Monday, June 25, 2018


Today I am doing something crazy that I'm actually very, very, very nervous for. I hired an extremely talented special effects artist you guys are going to meet in a few short minutes I am putting my face in your hands - Oh, my god! Wow, I look like i just gave a really good sister succ. Oh, I know your a** is not giving me a double chin. - She's getting it all today ladies.

(Sighs) This is my worst nightmare. I don't know why I'm so nervous for this. What the- What's up bros, welcome to Beauty Con. We're on our way right now to Beauty Con and I'm not even gonna lie like, I'm, feeling really, really nervous right now I never, ever get nervous and I'm just praying that we don't get caught cause if we do it's literally over, and this whole entire thing is ruined We just got here, we have to find the entrance now.

I don't really know where we're going I'm very scared if I'm going to be honest, but let's get this over with. - We can also ask someone. - Where's the ramp? Maybe this way? - Yeah, let's ask. I'm literally shaking, I feel like he's going to get recognized at any point like, I think, I'm just so like, staring at everyone just to make sure that they don't recognize him, but I feel like that's going to make things even worse.

I'm very nervous, I don't get nervous, why am I nervous? I'm so nervous. 'Sup babe, you look hot. Oh, my god. *Screams* Ha ha, ha ha!! He's so hot.

Hey kitty girl. Oh, my f*cking God. Hey, what's good? I'm SO scared, I don't think I'd recognize you at all I'm freaking the f*ck- I'm so nervous I thought I was gonna scream - I, ok I. The only reason why, ohoo I'm a mess! The only reason why I recognised him is because he literally sent me a Snapchat like, this earlier, and I was like holy sh*t, eww.

Umm, and then like, I recognised-  you don't look like you at all I'm dying. Oh, my God! Shh, we're not here. You never saw us. Oh.

My. God We've officially gotten here to Beauty Con and I'm freaking the f*ck out OK, shall we go? [Laughing] Hello, miss raw beauty by Kristi, can I ask you a quick question? - Yaaah [Laughing] My name is Steven, I work- - Hi Steven. [Laughing] - This is the best thing you've ever done. I know right, so good.

Do you mind if I ask you, um, a few questions for a magazine interview? - Yaaah, of course! What magazine are you with? Glitter Glam... Magazine. We're new, it's a startup company on Twitter right now. - I think I've heard of you guys What brands and, like, people are you really excited to see here today at Beauty Con? - I'm really excited for Flower Beauty, I love Drew Barrymore.

I do too, she's so funny. Did you see, uh, Drew Barrymore's video with Nikkie Tutorials? - I didn't, I heard about that, I haven't seen it. You didn't watch it yet? - Nooo. Woooow.

It's ... A pretty good video. - Ok, I'll watch it, for sure. Other than Nikke who are other influencers that you enjoy watching? -Mmm, Summer McKeen's pretty cool, she's awesome! I love, like, beauty influencers, um, James Charles is pretty cool, I like um- How many followers you got on Instagram? - I have, uh, 56.

That's so crazy, I only have, like, 739, I think when I checked last night or something, that's so cool! - That's still something. That's really co-- Do you think, maybe, you could give me a shoutout when the interview goes live? - Yeah, of course Really? Do you mind if I ask you guys a few questions for Glitter Glam magazine? - Sure that's fine.
- Sure that's fine. Have you heard of our magazine before? - I think I have, yeah Yah, you probably have it's pretty big.

Orion! Orion Carloto! Hi, my name is, um, Steven Brockwell from Glitter Glam magazine. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions? - Yeah, of course, yeah. You remind me of somebody. Who? Biiiiitch! I was so excited! Excuse me, Loey? - Hiii.

Hi, my name is Steven with Glitter Glam magazine, I would love if I could ask you a few questions? - Would you stop it! I love you so much! *Frustrated, high pitched, moan* - You stupid idiot! - I hate you so much! I had you for a second, I had you for a second. - I was like, who is this weirdo? I was like, how do you know who I am? I had you for a second. - Like, two seconds. Excuse me ...

Excuse me, Amber - Yesss Hi, my name is Steven with Glitter Glam magazine. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions? *Shocked* Yeah *frustrated, high pitched moan* I was like, "what the hell?" And then I was like "what" --- On my life, I was like "who is this crazy man?" And then -- My name is Steven Brockbar with -- I have changed my last name I think 4 times now Does the makeup look good at least? And I also want to say a major thank you as well to Beautycon for their entire team for not only hooking me and my team up with talent passes very very last second and also for letting us film that was super super awesome and this concept was something that I really wanted to do was super excited about so I was really happy that they were supportive of me as a creator to allow me to do that in their convention today And I just wanted to sit down and kind of talk to you guys about it All that being said I don't really talk about my feelings that often on Youtube I am very much an open book but usually an open book of positivity and creativity and marketing and all sorts of things I talk about all the time in my videos but it's not very often that you guys see me being vulnerable and the truth is I don't really like being vulnerable I myself have never before suffered with anxiety I know a lot about it because a lot of really important people in my life have it Of course I've been nervous and I've been anxious for different things happening but I never really suffered with true anxiety and today I think what I had was an anxiety attack And I'm still really confused about it I'm still a little bit shaking up I'm still sister shook This is not the time for jokes, sorry Ummmm But that's just how I cope with this type of things And I just wanted to sit down and kind of talk to you guys about it because for the past two or so hours on the way home from BeautyCon to getting untransformed To then taking a shower and cleaning myself up I've been thinking a lot about why today went how it did and how I feel about it And I think I have actually been able to successfully kind of like really dig into why I was so nerve-wracking and i just wanted to talk to you guys about it In case anybody else has a similar situation, a similar scenario Um because this video was supposed to start off very very lighthearted, super positive. I wanted to start off by going into the convention and interviewing different influencers to see if my friends recognised me and then eventually going to a bunch of the different brands talking to brands about who the influencers that they loved working with were asking if I, myself, Steve, could be on PR lists and we wanted to go into the public area of Beauty Con and really talk to fans. But, for some reason, when I walked into just the backstage, kind of like, talent area, I...

