Sunday, January 14, 2018

Nourish Skin Ultimate supplement

Nourish Skin Ultimate supplement -Nourish Skin Ultimate, Menepis Noda dan Kerutan

Kebugaran kulit kita Butuh dirawat. Situasi kulit yang sehat, halus dan lembut diinginkan oleh tiap-tiap orang, terlebih Demi anda kaum wanita. Kulit yang halus membikin anda tampak lebih muda, dan menarik. Juga untuk kaum remaja, kulit yang sehat, bersih jerawat dan halus yakni idaman mereka. Permasalahannya, keadaan lingkungan, udara yang penuh polusi (asap kendaraan bermotor, pabrik) berakibat pada Kesegaran kulit anda. Radikal bebas dari sinar ultraviolet juga dapat merusak Kebugaran kulit. Belum lagi faktor seperti konsumsi zat kimia dalam bahan makanan, dan faktor umur menyebabkan kerusakan pada kulit anda. Apa yang anda lakukan untuk memecahkan keadaan sulit ini?

Satu lagi produk Kesehatan kulit dari Pharos, merupakan Nourish Skin Ultimate. Nourish Skin Ultimate, temuan baru dari Pharos, suplemen kulit yang mengandung HA (Hyaluronic Acid). HA ini diakui sebagai salah satu pelembab kulit natural terbaik. HA akan memberikan kelembapan pada kulit kering. Kecuali itu kandungan lain Nourish Skin Ultimate yaitu SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) yakni antioksidan alami.

Nourish Skin Ultimate, bekerja dengan cara berikut :

Group asam amino menstimulus aktivitas sel firoblast untuk memproduksi serat kolagen dan elastin, menghasilkan kulit tebal, cepat, lembab dan elastis. Hyaluronic Acid mengikat air 1000 kali dari volumenya sendiri, dengan ketersediaan air yang tinggi maka pengerjaan regenerasi sel kulit berjalan lebih kencang. Sel kulit tua dengan lantas akan digantikan dengan sel yang baru, sehingga kulit akan lebih segar dan berseri. Kandungan zat antioksidan dapat mencegah kerusakan sel akibat efek radikal bebas.

Nourish Skin Ultimate, tepat sasaran untuk memudarkan flek hitam kulit, menghilangkan kerut, melembabkan kulit, mengencangkan dan mencerahkan kulit, mencegah penuaan dini.

Terperinci produk dari Nourish Skin Ultimate isi 60 Tablet

Menepis Noda dan Kerutan Nourish skin Ultimate, inovasi terbaru suplemen kulit pertama dan satu-satunya di Indonesia yang mengandung HA (Hyaluronic Acid) “One of the Best Alami Moisturizers” yang akan memberikan kelembaban pada kulit secara terus menerus, sehingga pantas Untuk kulit kering, ditambah SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) antioksidan paling alami.

Arti Nourish Skin Ultimate

Memudarkan flek-flek hitam
Menghilangkan kerut dan keriput
Melembabkan kulit kering
Mengencangkan kulit
Mencerahkan kulit kusam
Menghaluskan kulit kering dan kasar
Mencegah penuaan kulit

Komposisinya mempunyai 4 elemen utama dengan fungsi : Asam amino Antioksidan tingkat tinggi Ramuan pelembab alami Vitamin dan Mineral Aman dikonsumsi jangka panjang, karena tidak mengandung elemen hormonal dan terbuat dari bahan natural.

Saturday, January 13, 2018


Hi everybody Can you guess who I am Yep, my name is Belle. Let me introduce you to my Papa Hi, everybody. I'm an inventor Let me introduce you to my trusty dog Louie I'm going to the market today. What are you gonna do today? I got tons of things.

I've got to milk the cow I've got to feed the dog, I've got to feed the chickens. I've got to do dinner too! You got a busy day. I hope you don't mind me asking. But what's for dinner? It's French just like we like It's the Escargo and Frogs Legs Hmm, I love snails and frogs legs (Knock knock) Iwonder who that could be? I know who it is...

Enter please. Come in Pierre, come into my house Bonjour Philippe Belle, let me introduce you to Pierre This must be your beautiful daughter Yes, she is beautiful her name is Belle Is that your name? Pierre? Pierre Pompidou La Pieu, you at your service. La Poo? No, No, No, No, La Pieu. That's what I said.

