair fabric being a little
more shiny and then the furry cozy pillows.

Okay so on this wall we got these two crazy sturdy awesome desks right because
she's going to have her assistant any whoever might be working with her on a
project she might have people in for meetings we need a place for them to be
able to sit in here. Pull up a chair. But but but I have stuff on it Where you going? No wonder I Drive. Oh I just got dizzy.
These chairs you guys oh my gosh.

She's glam life guru I am NOT getting her just a
regular old desk chair no no they're gold deskchairs! Okay well we did this backwards.
We have to put the brush diagram. Oh no I got to finish baking that. Yes,
baking in the Sun right now blueprint is gonna go centered over this yeah can you
like at least stifle yawn that was like the opposite of a stifle. Build off the
frame I'm gonna put that right above and center it over those two desks and
that's gonna just be a really cool feature art piece that you're gonna see
when you come in on the wall.

Next to the blueprint art we are hanging wall lamps
which I love wall lamps because it gives you the flexibility of getting a sconce
look without having wiring in the walls the kitchenette area is really cool
we've got retro fridge on the countertop when we were first here talk to you
mentioned that you wanted a candy bar and that's stuck in my head. The word
fizz just reminds me of like old school soda pop and so does a candy bar so I
just love that that's our little like retro vintage corner so apothecary jars
with some candy completes a candy bar. On the desk I'm just dialing some desk
calendars some more blue and white and a tray and a little cup which I'm
using as a pen cup and then just some other things like an amazing cement tape
dispenser scissors a gold stapler etc For the styling on her filming table I'm
keeping it very minimal because of course it is going to fill up with all
of her products that she's using. Guys I.

Think the room is done I'm excited let's
bring her in and James gotta see it he's gonna work in there and be
filming adjusting focus and all that stuff you better like it too. Kate's
leading me and my eyes are trying to just focus on the ground because I don't
want to sneak peek anything and literally like walking into this room my
heart was going so fast because all I. Was thinking is how when I started my
channel I had no tripod the crappiest camera ever no lighting and I literally
sat on the corner of my bed and I had like basically a caboodle of makeup.
This is all very exciting they just got married they just moved into this house and
now we're going to show them their new beauty studio. Okay, One....Two....Three! Oh my god oh my god Oh God and turn around it's the Glamest of Glam rooms ever.

Oh my god this is better than I. Even thought it would be. You guys these
are the first like full-on tears we've seen in OMG W.A.C.O. Tati's like kind of
crying I think James is crying inside.

You missed it but she made that. Yeah we
made that. I'm very talented. I love it so much! You are our first on first full teary eye.
I knew that Kate would do like certain things I just had a feeling and I knew
it would be so reflective of who I am and a little more sophisticated but just
with some fun Flair and she got me so good that I literally teared up and was

Here's just filming area James get in here! And like you
know collabs you can sit with. It's so soft and cozy.
James that light man that mirror. Thank you. Who else has this as their makeup room? Like I think you maybe it's custom they
better not.

This may be the most glam room ever. Aw he's giving us the slow applause. The slow clap We can all play a joke on Kate high five! Joey this joke is so old I'm gonna punch you in the balls next time you do that! Alright well we've been here for way too
long We gotta get out of here Yeah we'll come hang out by like one
12-hour day done so congratulations on your marriage. Yes! Congratulations on this house! This is awesome Yeah thanks for being here and doing all
of this this is magic we love it.

Bye. High fives goodbyes High five Oh my gosh that was like our first like full-on
tear she she she was a crier I'm so glad that she loves it so much and he loves
it so much I mean I wish them all the best cuz they're a very very cool couple
and this is a really cool house. Go check out her channel. Yes Glamlifeguru you
can see not yet but in the future you're gonna see her do all these awesome videos in
this room so we're very excited to have been able to do this with them and we're
thankful or thankful for you guys.

Thank you so much subscribe to our
channel give us a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video let us know in the
comments what you thought. We'll see you on the next OMG We're Coming Over up we have other
cool things too but we'll see you around Gosh I think you're gonna have to pull
all these roses out of my hair you ready? Oh gosh, what's happening?
My hair's crazy right now. Joey what's for dinner? She loves it James loves it I love it I
love Joey we love each other I love you I love you ah I already said it.