Something came over me... And I was even experiencing this is the car on the way there I was really, really nervous, but something came over me once I walked in, which is probably the most similar feeling I've ever experienced this in was when I landed in Africa after the ebola scandal. Like I was saying, Beauty Con was in on this video. I told them a few days ago that I was gonna do this and they gave me the 'Okay', which I was super appreciative of.

The first step of the video of course was to talk to different influencers that I knew. Because all of them know me very, very, very well all of them pretty much caught on quickly, which was funny but also a little bit disheartening because I really, really tried to hide myself. Almost every single one of them said that it was my voice that gave it away, My confidence comes from my work which has built my reputation When I first joined the beauty industry a few years ago I was a boy, of course, and I was also sixteen years old, so because of that a lot of people already didn't take me seriously. And those are factors obviously I cannot control.

But, there's also a lot of things that I could control that are my own fault that kind of ruined my reputation in the industry very very early on. I got involved in a lot of drama. I fought with a lot of different infulencers. Of course now that I'm okay with, but..

 Lot of influencers, um, and because of that, A lot of influencers, of course work very closely with brands, which you guys all know. So, I lost out on a lost of - HUGE brand deal opportunities. And I also had, of course, we all know this... ..A lot of scandals as well so.

Despite the fact that I was gaining followers pretty quickly from my own posts, I didn't exactly have the best reputation internally.. And, although I was getting hate online, what I truly cared about is the people around me and, thats always the type of person that I've been. I wrote on Twitter and Instagram when I was first starting off - there were so many influencers that I was once really close with and then - the next day on Twitter they'd be tweeting about how.. I was a horrible person because they saw a scandal and they wanted to join in..

And be apart of that band wagon. Or, so many parties I would go to.. ..Talk to people that I thought were my friend and then, they would end up talking about me badly on snapchat, that same night behind my back! Well, I guess not behind my back. In front of millions of people.

I guess.. Early on I did not - I just didn't have the best experience coming into the industry. And, It's something that I've kind of had to deal with and fix those relationships, and also build back my reputation from hard work. Over the past, 3 years.

A long time ago when I kind of had this reality check of.. "Oh my god James, you're getting into so much drama. Like, STOP." I really had to make a mental note, to get away from it, and stop saying things about people and stop talking about other people, and stop being shady and rude. It's just unnecessary and, one of my ways to kind of cope with that and fix it was - to kind of take a step back from the beauty community.

Really focus on my true friends outside of the industry and, not really attend that many events, not do that many brand deals anymore and.. That's kind of the way that I've ruled for the past, probably year or so. Um, just really private with my team and the people I love the most but. Today kind of reminded me why I stopped going to those events, because..

Just - the feeling, and the air and the attitude, the egos and the entitlement from - some of the people. You can just tell that, It's just a - I don't even know how to explain it to you guys. It's just a feeling that you get you just feel like you're not wanted.. In a room..

And that your presence to somebody else is, not taken seriously. For their sake, I just hope that, like myself they realize how ugly it is, and will try to turn that around because.. Take it from me! As someone who has been down that path.. You will have to do a lot of work to fix that one day.

And, that work is not fun. Because of both things that I couldn't control such as my age, but also things that were 100% my fault such as my scandals and also my dramatic - attitude in the beginning.. I've had to work, twice as hard as everybody else for the past.. Three years.

To build back my reputation, to show people that I'm not a horrible kid, and to show people that I do have talent and I want to work hard, and that I deserve to be where I am today. And I know that, I always preach this as well like.. Move silently and let your success speak for itself but, I will admit that, that's always a battle that I've had to fight internally, and I of course, do always catch myself and I try to stay humble, and I try to.. Really put my ego aside but.

It's not really.. Me thinking that I'm.. "The best." And thinking that like I'm, "the queen". It's me, defending.

That position. Because of the fact, that I had so many things, working against me - when I first started. And, I think that's something that I really realized today. Something that I kind of need to get over - In my existence to really not depend on, my reputation because at the end of the day, I love what I do and I work so hard for what I do, and there will always be people following me and supporting me no matter what and, I think this has been a really great ego check for me because, I...

Quickly realized that, today.. Was tricky for me because it wasn't me. James Charles is confident, I love myself! I. Am so happy around my fans and around strangers I can be bubbly I can be myself, I'm not ashamed of that, and I love who I am.

And, I can talk to anybody. And thats why I do my "strangers do my makeup" videos, because they're so much fun. And I get to travel to new places and experience, new people and also meet you sisters along the way, but. For some reason today having to play, a different persona and, to kind of hide everything that I've worked over the past few years to SHOW PEOPLE..

Was so weird, and I. Could not do it, and it was literally like taking my persona, of talking fast, and using their hands.. Having their jewlery that they've worked hours and hours and hours of sleepless nights for..And being able to wear a full face of makeup. And, style their hair really nice and have cute clothes, all the sudden having to throw that all away, to having nobody know who I am, having nobody know what I worked for and what I stand for.