La Poo. No - La Pieu. Anyway look what I brought for you. Rose Hips...

Well she does like flowers I will put them in this beautiful vase for you. That's not a vase, that's my drink! There are bet droopy and dead, but thank you anyway. I paid 15 francs for this and all you can say is that they are droopy and dead! It seems like you guys are having a great time I'm gonna go to the market now. You want me pick up anything for you Belle? A beautiful rose! I already brought you some.

They're right there! They are Rose hips. I will see what I can find What are you getting at the market? I'm gonna get some donuts and some screws for my latest invention Donuts and screws. Why are you making? Well the donuts are for me, but the bolts are for my invention. Come on Louie, let's get going Bye Papa.

I'm looking forward to dinner tonight. Okay. Bye Okay Belle, tell me a little bit about yourself Well I like roses, I like my dog Louie, I like my papa, and I do not like you Oh! That hurt me in my heart. Why do not you like me? I like you...

It's just my papa is always trying to get me to marry someone and you're not the guy I. Wanna marry These donuts are good. Whoa look at that big castle over there Yeah, it is pretty dark, huh? Yeah, I do see some roses over there Yeah people probably won't mind if we just take one for Belle. Let's go check it out Come on Louie, I found some roses We've gotta find the best one for Belle Whoa Louie, this is the most beautiful rose I've ever seen ROAR!! What are you doing are you stealing my prize rose? Arrgh! Who are you? I am the Beast, this is my land this is my castle and that was my rose You're coming with me into my dungeon and you're never gonna see the light of day again Woof.

ROAR! Yelp. I was just getting this for my daughter. Your daughter? She beautiful daughter? Come, we will talk about this later Ah But why not? I don't wanna be called Belle La Poo. It is La Pieu I told you.

That's when I said La Poo No, no, no, no. La Pieu! So Pierre, it was really nice of you to come over and visit, but I really gotta start home with dinner, okay? That sounds like my dog Louie My dad had been taken by a beast He's in a dungeon In a castle? We better go! Come on, Louie... Goodbye Belle. She is not just beautiful, but talented, she can talk to animals - Hmmm Hello Candle, how are you? Hello Clock, I'm doing well.

How are you? Oh Wonderful. You know you should try putting your one arm, yes up there, and the other right about here Now you look like the Statue of Liberty Ha ha ha ha - That's a good joke - Thank you! Do you know what? What? Last night The master he brought an old man. An old man? He has a daughter. A daughter? ...And if she is beautiful she can break the spell - I do not want to break the spell.

Well I want it broken Clock, Candlestick, go get the old man from the dungeon I need to talk to him. NOW! Clock! Candlestick! Bring the prisoner   Hold your horses - he does now want to come.   Sit down, sit down.   You might give him heart attack I always do all the work It is not my fault - If I touch him he might catch on fire.

Shhhhh... So, you told me you have a daughter is she a beautiful daughter All right Where is she? I won't let you eat her or do anything like that. I won't let you know where she is You will tell me or you will be my prisoner forever   Knock knock - Who is it? Papa - are you OK? Belle what are you doing here? You shouldn't be here! I'm trying to save you!   Brave girl and beautiful too! Why have you got my Papa here? Because he stole one of my prize roses Is this true Papa?     I couldn't find any at the market and this rose was so beautiful They are very beautiful True true But it was my prize rose   I'm sorry - he didn't mean to steal the prize rose He still stole it and somebody has to pay the price for it How about I stay here instead of him No Belle don't don't stay here with this beast Deal now you have to go old man - go That was very brave Now put her in the nicest room that is not mine, okay?       Bring Belle Candlestick, Clock, Bring Belle now!     I am coming Here is your bell - here you are Not this bell - the other Belle   You said bring bell and I bring you a bell Bring the human Belle   Ohhhh - the human Belle     Why did you not say so?   Right this way Belle   Sit. Be more specific next time.

Hello Belle   Hi Beast Are you not scared of me? No, why would I be scared of you?   Because I have big horns and bloodshot eyes, ginormous teeth and bigs claws and hair all over!     Maybe I can fix that I have a comb   No - Don't fix my hair Let her have fun - let her comb it - it will look much better Looking better already. Wow Belle you are very good at combing hair Ooooh You have a talent Okay, okay - that's enough That is much nicer - very well done Well, do you say Beast she was very nice to comb your hair for you. She was. Thank You Belle? Since you are so nice to me I.