Epic Beauty Room Makeover for Glam Life Guru!Tati x Mr. KateOMG We're Coming Over

Monday, February 12, 2018


Hi sisters James Charles here and welcome back to my youtube channel for today's video I have something not gonna lie a little bit last second planned I had a concept for today's video all ready to go ready to film I sat down and after a further thought quickly realized It was not the best idea. Since I'm an awful youtuber and could not think of any better Ideas, I'm gonna be recreating this ^ makeup look that I did almost two years ago now to date, It is still when my all-time favorite makeup looks that I've ever done But I feel like my skill level has grown so much And I think I could really improve this and make this a really really awesome look not only am I an awful youtuber But I'm also unoriginal and since last week's video was recreating your guys's makeup looks and today's videos recreate mine I can't use recreating in my title twice in a row that'll be really really stupid So I'm gonna make this video also a Q&A so I can make the title something different... Love that I'm always thinking I've been wanting to recreate this look for a super super long time now But creative looks don't really do that well on my channel So this is the perfect excuse for me to do a creative makeup look and you guys have to watch *snaps cause he's cool* Got you good Without further ado I already have my face already on. Let's go ahead and get started with some questions and some cool lightning bolt makeups I'm gonna start this look off by popping off my eyelashes clearly I'm going to be doing a lot of work on my face and eyes today So cannot have any Miami's distracting me from that process.

Oh my god. I just lost that- noooO. We're good, We found her. To start off off this look today.

I'm gonna lay down Just a light base coat using my morphe at 35 P palette and using the blue shade or right in this corner the first question today comes from sister Alessandra, and she says Pineapple on pizza yes or no? Absolutely, not. I literally think pineapple pizza is one of the grossest (ew) Combinations ever like who wants their pizza to be sweet? I know I certainly don'tI personally am a pepperoni type sister I love me some good pepperoni, pineapple Absolutely not. Edgar ask, Do you want to stay in LA or do you plan to move somewhere else in the future? That's actually a really good question that I personally ask myself all the time thinking in terms of right now I definitely do plan on staying in LA for quite a long time. I really really like it here I definitely like love the Sun the warm weather all my really close friends are here aside from my Family of course so I really like being here and my job is here as well I feel like I'm always getting a lot of work done as for  downtown LA, Definitely not.

I plan on renewing my lease here for one more year, but after this year I'm gonna save all my money And hopefully be able to build my own house which is gonna be such an amazing accomplishment at only 19 years old so Fingers crossed that that works out because that is something that I'm really really looking forward to but I guess I really never know what The future holds like I said for right now I'm happy But I definitely want to explore a whole lot more and kind of see my options and who knows where I'll be Five ten years from now so for right now I'm happy as a L.A. Sister But maybe I'll be in Antartica one day couldn't tell ya *giggle* Speaking of traveling and exploring a new places sister ray asked, would you ever go on tour cuz I want to meet you so bad <3 <3 *Ethan Dolan Turtle face*That's a great question sister right I don't know well I can't believe my nose contour looked so good today and Here I am packing dark blue eyeshadow right over top of it and ruining all the hard work.. ...I Don't know what I was gonna say there Kaitlin asked, if you gotta marry the last person that you kissed. How would you feel? Who did I- *scared* Awful oh no, actually, I think I feel pretty good about that one Yeah, I think I'd be okay with that actually on second thought wrong person.

Sister Julia asked explain your love life in one word Intense Maja asked, if you could tell your younger self one thing. What would it be? Shut up! I really love this natural everyday Glam look that we have going on right now...Love this *said name wrong?* Aubri asked, who was someone you looked up to?? I think that my answer Would actually be two people and that would be Jaclyn hill and nikkietutorials I remember watching Jaclyn Hill wanting to literally buy Every single product she ever put on her face because she looked at that perfect and I remember watching Nikki and it's just really bringing My true artist out in me I feel like her looks were always so original and so creative And I just really love that about YouTube because you guys know that's really what got my start in the makeup industry to begin With, so I really had to say Jaclyn or Nikkie because they've been around for so long and I think have generally worked so hard For the platforms that they have and truly do deserve it and use their platforms for the best They possibly can which makes me it really really happy and makes me happy to call them role models and also really close friends I'm just gonna take the darker blue shade and the darker black shade to kind of create some clouds and some more dimension in the Sky, I guess...Hello? Sam asks, if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be and why?And I'd probably have to say my Hairline that's always the first thing that I change on facetune I wish it was just like a little bit lower because sister always has a lot on his mind. V Asked, if you could know one thing about your future right now. What would it be and why? Good question, probably what social media boy (dolan twins, cameron dallas etc) that I leave thirsty comments on is finally gonna give in and marry me Yeah.