And having to be a totally different person, who is literally polar opposite of myself - I - I, could not do it. It was weird, and I felt .. Genuinely trapped, under.. All that makeup and all that hair.

And that beard, and I - felt like I was literally becoming.. "Steve". Who, nobody knew and a lot of people were treating, very very poorly and, it kind of brought me back to how - I was feeling in the beginning of the industry. Feeling very unwelcomed.

Feeling unliked, feeling unwanted, and My brain just started running at a million miles per hour and thats kind of where, the anxiety attack came from and thats why I needed to get out of that situation and get that makeup off.. And come back. As me. Not because I needed to feel "famous" or because I needed the attention, but because I- have worked so hard over the past few years to fix myself, I'm not even gonna stop talking because of the siren.

- I have worked so hard to, fix that reputation and really show people my true colours, and show people that I truly am a good person. And show people that, I do have so much love in my heart, and I know that should come across naturally ?Incessant? That I should worry about or care about.. But.. I cant sit here and pretend it's not something that, is bothering to me because it really is.

I do care, about how people think of me, and how people look at me, and I wish I could say that I didn't I'm sure that we all do. And I do have very very thick skin that I've had to build because I was forced to grow up in an industry very very quickly. But, at the end of the day it still does get to me, from time to time - and. It's something that I've had to deal with, and it's been a constant battle.

Internally. And, A lot of ... The battle was 100% my fault. And I know that.

And I'm okay with that, but it's been a hard battle to fight, and it's been a battle that I've finally felt like within the past few months, I started to win, and today.. All the sudden.. I went back to square one and it was like losing the battle all together. At the end of the day although this experience was very, very hard for me to go through I think I learned three, very, very valuable lessons.

One being, I myself, now need to really fight this internal battle more than ever, of not only letting my success really speak for itself and not having to worry about, my reputation but, really not letting .. My confidence, come from my work, because, really looking back at today I'm now realising that I do have a major issue with that, and a lot of my confidence does come from the fact that I've had to fight to get where I am today and it feels like a battle I've finally won. And whenever you win of course you feel really, really powerful, and you feel great, and you feel... Just, on top of the world, and that's what I've been feeling over the past few months because you guys are always so supportive of me, and you guys are really enjoying my content and that makes me so proud as a content creator, and, I feel like we've won that battle together, but I- don't want my internal confidence to, come from that battle.

I need that confidence to come from self love, and that's something that I will be working on definitely after filming this video today because, that's bad. And it, shouldn't be that way. Two: I kind of re-experienced a lesson that I had learned many, many years ago, very, very early on that I thought everybody else was on the same page as but, um, I was clearly wrong. And that is that; no matter who you're talking to you always need to be polite no matter who they are, what they look like, what their size is, what their colour is what their makeup looks like, what their hair looks like because you never know who you're really talking to and you never know who someone's really into, you never know who someone's working with and you never know what opportunities or what friendship someone could bring you in the future and...

As an influencer in this space, take me out of the equation because I would say the same thing to any other smaller influencer. There are a lot of really small influencers today that I have loved and that I thought were so talented and that were so incredibly rude. And those people ruined a relationship with me that could be very valuable to them or could be a really great friend to them. I love making new friends.

I'm a pretty good person if I do say so myself, and I've done the same thing early on to a lot of different people and I've ruined a lot of relationships and friendships and reputations - being my own - that I had to fix for a very, very long time so I really hope that that's a lesson that a lot of people were able to take from this video because, um... It's a valuable one and you should always treat people how you want to be treated. That's something that I have really taught myself to live by over the past few years of the beauty community because it's a dog-eat-dog world and at the end of the day you just need to be supportive of everyone because we're all in the same business and we're all fighting together. And last by finally not least, three: I learned that I should never, ever, in my entire life, let my facial hair grow out into a full beard because it looks the absolute worst.

Alright guys, I think that is all I have for this video today, I hope you enjoyed this kind of more, like, one-on-one conversation I don't really do this very often and like I was saying, it's because, I don't really like coming across as vulnerable I like being really positive, I like inspiring you guys, I like making you guys happy and... Um... This stuff for me is something that I don't really like talking about but... At the end of the day if it can help anybody that's why I want to talk about it and I really hope you guys were able to learn some lesson from this video because Lord knows, I did, that I will definitely be taking with me and I hope you enjoyed it.

I want to say another thank you to Channing who is, literally, so talented, please go check her out I'm gonna leave all of her links in the description box below. Show her some love, she did such an amazing job on the transformation. I also want to thank Beauty Con for letting me attend today, they were all so sweet. And I want to thank you guys for following and supporting me since day one.

From the drama, to the internal battle of having to work my way up to where I am today and it really means a lot that you guys have been with me through all that, and have seen through me and have seen my intentions and my love, and my passion for what I do. So, thank you guys- Oh, I don't wanna start crying! Ew. Um... Ahhh! What the heck! Um...

Thank y- Ew!! What the f*ck!! Um... Thank you guys for watching today's video Um... I love you and I guess I will see you in the next one. Bye..


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Sneak Candy in Class! 19 DIY Edible School Supplies & School Pranks!

School would be way more awesome if we could
snack on yummy candy during classes! Unfortunately teachers don't agree with this,
so we have to trick them. Here are 20 epic ideas on how to sneak your
favorite snacks to class! You, you out! Leave it! Nom nom nom! Sour gummy worms! Yum - is there anything better?! Here's an easy way to sneak them in class! Take a few coloring pencils and glue them
together using a glue gun or super glue. You'll end up with a panel made out of pencils
it sort of reminds me of those wooden water rafts. Take a clean tin pencil case and fill it up
with loads of delicious gummy worms or any other snack of your choice.