Guess I can give you a little something as well. I'm gonna have Clock Make a pretty dress for you because Candlestick will light it on fire. At least I like making dresses it will be beautiful!     Snore...   Beast I have finished the dress.

Isn't it beautiful Yes it is very nice You know I think it would be nice if you gave her the dress   she may fall in love with you If she falls in love with you it will break the spell Yes! I do not want to stay a beast forever I do not want to stay a clock - No I will go get her   Belle - there you are - the Beast has a surprise for you Good morning Belle - Good morning   It's so beautiful - Thank you! You're welcome Thank you for this beautiful dress Can I try it on right now? Of course you can. Go put it on... You know I think that it's working I think she's falling in love with you and the curse will finally be broken I'm so looking forward to getting sleep at night every night. Tick tock tick tock like never sleep Who cares about that, every time I sleep I always have fire nearby it is so comfy cozy and warm Well nice for you.

Thank you. I want to be human again. How about you? Beast - you agree don't you? Yes, I would very much prefer to be human again than a big hairy stinky beast You do smell a bit It's a little bit hard to find running water in this old castle   What is taking her so long? She's taking forever Oh finally Thank you, thank you, it makes me want to dance Wow it looks beautiful on you, and looks amazing Thank you, but since it makes you want to dance so much maybe maybe We can have a dance later on What a marvelous idea It has been forever since anyone has danced in your ball room except Candlestick I seen her dancing in there once in a while             Oh - that is stinky breath! Oh - it smells like fishies and those teeth - very yellow   as yellow as bananas or worse is it really that bad? Yes!   When Belle comes you better be very careful not to breathe in her face     I think I hear something that's coming it must be Belle - nobody else lives here in the castle     Belle you are here. Hi.

Would you like to sit down? Yes       Belle - Would you please look at the Beast's teeth I think they are as yellow as bananas   as yellow as your dress nearly well they're not that bad but, I have something to help Will it help stinky breath too? Whoa what is that? Looks like a toothbrush yes. But it's different. It's electric Where did you get that Belle? My dad invented it! Let's see if it works? That feels funny - it's doing a marvelous job They look so much better Wonderful job Belle -  Bravo you have talents of cleaning teeth to. Thank you Belle.

I have a surprise for you, too Oh, I wonder what it is How about we have a race? Okay, that's a good idea. Clock count us off okay? Ready set go - I won! I have a big favor to ask you. What is it? I know I'm supposed to stay here forever as your prisoner but Can I go home and see my papa again? Because he's very old Huh well no Have a heart - let her go   she misses her father so Okay, I have a deal to make this you can go see your father for seven days one Week, and then you have to come back, okay Okay, I promise I will return Goodbye Belle, I'll see you in seven days It's been so nice to have you back here Belle, do you really have to go back to the horrible beast? He's not that horrible anymore. He's really nice to me it's been so nice to be home here but on accident I.

Stayed too long here I stayed for nine days And I had this dream that I was laying in his rose garden and he was dying I. I have I have to go back then you gotta leave really soon if you feel that way Come in Oh Pierre come in Hello Belle, I heard you were in town, I had to come see you. Really? Yes, and have a question for you Will you marry me? No Wait there's more No. But why Belle? Cuz I don't wanna be called Belle La Poo, it's LaPieu Pieu There's somebody else I wanna marry.

But who Belle who? A Beast But he's not that bad. A beast? Who's this beast? I'm sorry, and going to have to say no I gotta hurry Then go run like the wind yes you must hurry Belle I wish you every happiness from the heart of my bottom. I mean the bottom of my heart     Where is Belle? I do not know We really need her back The Beast has been sick since she left so sick maybe even miserable and we don't even know here he is   we won't be human again if she doesn't return well that is ok       no that is not ok Oh Belle I am so sorry I'm late where's the Beast?   We do not know where he is   I had a dream that he was lying in the rose garden and he was dying     he has been sick since you left       maybe we should go and look there he is Beast - Oh no Please don't die - I love you   I'm sorry I'm so late He is dying of heart break   He has a broken heart - broken heart Oh he is changing           you changed you're not an ugly beast any more   you are a handsome Prince again - Yay Why are we not changed - Yay I am not changed - I am still a clock. Ha ha - I do not care.