Kaitlyn asked, if you were stranded on a deserted island And you could choose one youtuber to be sharing it with you. Who would you pick and why ? I Think going back to a few questions ago. I have to say it's sister Nikki once again I feel like we'd be able to put our creative minds together and figure out some way of like living and surviving also She's like super tall so she could probably just reach for all the coconuts In The trees. That looks pretty.

What is going on here??? Hello?? I literally forgot how much I hated working  blue eyeshadow and look what I'm doing.. Cover my entire face with blue eyeshadow Makes me have facetune. John asked, What do you think about any drama in the beauty community? I try NOT to think about the beauty community Tommy asked what is one thing you really want to accomplish at the end of 2018 Now in search of this might be a little bit cliche and it's kind of like a more vague type of situation rather than like one says the next thing but I want everybody at the end it isn't a teen to be able to look back on my year including myself and Just think oh my god How did he do all of that that is what I want for my year, and I know that sounds really really cliche But I just want to get so much time to be working all year round on so many different projects so many cool opportunities Meeting you guys working on new works launches working on new videos like literally everything you can possibly imagine I just want to do it. I'm gonna do it all sisters are gonna take over the world Kayla asked if there was gonna be a movie made about your life.

Who would you want to play you? Oh, this is actually a really really good question Oh, you know why I would pick I would pick a sister Jake snatched by Jake on Instagram who runs on my fan page Just he's literally so cute, and I feel like he's literally like that meeting me We look alike and he does makeup so he would definitely be a good sister James I think I would trust him to play me even though these are pretty big shoes to fill Vivy asked what is your biggest fear? Hmm Probably a red socialblade Just kidding. I am deathly afraid of heights and snakes and bees and dying Yeah, all those things Adrian said quick first one that comes to mind sing it Oh Baby Don't say the Turk with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass Listening to our favorite song when you said you looked Amiss and cheering sweetie. I am so sorry Stephanie asked what's one piece of advice you have for someone looking to start a career in the makeup industry This is a question NTM that I get from you guys literally all the time And I think that the best answer I have for you It would be to do something that nobody else is doing don't do brown smokey eyes Don't do warm half-cut creases, and if you're gonna do those paper looks and that's what you love That's fine But just find some way to make your own put your own spin on it make videos with your personality shining through it just do something it's gonna set yourself apart because there's a million one people trying to do the same exact thing and Nobody's gonna make it with the same definitely all seen a million times trust me on that And those I can barely breathe Christina asked if you could design your own escape room what would the theme be and how intense would you make it if you guys are part of the sister a snapchat fan which if You were not go ad me right up here and is a lint time There are all sorts of rants fun activities singing and of course sister escape room so you guys know I do them all the time it is literally my favorite pastime in the Entire world like if I find an escape room one day that kills me. I'll be dying Very very happy as crazy as that sounds But I do think about this quite often as bursting as that may seem One theme that I would love to see in an escape it would be like a log cabin type of situation like in the snowy hills or something and you only have an hour to escape or else like The abominable snowman or something comes to get you we can work on that part of the concept have really thought That's fully through, but you guys are I definitely love a really really intense once I think it'd be so cool to have all different sorts of rooms But I think the one really cool aspect of it since I'd be in the snow would be really cool if the room got colder as the Hour progressed and by the time like the last few minutes are going and be like freezing cold I don't think that'd be such a cool out of concept to add it to the already challenging escape room Let me know what you guys think if you were to design an escape room.