To hide this goodness from your teacher, place
the pencil cover on top. What an epic idea that allows us to have our
favorite gummy snacks always on hand during class. When you feel a bit hungry, simply lift the
cover and grab a treat! Delicious and super sneaky! The teacher will never suspect that your pencil
case is filled with snacks and not just pencils! What? Is Katie eating a lip balm?! Of course not! This is one of my favorite chocolate treats! Get an empty and completely clean EOS container
ready. Grab a pair of pliers and start clipping away
the tiny sticks in the middle of the container.

The plastic is quite soft so this isn't hard
to do at all. We got a larger empty space, ready to be filled
with the most delicious treat ever! You can use any rounded shaped chocolate or
candy. I decided for the one called Rafaello. Push it inside the opening, screw the lid
on and it's ready to go with you to school! White chocolate and coconut combination is
so delicious.

It is also white, which is perfect because
from the distance it looks exactly like a lip balm. Bingo! I already showed you how to sneak one candy
belt to school in a form of bookmark! But what if we want to smuggle more than one
of these treats to class? I have an idea! Take a notebook that has a thicker front cover. With a help of a ruler and an exacto knife
cut out a rectangle piece. Now our notebook has an opening - kind of
like a picture frame.

Take a transparent folder like this and stick
it to the inner side of the notebook cover. Time to grab a bunch of candy belts. Place them inside the folder close to each
other  see how amazing this looks. Your teachers and classmates will think that
this is just a lovely colorful striped notebook.

Meanwhile you'll be able to snack on these
yummy candy belts with no worries on your mind! These rounded gummies are so delicious but also
very convenient. Sneaking them to school is a piece of cake! Take an empty and squeaky clean glue stick
container. The donut shaped candies fit perfectly inside
because they have a hole in the middle. So throw as many of these treats as you can
inside the glue stick bottle.

This is AH-mazaing! Whenever you need a little sweet pick me up
during class, simply reach for the glue stick. So convenient and nonetheless very tasty! Just make sure to use a non toxic glue stick
and wash it really really well! Because yes, you want to enjoy your sweets
in a sneaky way but most importantly you need to enjoy them safely! Mm... Salty bread sticks! Perfect when you crave something crispy and
savory. Here's an insanely cool idea to sneak them
in class! Grab a set of coloring pencils that come in
a tube shape.

Put the lid off and take the coloring pencils
out. Now pick a few old and very short coloring
pencils, apply some hot glue on the tip and stick them to the inside of the lid like this. Can you see the trick already? When you put your new lid on the empty tube,
it looks like it is full of coloring pencils. However we know that there's actually plenty
of space to store treats inside! You can literally put anything in there  gummies,
smarties, skittles...

But as said I'm going for the salty bread sticks! Pop as many as you can fit in the tube. Close the container with the coloring pencils
lid and you're good to go. How flipping awesome is this idea right! No more boring and hungry hours in class. Simply grab a couple of your bread sticks
and your tummy is satisfied.

Just keep the noise levels as low as possible
you don't want to interrupt your teacher. Silence! We're in school kids! Nerds candies are so tasty and cute! They are a must during classes so check out
this amazing hack to hide them from your teacher. Grab an eraser and pull it out of the wrapper. Take a knife and make a cut about one third
away from the edge.

Now do the same on the other side. As you can see, your eraser has been divided
into three pieces. Put the middle part aside as we won't need
it anymore. Place one eraser piece back inside the wrapper.

Now take any small candy of your choice. I want these delicious nerds! First I'm pouring in lot's of blue ones, which
have the berry flavor. But we do not discriminate  tropical punch
flavor is just as yummy. We need some of those as well, nom-nom.

Lastly grab the other piece of eraser and
place it inside the wrapper. What an epic idea! The eraser looks completely normal, and you
can still use it to erase your mistakes. But when you have a sweet craving you can
also enjoy a bunch of these delightful nerd drops. This is world's most delicious eraser for
sure! Who doesn't love the crispy and tasty goldfish?! I certainly do, so let's smuggle them to school! Take a pot of paper clips like this one and
take all the clips out.

Make a cylinder shape from a piece of paper
and place it in the middle of the pot. Now take a bunch of paper clips and start
throwing them inside the little opening between the edge of the container and the paper barrier. I have a lot of colorful clips but of course
you can use the simple metal ones as well. When there's plenty of paper clips all around
the pot, you can you can go ahead and grab your favorite snack or candy.

I picked lots of crunchy and delicious goldfish! Simply pop them in the middle of the container
and they are ready to sneak to school. I am in love with this idea. But if you want a sweet treat go for mini
marshmallows, gummies, or even smarties, skittles etc. Sky is the limit! Here I made another pot with push pins and
I filled it with pretzels! Ah I love them so much - delish! The best part is that you can switch it up
and sneak gold fish and pretzels to class one day and other snacks the next day in the
same container! Talking about balanced diet.

Just kidding! With all these sweet and salty snacks we definitely
need a refreshing drink in class as well. Take a piece of fabric and place it on a flat
surface with the front facing down. Put the cola bottle on top and place a zipper
on it as well. Grab a glue gun and apply a stripe of hot
glue along one side of the zipper.

While the glue is still hot fold the fabric
edge up and stick it to the zipper. Repeat the same step on the top side. Apply the glue, fold the fabric up and wait
for the glue to set. Now take an elastic and tie the ends together
as if you would be making the pony tail.