     Belle you came back I'm so glad you're not an ugly beast anymore you're a charming Prince   I'm so sorry that I was late just wanted to stay for a couple of days after one week I'm sorry I'm so sorry, but I'm here now Thank you. We shall get married at once Yay!         Will you marry me? Yes! We shall be married at once       They are getting married I kinda feel like I am changing I am changing too Oh - I still have the other hand. The other hand is still a torch! Ha ha! Let's go to their wedding! We are gathered here in front of these witnesses to witness the marriage of Prince pumpernickel and Princess Belle if Anybody has a reason why these two should not be married in perfect matrimony speak now or forever hold your peace Oh shush - not you! Continue. Who has the Rings? That is a beautiful ring Prince pumpernickel.

Now you may hug the bride Wonderful! Yes, now let's cut the cake!   I have a present for you. Really what is it? It's my prize rose? My favorite It's so beautiful and roses are my favorite flower and Thank you. It's lovely I love it Hi everybody I'm Zion, and I played Belle and the Beast he was kind of scary But not that scary. I hope you all enjoyed it and watch out for our next video I am five I'm almost six bye bye Hi everybody I am Liberty Vickery and I played the candlestick and I'm 17 years old I hope you all enjoyed it Roar -  Hello my name is Joseph, and I played the Beast and the preacher Thank you all for watching and also I'm 12.

Goodbye Hi everybody, my name is Peter, and I played Belle's dad or Philippe. I'm 10 You guys like the show? Bonjour my name is Lorenzo, and I played Pierre Pompidou LaPieu and I'm 10     Good bye Hi, my name is Noah James Vickery, and I played the Prince and the dog, and I'm 8 years old But Belle's dad aka Peter. I'm pretty sure cuz of all the donuts. He gains 10,000 calories - Shhhh - be very quiet Hello - My name is Legacy Vickery, and I played the clock, and I am 15 years old.

I hope you guys all liked it  .


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Image SkinCare Hydrating repair cream-Skin Care

Hydrating An individual Skin Care

style="display:block; text-align:center;"

Image SkinCare Hydrating repair cream-Skin Care-You have almost certainly heard by now that our bodies are created-up in huge part of water. Water is the principal component of skin cells, so it holds real that suitable hydration is important. Moisture material immediately effects healthful cell maturation and improvement, although strengthening circulation and shipping and delivery of nutrients. Image SkinCare Hydrating repair cream-Skin Care.

Image SkinCare Hydrating repair cream-Skin Care-Maintaining adeqaute ranges of bodily fluids is a should. As the medical doctor says, drink plenty of fluids and avoid liquids higher in caffeine and sugars.

Image SkinCare Hydrating repair cream-Skin Care

Caffeine is a diuretic that acts to deplete fluids and sugar is known to enhance metabolic process, both flushing nutrients and minimizing fluid ranges. It goes with out saying diet program and regular exercise and stopping smoking (if You do) are very useful.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

zevers Moisturizer

Bagaimana terlihat Cantik Tanpa Make Up

Artis Korea Cantik Tanpa Make Up-Rahasia Ahli Kulit Sehat dalam Menjaga Kesehatan Kulit. Menjaga kesehatan kulit merupakan kunci kulit indah natural. Kenali rahasia ahli kulit sehat dalam menerima kulit cantik, bersih, dan sehat.

Tahukah Anda? Kulit kita mempunyai siklus regenerasi tiap-tiap 27 hari dan menyebabkan penumpukan sel kulit mati yang perlu dibersihkan secara teratur dan dijaga kesehatannya. Pasalnya, sekiranya tak dibersihkan, sel kulit mati yang bercampur dengan peluh, debu, polusi, paparan ac, paparan sinar matahari, dan kotoran dapat memperburuk kondisi kulit Anda. Walhasil, kulit bisa kelihatan kusam dan tidak sehat. zevers Moisturizer

Tips Perawatan Dasar menjaga kesehatan kulit

Mencuci muka lebih sering bukanlah solusi yang tepat. Pencucian muka yang berlebihan bisa menyebabkan kulit wajah menjadi lebih kering dan memperbesar resiko terjadinya iritasi. Pastikan pembersih Anda tak mengandung alkohol

Jangan lupa pakai pelembab secara rutin. Pilihlah pelembab yang cocok keadaan kulit Anda. Dan perbanyaklah minum air putih, untuk menolong menjaga kelembaban kulit. Kekurangan kadar air pada tubuh, akan menyebabkan tubuh mengambil cairan dari kulit.