What would it be leave a comment down below? Am I bleeding oh That's a mole I'm gonna try to bring up some of the darkness and his eye up to the contouring areas and kind of connect and blend them together to distract from the poor blending going on in this region oh That's so pretty Alex asked, Coke or Pepsi Pepsi Hands-down Pepsi is so much better even though. They've had quite the problematic past So by let me tell you nothing makes me happier in the entire world than when I am at a restaurant and someone says what? Do you want to drink and I'm like oh? I want a coke I let me say coke is still really good to it at this point It served at most locations, so I just gotten used to saying coke But nothing makes me happier than when someone says oh, is pepsi okay? Yes girl Yes, Pepsi is more than okay. God bless you. Thank you so much For that if you like coke, that is okay? If you like Pepsi That's okay As long as you acknowledge that there was a difference between them because if you think that they are the same thing We have a problem Anna said who was one non beauty youtuber that you would really love to collab with This question I think is really really easy I think my answer hands down would either be Shane Dawson or jenna Marbles their content is so funny and they both been around for so long But continue to make me laugh every single time they upload a video I just think they are so creative and just really like killing the game to them forever.

I've met both of them, so Yeah, definitely love to do a video with all of them kay asked when can we get more of the sisters merge? I really want to get the sisters barber talking Uh, yeah, yeah, thank you Kay for always supporting that means of the world to me I've actually been getting a lot of questions about system paralleled in the past a few days and for those of you guys who Haven't noticed Don't really know why you would This is to prepare website husband down for the past few weeks This is apparel was a first-ever polling line that I've done obviously I have no experience in that field Whatsoever and I will be open and honest and saying that it was definitely not the smoothest Processes there were definitely a lot of problems when I came to like production and shipping and obviously that's not something I want to put my name on to So we just ended the process of switching companies and just making sure our production techniques are the best they can possibly be in order To get you guys looking at the cutest you possibly can Way way smoother Jen said if for some reason you couldn't do makeup anymore. What career would you choose? Oh and since I know you'd probably say singer you can't choose that either. I mean like normal nine to five job Damn, she got me there. I feel like if I wasn't able to do makeup or sing I probably doing something involving like numbers and Technology in high school my favorite subject was actually math Which I feel like it's like Breaking the internet kid law because I feel like every social media influencers like I hate math I was so bad at it but I really could probably be in accounting because that mixes together like numbers and technology and math and Money, which I love or also stocks because that combines all those things that plus strategy Which you guys know that I love probably sucks.

I feel like that'd be fun Phoenix asks Will this be the last question of the video? Yes, we're done. All right sisters and that is this lightning a recreation look uh complete I am so happy to have this turned on I just feel like it looks so electric and bright and beautiful Comparing this one to the original look this one is way away way better like I said the original photo was posted in 2016 It's one of the first looks that I ever did it was right at the beginning of my makeup career And you could definitely see how much my skills have improved since then obviously they are very very similar concepts But the contours are definitely intensified a lot more. Oh, thank god There's a lot more dimension a lot more glow a lot more highlights And I'd like my line work is just a lot cleaner. We added look we have some lashes on I'm just really happy with how this turned out and I really hope you guys enjoyed it as well.

I also Hope you guys enjoyed learning a little bit more about me in this Q&A. Like I said this was definitely an excuse to do this makeup book today, and I needed something to film Over top of it. I feel like you guys know literally everything about me because I'm so open on snapchat and Twitter But I'm always happy to answer your guys's questions if you guys head into this video today Please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up down below so everybody have not already Put that little bell icon So you can notified every time I upload a brand new video and come join this sisterhood If you like to follow me on a makeup journey, you can follow me on Instagram or Twitter. They're both Just James Charles and my snapchat for more behind the scenes I himself is James Charles  with an extra 's' after Charles.

This week's sister shout out goes to sister Morgan Thank you so much for always following and supporting I love you so much And if you'd like to be the next video sister shout out make sure laroy's retweet video link so they go live on Twitter all right sisters, thank you so much for watching. I love you, and I will see you in the next one. Bye!.


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Dangerous Beauty Myths TESTED! (WARNING Graphic Content!) NataliesOutlet

Hello there today is video is going to be on dangerous Beauty myths you should probably never try. We're gonna give it a go. I will be the test dummy. If you enjoy these kinds of videos give it a thumbs up! Because for every thumb that you give another one is donated someone in need also I'm having a giveaway on my instagram and Twitter which I explained in my last video So make sure you check it out Basically you can win it all gift cards from Tarjay Wouldn't you like to win this follow me on my instant and Twitter to find out how this idea came about for my friend [Karina]+ Garcia she did a video on dangerous beauty hacks that are dangerous that you should probably never try I'm gonna link it down below because it's an awesome video and it totally inspired this video, but sit back relax I have no idea what I'm doing there might be some graphic content.