That's it! While it looks like an usual pencil case,
it's actually a bottle of cola. It will make sure that we never get thirsty
during class. Whenever you're getting tired and need a little
sweet pick me up, just make a sip or two and you'll instantly feel refreshed and awake. I've already shown how to sneak an entire
packet of oreos to school.

But since I love these so much I found one
more way to smuggle mini oreos in class! Take a piece of long, slightly curved piece
of wrapping or crafting paper like this one. Place a mini oreo pot on top and start wrapping
the paper around it, by rolling the container forward. When the entire oreo pot is covered, take a piece of tape and secure the wrapping paper in place. Open up this sweet box of goodness.

Take a bunch of coloring pencils or other
pens and stick them in our oreo container. From teacher perspective this looks like a
normal pencil pot, but you're able to snack on this goodness during lectures! How smart! Mini oreos are even more convenient to sneak
to school than their original sized brothers. These are just perfect for one bite and
less messy but more sneaky, which is exactly what we want. Mm my mouth is watering just by looking at
this! This idea can be used for any other snacks
and treats that are packaged in a pot.

Like the awesome jelly beans or nuts and dried
fruits if you want a healthier alternative! So next time you're in a grocery store, take a look and see what pot packaged snacks you can find. Then just take some wrapping paper plus pencils
and let the fun begin! Oh these candy drops really remind me of my
childhood! I used to adore them and I still do so here's
an amazing way to sneak them to school. Open up a notebook and grab an exacto knife. You want to basically cut of the bottom part
of all the pages in the notebook, while leaving the front and back covers intact.

Doing this will give us plenty of space to
sneak these candy drops to class. Simply stick them on with a bit of double
sided tape. Now that's a lot of these fruity little drops,
right?! Enough for you and all of your classmates! The fact that they come in so many delicious
flavors is always exciting. With this hack you'll have them on hand whenever
your sugar level drops too much during class! I really want to take these fruity chewy candy
to school but how can we fit them in a box full of pencils?! Here's an idea! Take all the coloring pencils out of the box.

Now take a bunch of shorter coloring pencils
and place them inside. This way we cover the opening on one side,
but we still have plenty of free space on this side. And yup, you guessed it we're going to fill
it with a ton of chewy candy drops! Come on little sweeties inside the pencil
box you go! How cool is this  we still have our perfectly
working coloring pencils on one side and loads of sneaky sweet treats on the other. That's absolutely amazing and extremely convenient
to take to school.

When you're feeling a bit perkish during your
teachers lectures, just grab one of these and you'll feel much better in a second. Oh yeah! Skittles are a good old favorite of so many
people so finding a way to enjoy them during class is a must! Take a pencil pot plus a little rectangular
piece of thicker paper and slide it inside the pot like this. The paper divides the pot in two halves. We're going to fill one with lots of pens
and pencils.

The other half will be way more exciting and
sweet because that's where we're going to put in our delicious skittles. You can fit so many in here how awesome. And of course feel free to put in other treats
of your choice  smarties, little chocolates, pretzels - whatever you prefer! This idea is so simple and versatile plus
completely safe, because there's no way the teacher would be able to see what you're hiding
in that pencil pot of yours. OK, how epic is this giant long candy belt! It's pretty insane and I mean it in a positive

Come on I'll show you how you can sneak it
to school! Grab a scotch tape dispenser and take the
tape out. Roll the long rainbow belt in a swirl and
put it inside the dispenser to replace the tape. Pop the front plastic part on and you got
yourself a candy tape which is so tasty, cool and it just goes on and on and on! There's no fear that you could run out of
it anytime soon. You can do the same trick with the bubble
gum tape.

In the dispenser it goes. Cover it with the lid and voila! Have you ever seen better tape dispensers? Not me! These are out of this world! You can take them to class with no worries
at all and you'll have a sweet snack plus a delicious bubble gum always available to
calm down those sweet cravings. There's so much gum and candy in here so don't
forget to share some of it with your classmates too! Butterflies are insects and most of the butterflies
are also plant eaters. Ladies, are you following here? Yes.

Good, you'll be examined tomorrow. OK, butterflies are also very pretty, they
have all these fun colors. These meringue treats are delicate, yummy
and they just melt when you put them in your mouth. All you need to sneak them in class are some
pencils! Remove the eraser from a pencil if it has

Otherwise just skip the step. This is where we're going to put our meringue. Simply press it on the pencil. This is very easy to do since meringues are
very fragile.

Ta daaa, it took like what 5 seconds and we're
all set to sneak meringues to class. Your schoolmates and teachers will think that
these are just the usual pencil toppers. But only you will know that, yes - these are
pencil toppers  but very special and delicious kind. If you want you can spice them up with some

Of course not! Because something else is hiding in this bottle
instead. Take an empty non toxic glue bottle and wash
it super duper well. The bottle has to be really clean if you want
to try this hack. All we got to do is squeeze lot's of chocolate
sauce inside the glue bottle.

This one is full so let's put the lid back
on and it is sneak in class approved! You can squeeze some of that yummy chocolate
on the meringue and it will taste even better. You can also put some on cookies, oreos or
have it straight from the tube yum yum! Crayon boxes are pretty big and completely
non see through. This makes them a perfect candidate to be
my little helper when sneaking candy to school. Take all the crayons out.