Selalu pakai tabir surya tiap hari saat akan berkesibukan. Penerapan tabir surya berkhasiat untuk menjaga kulit dari paparan cahaya sang surya yang bisa menyebabkan timbulnya flek serta penuaan dini. Sesuaikan tingkat SPF (Sun Protection Factor) dengan aktivitas Anda

Lakukan perawatan wajah secara teratur. Senantiasa bersihkan wajah sebelum tidur. Sebab sisa make up maupun debu yang melekat akan mengakibatkan penumpukan kotoran pada kulit wajah yang menutupi pori-pori. Tak hanya itu, Krem perawatan kulit malah tidak dapat diresapi secara maksimal oleh sel kulit.

Sebelum membersihkan wajah, pastikan tangan Anda dalam keadaan bersih. Cuci tangan Anda sebelum meraba wajah Anda.

Kecuali perawatan, konsumsi dan buah-buahan segar bisa memberikan nutrisi yang dibutuhkan kulit serta pembentukan anti-oksidan. Dan pastikan Anda minum air putih yang cukup tiap-tiap hari untuk menjaga kelembaban kulit.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

5 Artis yang lebih Cantik Tanpa Make Up

Muka Cantik Tanpa Make Up

Cantik Alami Tanpa Make Up-Rahasia Spesialis Kulit Sehat dalam Menjaga Kesehatan Kulit. Menjaga kesehatan kulit merupakan kunci kulit menawan natural. Kenali rahasia spesialis kulit sehat dalam mendapatkan kulit menawan, bersih, dan sehat.

Tahukah Anda? Kulit kita memiliki siklus regenerasi setiap 27 hari dan menyebabkan penumpukan sel kulit mati yang perlu dibersihkan secara teratur dan dijaga kesehatannya. Pasalnya, seandainya tidak dibersihkan, sel kulit mati yang bercampur dengan peluh, debu, polusi, paparan ac, paparan cahaya sang surya, dan kotoran bisa memperburuk keadaan kulit Anda. Alhasil, kulit bisa kelihatan kusam dan tak sehat. 5 Artis yang lebih Cantik Tanpa Make Up

Kiat Perawatan Dasar menjaga kesehatan kulit

Mencuci muka lebih kerap kali bukanlah solusi yang ideal. Pencucian muka yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan kulit wajah menjadi lebih kering dan memperbesar resiko terjadinya iritasi. Pastikan pembersih Anda tidak mengandung alkohol

Jangan lupa pakai pelembab secara rutin. Pilihlah pelembab yang layak kondisi kulit Anda. Dan perbanyaklah minum air putih, untuk membantu menjaga kelembaban kulit. Kekurangan kadar air pada tubuh, akan menyebabkan tubuh mengambil cairan dari kulit.

Selalu gunakan tabir surya tiap-tiap hari saat akan berkegiatan. Pengaplikasian tabir surya bermanfaat untuk menjaga kulit dari paparan cahaya sang surya yang dapat menyebabkan timbulnya flek serta penuaan dini. Sesuaikan tingkat SPF (Sun Protection Factor) dengan kegiatan Anda

Lakukan perawatan wajah secara teratur. Selalu bersihkan wajah sebelum tidur. Karena sisa make up maupun debu yang menempel akan mengakibatkan penumpukan kotoran pada kulit wajah yang menutupi pori-pori. Tak hanya itu, Krem perawatan kulit malahan tak bisa diserap secara maksimal oleh sel kulit.

Sebelum membersihkan wajah, pastikan tangan Anda dalam keadaan bersih. Cuci tangan Anda sebelum meraba wajah Anda.