So you have been warned so without further ado Let's get on into this So the first dangerous beauty myth is taking lemon juice Sorry, I'm just already in pain. It's taking lemon juice to lighten your eyes, so people actually do this what they do is They [just] put some drops of lemon and then they go [up] to the sun and basically let their eyes Soak in The uv Rays and then their eyes will turn lighter. So what I'm going to do is basically put some lemon juice into this oh That stuff is bitter, so I'm gonna pour some in here not try it these things at home people [so] I'm just gonna pour in a few drops, okay? I'm scared to go scared. I'm scared ah that's disgusting Alright, so it definitely stings a lot and your mascara will be running your makeup will be ruined.

Oh My God guys in my work I'm gonna put in a little bit more just to maybe get a lighter okay. I don't know your mother having a sensation is so insane What? What the h*ck Awesome unless you don't mind the burning sensation. It's Gonna make your eyes lighter Alright, so it was just temporary clearly, but my eye is in so much pain. You guys like just hurt so bad What on Earth uh? Yeah, no um Thanks, but my eyeball is recovering from the horrific [mists] of this lemon juice Let's move on to the next James beauty miss this next one is probably even crazier so basically how to get rid of dark bags Dark under eyes, so supposedly it's due to Nasal congestion This is what it says when your nose gets congested Veins that usually drain from your eyes going to your nose becoming widen and darker Which is what causes this we're gonna rinse our noses with salt water [oh] what I'm doing is taking about 1/4 of warm water, and then I'm going to take 1/4 of salt and This is [gotta] burn all I'm gonna.

Do is dip my straw into the water as you can see I've grabbed some and this is The worst day of my life ok officially here we go Okay, wait. I can't do it. Oh [yep], breathe this reason. I'm not mermaids Oh, I feel [assault] [I] feel [exhaust] sorry I got it for my nose feel like I'm looking bad year After about five minutes of doing this I under eyes have consumed all the [saltwater] They're much more pronounced now as you can see huh the saltwater Clearly does not help with this [stay] with [me] guys this beauty myth is Dangerous So in the 1940 wartime sparsity made women resort using sandpaper and buffed themselves to remove hair I'm going to take some hairs off with this buffer sandpaper buffer.

Let's let's do this this can't be that bad I mean come on. I said here's a beautiful body here that my parents gave me oh ally Is that actually working? Maybe it's just an illusion, but I think I'm seeing some hairs in there surely This did no bueno [to] my hand my veins are about to pop out all right guys this next one. You're Gonna love Basically you're in mouthwash For the time of [the] scope and listerine Romans use your mouthwash to freshen their breaths and get whiter teeth That's good smells good, [too] it All right, I'm [back]. I'm ready to uh to gargle down this excuse mess.

I have no aim. Wish me luck All right, Dennis make sure you don't catch this on [on-camera], okay, cuz I'm not gonna freakin car go Shoot it Dennis whoo-oop Good. Did you really think I was gonna be that girl that garbled her own beat? On YouTube okay. I'm not going that far because I'm not thirsty for subscribers Hey guys, so I hope I didn't take you this far into this video to realize that this was all a [joke] Gotcha the intent of this video [and] the purpose of this video really was really take into account everything that you're seeing through here Hearing through here.

That's going into this and make sure that the thing that you [are] viewing and That is being you know transcendent into you are things that are positive to you not things that are toxic to you I know We're always being told not cool the way look let's all for this let's change this don't talk like that Don't wear your hair like [that]. Don't do these movements, and they're just always trying to change it. Don't do crazy [dangerous] internet Trends like the Kylie [Jenner] Lip challenge Or like waist training are things that you don't know the Long-term Effects of I was basically [at] this video give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed if you liked the message [let] me know down Below with the most dangerous beauty myth. You've ever heard or which of these were the most dangerous I hope you guys have an amazing day don't forget to be weird embrace it Love yourself because it's better to live weird and die normal That's it for today.

I love you guys. See you later That was ugliest kiss ever bye Dada Dada Da-da-Da-Da-Da-Da. I like my apple juice I'm also I'm musically because I like to pretend like I know how to change the camera Angles and stuff up.

Dangerous Beauty Myths TESTED! (WARNING Graphic Content!) NataliesOutlet