Let's replace them with these chewy fruit
sticks that have a similar shape as crayons. If you want you can cut a bit of wrapper on
the sides to make them fit even better. And if you need some crayons for school you
can even leave one row of crayons and one row of candy sticks. That way you'll have both available during
class! Anyway I'm sure you will enjoy your candy
sticks a lot  they are delicious, fruity and sweet  bingo! Mmm yummy! Have you ever tried those cool melody lollipops?! They are so much fun! And the idea on how to smuggle them in class
is straight up epic! Take a jumbo marker and pull out the felt
tip and the ink tube! Next take a melody pop! There's a thinner stick inside the main one
pull it out and grab the front part of the marker.

Insert the stick through the opening at the
tip. Now you want to slide the melody lollipop
on the thinner stick again like that. Time to take the marker housing and oh no! My lollipop is to big to fit in! You have to use a larger marker or eat your
lollipop a bit so it becomes thinner! Mmm what a tasty solution! Now the lollipop fits inside the marker perfectly
so it is ready to bring to school. That's a creative way to smuggle a lollipop
to class right?! Who would have thought that you can have one
inside your marker.

Besides being very tasty these candies are
also perfect to pull a sneaky little prank on a teacher. Just be careful so you don't get caught! What's that noise? As you can see it's better to leave sweets
outside the classroom and if you're very hungry, opt for something healthy instead. Thank you so much for watching the video guys,
don't forget to subscribe to my second channel and I'll see you very very soon! Mwah, bye bye!.

Sneak Candy in Class! 19 DIY Edible School Supplies & School Pranks!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

SLEEPING BEAUTY - Bedtime Fairy For KidsClassical Fairy Tale - Full Story

Tia, I think we will take long to reach  can you please tell me some interesting story ? Why not Tofu let me tell you a story about a princess and a bad fairy A long time ago there lived a King and The Queen they wished for a child for a very long time After a long long wait their wish came true a beautiful girl was born to the king and queen The king announce to his people  We are blessed with a baby princess and her name is sunshine Hurray!Said the people. As the baby girl turned one celebrations begin all around A big party had to be planned.  We must invite all the fairies. Yes! We must call them all  but not the Black fairy.

She is mean! She is bad! The party was lots of fun!  The baby princess looked lovely All fairies brought with them some precious gifts and blessed the little princess  to be a clever and kind girl Suddenly the castle was filled with blue smoke and nobody could see anything as soon as the blue smoke settled king and queen were shocked to see the Black Fairy She saw that a beautiful celebration was organized  and everyone from the kingdom was invited for the feast including all fairies She become very angry for not being invited  and that's why, She cursed the baby princess On your 16th B'day before the sun sets youll prick on a spindle and die. She screamed in anger and vanished. Everybody was shocked Suddenly a young fairy who had not yet given her blessings to the little princess said I can't take away the Black fairy's curse but I'll definatly try to help When the princess pricks herself she won't die. Instead  shell go into a deep sleep  and shall only awaken  with a kiss from a prince who loves her After this, the king ordered to destroy all spindles and needles from the kingdom Soon, there were no sharp things in the castle.

Except for one, they didnt check in the tower. As years passed by, the baby grew under supervision of fairies and turned out to be a very beautiful young girl When she turned 16, while roaming in the castle one day she saw a magical light ball  and followed the light ball  which took her to the top of the tower in the castle Inside, there was an old woman, bent over a spinning wheel.  Come here! You must try spinning this wheel. Oh! What is this? Please let me do it as well.

I have never tried this. But the minute she touched the needle of the spindle she fell to the ground Black fairys curse had come true Old woman who was actually the black fairy laughed and laughed  and then disappeared The king who remembered the words of last fairy  made her daughter the princess to lye in a room for many years to come Fairies saw the princess sleeping  and everyone thought that she was  extremely beautiful They all said at once Sleeping Beauty  soon this name became popular in town and everyone started to mention princess  as the sleeping beauty The whole kingdom was sad  fairies noticed this and decided  Let the whole kingdom fall asleep so when the Princess wakes up by her prince she wouldnt be alone Everyone in the kingdom fell asleep The king The Queen the servants, solders, everyone in town fell asleep Even all the animals fell asleep Everything in the kingdom stopped Soon, a thick forest grew around the castle and hid it About hundreds of years later a handsome prince was riding through the forest He saw the strange looking castle The accompanying solders told the Prince that this is the castle of the "Sleeping Beauty" He had heared stories of sleeping beauty and started to explore it He was surprised to see everybody in the castle sleeping when he entered more he saw even the King and queen were sleeping He looked around and saw one big pink door He tried to open the door but it was difficult to open as it was closed for so many years After trying hard he managed to open the door and to his surprise he found sleeping beauty lying on a beautiful bed in that room   the moment he saw her he just fell in love with her I really want to know who this beautiful girl is She looks so so gentle and peaceful   he said He leaned down and kissed her Instantly, the kiss lifted the spell and the princess woke up The king, queen and all the people  and animals in the kingdom were awake again The kingdom was full of joy  and there was celebrations all around The prince and the princess soon got married and lived happily ever after Wow, it means no matter  if bad people think bad for you  there are always some well wishers to help you out. .

SLEEPING BEAUTY - Bedtime Fairy For KidsClassical Fairy Tale - Full Story

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Six setups for beauty lighting

I'm Rossella Vanon and I'm a fashion
and beauty photographer. Today we are shooting a beauty story
inspired by pastel colors. What I want to achieve is images with
a soft and feminine feel where elements like hair and make-up
are captured to perfection. I also want to make sure that
the lighting is consistent from shot to shot and then the colors
are all in harmony with one another.