Kecuali perawatan, konsumsi dan buah-buahan segar dapat memberikan nutrisi yang diperlukan kulit serta penyusunan anti-oksidan. Dan pastikan Anda minum air putih yang cukup tiap-tiap hari untuk menjaga kelembaban kulit.

hydration Skin Treatment products-Skincare

Hydrating An individual Skin Care

style="display:block; text-align:center;"

hydration Skin Treatment products-Skincare-An individual have most likely heard by now that our bodies are made-up in massive portion of water. Water is the principal component of skin cells, so it holds correct that proper hydration is crucial. Moisture material straight effects healthful cell maturation and advancement, although bettering circulation and delivery of nutrition. hydration Skin Treatment products-Skincare.

hydration Skin Treatment products-Skincare-Maintaining adeqaute ranges of bodily fluids is a must. As the doctor says, drink a lot of fluids and stay away from liquids high in caffeine and sugars.

hydration Skin Treatment products-Skincare

Caffeine is a diuretic that acts to deplete fluids and glucose is recognized to enhance metabolism, the two flushing nutrition and reducing fluid amounts. It goes without having saying diet and regular physical exercise and stopping smoking (if A person do) are hugely beneficial.

Nourish Skin Ultimate gold

Nourish Skin Ultimate gold -Nourish Skin Ultimate, Menepis Noda dan Kerutan

Kesegaran kulit kita Butuh dirawat. Situasi kulit yang sehat, halus dan lembut diinginkan oleh setiap orang, secara khusus Menurut anda kaum wanita. Kulit yang halus membikin anda tampak lebih muda, dan menarik. Juga untuk kaum remaja, kulit yang sehat, bersih jerawat dan halus adalah idaman mereka. Permasalahannya, situasi lingkungan, udara yang penuh polusi (asap kendaraan bermotor, pabrik) berakibat pada Kebugaran kulit anda. Radikal bebas dari cahaya ultraviolet juga bisa merusak Kebugaran kulit. Belum lagi unsur seperti konsumsi zat kimia dalam bahan makanan, dan unsur usia menyebabkan kerusakan pada kulit anda. Apa yang anda lakukan untuk mengatasi persoalan ini?

Satu lagi produk Kesegaran kulit dari Pharos, yakni Nourish Skin Ultimate. Nourish Skin Ultimate, temuan baru dari Pharos, suplemen kulit yang mengandung HA (Hyaluronic Acid). HA ini diakui sebagai salah satu pelembab kulit alami terbaik. HA akan memberikan kelembapan pada kulit kering. Kecuali itu kandungan lain Nourish Skin Ultimate ialah SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) ialah antioksidan alami.

Nourish Skin Ultimate, bekerja dengan sistem berikut :

Group asam amino menstimulasi kesibukan sel firoblast untuk memproduksi serat kolagen dan elastin, mewujudkan kulit tebal, kencang, lembab dan elastis. Hyaluronic Acid mengikat air 1000 kali dari volumenya sendiri, dengan ketersediaan air yang tinggi maka pengerjaan regenerasi sel kulit berjalan lebih pesat. Sel kulit tua dengan segera akan digantikan dengan sel yang baru, sehingga kulit akan lebih segar dan berseri. Kandungan zat antioksidan dapat mencegah kerusakan sel akibat efek radikal bebas.

Nourish Skin Ultimate, tepat sasaran untuk memudarkan flek hitam kulit, menghilangkan kerut, melembabkan kulit, mengencangkan dan mencerahkan kulit, mencegah penuaan dini.

Detil produk dari Nourish Skin Ultimate isi 60 Tablet

Menepis Noda dan Kerutan Nourish skin Ultimate, penemuan kreatif terbaru suplemen kulit pertama dan satu-satunya di Indonesia yang mengandung HA (Hyaluronic Acid) “One of the Best Natural Moisturizers” yang akan memberikan kelembaban pada kulit secara terus menerus, sehingga layak Demi kulit kering, ditambah SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) antioksidan paling alami.

Khasiat Nourish Skin Ultimate

Memudarkan flek-flek hitam
Menghilangkan kerut dan keriput
Melembabkan kulit kering
Mengencangkan kulit
Mencerahkan kulit kusam
Menghaluskan kulit kering dan kasar
Mencegah penuaan kulit

Komposisinya memiliki 4 faktor utama dengan fungsi : Asam amino Antioksidan tingkat tinggi Ramuan pelembab natural Vitamin dan Mineral Aman dikonsumsi rentang panjang, karena tak mengandung elemen hormonal dan terbuat dari bahan natural.