Color and light are major components
of my photography. On shoots like this it's important for me to
choose light units that provide a consistent color temperature
throughout the shoot. Profoto D2 will be my go-to light on this project. I want to use
light units that I know I can rely on a hundred percent so that I can
concentrate on the creative side of my shoot.

Today I've decided to give myself a
little challenge and change the lighting setups six times. The challenge here is to keep
the lighting consistent from shot to shot in softness and mood even though
the setups are actually changing. I will be using a selection of Softboxes of
different sizes and shapes and a Beauty Dish. I've chosen these tools as they provide
an overall soft and pearly light that is perfect to announce the feminine
mood I want to achieve.

I've mostly position the main light around 30 to 45 degrees around the subject and use other light units as fill for
shadows to light a background or just create an accent on the hair
or the models cheek. Profoto Softboxes are one of my favorite
Light Shaping Tools. I love how many sizes and shapes
there are to choose from and how extremely
versatile they are. By using the Profoto D2 with
their fast recycling time and intuitive interface...Even changing
lighting setup six times was quick and

With light we have the incredible power to tell a million different stories and evoke a
million different feelings in the viewer. Choosing light shaping tools
that suit who you are as an artist will enable you to unlock this
magic and create powerful images with your own signature style..

Six setups for beauty lighting

Friday, June 1, 2018

Sims 4 - Ugly To Beauty Challenge CAS

Hey guys welcome back to the channel. My name is cupcake and today We are playing some more Sims 4 and we're gonna be doing another challenge I've been having a lot of fun doing the random genetics challenge, and I thought today I was gonna do another challenge that you guys suggested More specifically my friends sandy who does cute nail polish? She has a gaming channel now called cute plays I'll put a link in the description if you guys want to check her out but she suggested that I try the ugly to beauty challenge in the sims , so Just want to say that's the name of the challenge Just like Sandy had mentioned in her video. I don't like the name of this challenge either Which is why I was kind of avoiding doing it because it just seems so shallow But I watched her video, and I thought it was just a lot of fun, and I really wanted to try it out myself So just know that I didn't come up with this name, and I think all of us are beautiful and unique in our own ways so the name of this challenge we're Gonna go to, The gallery and what we're gonna do is we're going to search for an ugly sim ok so I think um We're just supposed to choose that ugly oh My God this one is hilarious xD.   These are so funny okay So I gotta choose one of my favorite uglies to start with a base And I I don't know this one to me is just hilarious.

Oh my gosh Let's see. Oh my gosh. It looks like a clown I can this looks so hilarious What is that face? Oh my gosh? I think I want to choose this one It's just look at the face. It's genowefa idea   Let's help this poor girl out Alright, let's just go ahead and open Can we open Geno Geno Genowefa Genowefa? Oh poor genowefa Poor girl what? I've got my work cut out for me, okay So the rules of this challenge is you are able to adjust the way that their features look.

But the only thing you can't do is you can't choose like specific noses Or specific eyes you all have to do it you have to do it all manually, so that's the only the only thing So I think what I'm gonna do with Genowefa first is this nose girl Let's go into detailed edit mode this nose is not Not serving you well, how do you even how do you there? We go? Okay? It's looking a little better Let's try to just adjust it here. We go. Can we shrink the whole nose. How do I get rid of this big? How do I get rid of it? :D lmaooo Here we go.

Oh my gosh. It's starting to look a little normal okay Alright, let's let's fix the chin and the mouth is just a little low Alright, genowefa. I got you girl. Don't worry Don't be sad Okay, let's fix for eyebrows a little bit Move your eyes down.

I think that's what looks weird. Is that you know maybe we should change this What this looks so weird okay? Okay? Wait a minute. I think I fixed it Let's go back in here and edit this see if I can get rid of the hook here. We go.

Oh my goodness I thought I was in trouble. I thought I was in trouble there I thought I wasn't gonna be able to fix it, but I guess anything is possible, okay? So let's move her eyes out a little bit. They were just a little too in And get rid of this, lip right here Here we go. Genowefa okay, so I think I need to get rid of these eyebrows But let's make these eyes smaller.

Let's make the pupils a little bit larger because it'll make her a little bit cuter and the Cheekbones are a little bit much ummm what do i do with this? Right here. I still don't know! If I could completely fix this We will have to see Genowefa. I have a challenge cut out for me Oh, let's just fix this right here. This is just Genowefa Your Voice! I'm going in full edit mode here.

Can we go into full edit mode for Her body there we go, okay. Those were just you know they were gonna break your back. They were just a little bit too big give you a little bit of Meat on them bones And you know what let's just take this take this Let's just take it off You have teeny teeny tiny little feet So sad, let's give you a booty -3- All right, Genowefa your arms. Look like popeye It's okay We're all different All right, so I'm gonna give her a little bigger of a neck Her face still does her body looks a little normal now so she looks okay her feet hurt a little big tho Did I make them too big? I think I did okay? All right? That's normal okay back to the face Your eyebrows have got to go the eyebrows have got to go, so I'm pretty sure I can change these type of features like the eyebrows ummmmmm I just can't Adjust you know other facial features like certain eye types so with that being said let's fix her brows Let us take her hair off okay.

Let's uh of course she had big ears under there I gotch you. I gotch you let's fix that okay all right, eyebrows in dire need of some good looking eyebrows, so Let's look you up with me these type. I'm gonna have to go in and rejust these There we go there. There We go.

All right. I like those thick eyebrows genowefa now Let's see you're starting to look like a normal human being but your nose still like tilted down And I don't know what to do about that. I really don't know what to do about that And your lips are really big okay? We can adjust the nose that way I can adjust the Chin can I. Pull you in there.

We go there we go that's what I needed it was just like way out there, and then we need you to have a smaller little chin and AND Ummmmm More a more defined jaw line please. I don't know where you got your name, but it sounds exotic Okay, alright We're getting somewhere um I don't know what to do. Oh here. We go yay.

Oh my gosh! :D. I was so scared. I wasn't gonna be able to figure out how to fix her nose Okay, Genowefa there you go you have a cute little button nose now, and I can make it a little bit bigger and let's see if I can I don't know gotta lower your look, so Let's make them a little smaller The eyes. I'm not sure if I can oh here we go, ooh OOOOOOOOH.

Okay,Okay, I'm seeing I'm seeing them I'm seeing a beauty emerge here, so I really like her little nose. Well like it's super cute her profile is pretty cute See if I can give her more of a pretty profile her chin looks a little big There we go beautiful Okay, so let's go into detailed mode and see if I can adjust There we go that was looking a little weird oh There I was looking a little unnatural okay Alright Guys I'm Feeling Confident In This Now umm I was picturing an Asian Beauty Because she already has the eyes for that her lips are pretty can I make our lips a little bit bigger I always love my sims to have big lips. Oh juicy baby lips So cute, and we'll give her a little smile all right, so I think Okay, this cheekbone though this cheekbone is sticking out way way way way way too much Let's put some hair on her that will help her out immensely so since she had the pink hair I'm going to keep the pink hair for her and let's just give her a little more curve here oh, I'm really liking the way she's looking now, so let's go ahead and Give her some makeup, and I'm gonna give her Change her eyes first, so I'm gonna keep them pink. I want to keep some things true.

She looks like a doll. Okay? Let's do her her lips, so I really like those pink eyes and Let's can I give her some eyelashes? Maybe we can do some eyelashes lipstick? I think this lipstick would look really pretty on her. Let's go with some natural tones because Fall is a right around the corner, and I am pretty excited for it. So I like that it accents her lips We could do that one or a gloss I? Think I'm Gonna stick with that one and Okay, her skin looks a little blotchy right now, but we're gonna fix that with the skin tone, so let's try This one's a pretty one Whoo I can make her really light skinned this one gives her a nice texture Their eyes that she does look kind of like crusty under there.

I'm not sure I like that one these So she has a little darker skin tone then I was gonna. Go for like an asian look but now I think I'm going for a blasian Because she is gonna have darker skin tone. It just looks pretty looks better With her hair so let's choose a really pretty Skin Tone here I think these ones work with this with this highlight that we have but I want to go a little bit lighter I'm liking this one So she has a little bit of texture underneath her eyes, but is okay So I'm gonna let's see if I can make her nose a little bit thinner right here the bridge there we go perfect, so for her makeup Let's check out. What we have for some eye makeup, I- ooh I like that it really smooths out her skin that looks pretty and I wish I could give her freckles, too Should I give her freckles? Okay, I'm giving her freckles because I think freckles are so beautiful, so Let's give her the freckles all right, so who make oh my gosh That's the one That's the daddy.

I love these Eyelashes, so I think I think I'm gonna have to go with this one So pretty okay and as far as your clothing goes let's hook her up with some cute clothing I do have some pretty cute outfits Like this one. Awwww, it's so cute Okay, so there's different colors We could do pink or purple She could be super colorful Or she could wear black. I like the green. I think I'm really digging the green color okay, so we're gonna choose this super cute dress and for her shoes um Let's see what we are working with here.

I could have her wear some flats Those are kind of cute. I don't normally have my sims wear flats I usually like to Give them heels. I always I always end up giving the high boots. I really really love that look This is a super cute look to you okay, I will hook her up with some pink hills just to bring back in the pink's from her hair and accessories Hmm.

I don't have too many, but I think she needs at least a bracelet Can never go wrong with tights? I love tights if we're going for fall. Maybe I should have it wear tight All right, I have a bunch of different tights. These are actually really cute. I love these ones, and then we have striped types I think those are like zebra So we have different textured types and different colors I think I'm gonna go with the brown with the little line in the back because I think it's cute and then necklaces Let's see what accessories.

She can wear so I think I want to whoa But give her some ear piercings. Let's give her a like a little edge I. Think I like this one the best, so let's see if we can adjust the color. Maybe we can do Rose gold with a black let's do that and then our our necklace so I don't know if I I.

Don't know if I should have a wear a choker or how about a little time. I look so cute with the white We could try a pink There are pink's in her dress um let's try like a red cuz there was red in her dress I. Think I like the white one. I think it's really really cute.

Oh my gosh She's adorable, okay guys. I think this is a drastic change So here is Genowefa In all of her glory and here she was before What the heck this turned out amazing? I think she came out so beautiful from ugly to Beauty I can't even she is one of my favorite sims that I've ever created. She's so Pretty, what do you guys think let me know let me know how you think I did do you like the way she came out? If you guys enjoyed this please let me know leave a like on the video It's always greatly appreciated and you guys have any other suggestions for challenges Leave a comment down below because I'm having a ton of fun with these Seriously, I can't stop if you're not subscribed be sure to hit the subscribe button and hit the little notification bell button so you can Get notified whenever I upload a video because I do it daily as always. Thank you guys so much for watching My name is Cupcake and I'll see you guys later.


Sims 4 - Ugly To Beauty Challenge CAS